Do You Have True Strategy Know-How?

“Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.” John D. Rockefeller

Many times we believe we are being strategic … or so we think. Yet, too often we fall victim to regurgitating what has already been done with a slight twist. Most of us want to play it safe and are fearful of the proverbial “rocking the boat.” According to Wikipedia, strategy is a high level plan to achieve one or more goals under conditions of uncertainty. Based on this definition, without some boat-rocking, the new idea, program or plan won’t make a difference in the achieving the intended results. The challenge is, how do we elicit intended results, new ways of doing business, or new mindsets that have us enjoy our jobs, create new opportunities and succeed in face of uncertainty?

How to Create Great Results …

Mindset. This is where it starts … dealing with the uncertainty. It’s very easy to create a new idea, program or plan. But, without a “can do” mindset, it won’t happen. The challenge is, keeping a positive can do mindset from conception through execution, in spite of the uncertainty you may feel. To execute successfully requires keeping everyone on the same page, listening to your nay-sayers and handling their fears and concerns. Stay focused on the outcomes and the intended end results, despite any doubts, controversy or challenges. Put reminders in place to reinforce the “We can do it and we do it well” mindset. Some ideas to keep everyone moving forward are a quick daily team meeting, a post-it on your mirror, and a quick electronic update to the team and key supporters.

Team. No person can achieve high level results on their own. You need others to help plan, implement and execute anything. Make sure you and your team are on the same page by encouraging healthy dialogues, including addressing conflicts with respectful conversations. Train your team to work together and handle the administrative, financial, operational and people side of any project. Remember, to stay within your budget, which will force everyone to become resourceful. Stay in communication with your boss or board about the team’s progress! And, perhaps the most important action for you to take is to publicly appreciate and acknowledge each and every person’s contributions.  This one single action will stop saboteurs who don’t feel their contributions are valued.

Strategy. Again, if the goal is not something that will move a company, group or idea forward, it’s probably not a strategy. It’s simply a tactical, “feel-good” idea at the moment. Train your team to truly brainstorm by eliciting everyone’s ideas and thoughts. Do not short-change this most important part of the process by latching onto the first good idea or acquiescing to the most dominate team member. Ensure each person is aligned with the goal and do not change the goal to reflect your actual results! Put together the milestones and details before venturing forth. Run the high level strategy by a couple of objective mentors to see what might be missing (don’t forget signed Non-Disclosure Agreements). Regroup and address any important concerns before the launch date.

Execute. This can be the most difficult part of the process. Keep the right people on board who are aligned with the intended results and are aware of the progress. Remember, most employees, bosses and boards don’t like surprises, so make sure the I’s are dotted and T’s crossed.

Focus on the end result and communicate the benefits available for everyone (hint, do not focus on the bumps in the process, and remember there will be some if this is a new strategy). Make your strategy great, don’t settle for good enough.

©Jeannette Seibly, 2016

Jeannette Seibly is a great results-producer, and has been a business advisor and facilitator for over 23 years. She is laser sharp at identifying the leverage points that will take a business and its team to the next level of performance and success. Check out her website: or contact Jeannette for a free, confidential conversation at

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