It’s Time to Get Unstuck for Successful Results

Get Unstuck.2

-Are you unable to get started on a project?

-Has your project skidded to a halt and you don’t know why?

-Have you limited your career choices or has your boss derailed your career options?

-Do you wish you had different co-workers or bosses or clients?

-Have you ever over-thought an idea?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are using too much brainpower and spending too much time overthinking “why” you and/or your team are stuck. This cyclical thinking hurts progress and will continue to keep you stuck. And, if you wait too long to talk with the right coach, team members, resources, your options will vanish.

Deidre*, a corporate executive, was fired from her job. For the next 7 years, she felt stuck. Because of her past successes, she relied on past beliefs on how to make money. She bought a company…it failed. She worked in several low paying jobs where she became bored. The right opportunities to use her leadership experience and skill sets seemed elusive. She became more dispirited after listening to motivational techniques. She finally agreed to take a PXTS assessment and listen to her executive coach. The result … She started taking focused actions! She got unstuck! And, this all happened on the same day! She chose a new position from several high-level opportunities she was offered and is still there today.

*Note: In this story, Deidre represents many people I’ve talked with over the years that got stuck after leaving successful corporate jobs.

3 Great Ways to Get Unstuck and Move Forward Now

Talk it out. Share your “stuck-ness” with only a few trusted people and your executive coach. Otherwise, too many opinions will actually keep you stuck and hinder any progress. Stick with the facts of the situation. And, stay away from telling your story about “why” you feel the way you do. That will impede real progress. Instead, listen to the feedback you received from your trusted advisors and select one option. Remember, the right focused actions make all the difference. They are a magnet for attracting new opportunities … just like Deidre experienced in the story above.

Walk it out. Keep physically and mentally fit. Doing so will also keep your emotions more objective. While you’re stuck, stay committed to the end result and take the right focused action steps. Be aware of playing the blame game (e.g., economy, money, boss, customers, etc.). That will prevent you from becoming unstuck! Remember, it takes responsibility, resiliency, and flexibility to move forward.

Write it out. When projects or relationships become murky and confusing, stop! Breathe. Take the time to write out the following exercise to get unstuck and achieve the results you really want.

This exercise is simple…it’s only two questions: What worked? What did not work? To get the most out of this exercise, use numeric results. Example of what worked: increased sales by 10%. Example of what didn’t work: missed Q3 goal by 15%. Then, acknowledge yourself in the mirror for what you’ve accomplished. Now, you are ready to create a new game plan by addressing how to handle “missed results.”

©Jeannette Seibly, 2011-2019

Jeannette Seibly is an award-winning champion for people and results. For more than 26 years, she has guided bosses and teams to get unstuck quickly. Need help moving forward?  Contact Jeannette today for straight talk with dynamic results.

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