Leaders Need to Build Trust to be Successful

Listen.2Many leaders grapple with building trust. Yet, trust is critical in today’s ever-changing workplace. If employees or customers don’t trust you to take care of them, they will leave and find someone who will.

Employees and customers won’t trust you if you:

  • -Are unable to communicate in a positive and caring manner
  • -Find fault with others’ concerns and ideas
  • -Make decisions based on how you feel
  • -Fail to honor your commitments

If you are a leader that fails to consider others, you are training others not to trust you to do the right things the right way.

It’s important to understand that trust begins with you.

Trust starts with an awareness of how you ask questions, make your decisions, and honor your commitments.

Remember, trust is a building process with others that requires your daily attention.

Build Trust Each and Every Day

Be Present. When you multi-task or allow other distractions, you stop being present and hearing what is said. Active listening is crucial toward building trust. The quality of questions you ask and the decisions you make as a result of these interactions will build trust, or diminish it.

Honor Facts and Intuition. Intuition can be wrong due to your biases and other feelings that limit objectivity. But, 100 percent reliance on data can send you down the wrong path too. Remember, 90 percent of the world’s information is not on the internet, but, in people’s heads on how to make things work. Trust the process of building alignment from team members. Listen to a select few business advisors (too many will only create indecision). Yes, the process may take longer, but, trusting the process will save you a lot of time and money in the future.

Integrity. Honoring your word (whether you remember giving it or not) not only allows you to trust yourself it encourages others to trust you too. Be present and actively take part in conversations.  Always take time to complete conversations by asking, “To be sure I’m clear, what do you need for me to do?”

Successful leaders are open to building trust daily. When you practice being present, honoring facts and intuition, and honoring your word, the results will amaze you.

©Jeannette Seibly, 2019

For the past 26 years, Jeannette Seibly has been recognized as a catalyst and leadership expert. She has helped 1,000s of people create more fun, money, and inspiring results. To learn more about building trust, contact Jeannette for straight talk with dynamic results.

To receive our ongoing keys to your success, sign up to receive our weekly newsletter. When you register, you will receive FREE “How to Select the Best Coach for You!”

I Want My Success Now!

success.now.future.leaderDo you have the potential for becoming wildly successful? But, feel your success is elusive? You believe it’s not happening fast enough?

Just because you want your success now, doesn’t mean you’re ready for it.

Many potentially successful employees hurt their career opportunities when they:

  • -Are promoted or advanced too quickly
  • -Don’t have the resilience to learn from mistakes
  • -Fail to take the initiative to hire the right coach and mentor
  • -Lack awareness of the impact on others
  • -Rely only on themselves and don’t build a strong network
  • -Focus solely on the potential paycheck

“Yes, I want to have a bigger home, car, and bank account, but, I want to enjoy the process of getting there.” A Long-time Successful Business Owner

Pursuing a successful career is admirable. But, if you want to be happy and enjoy the process, there are three keys to success that you cannot overlook.

Three Timeless Keys for Faster Success

1.Hire the Right Mentor and Right Coach. Select a mentor from your company, profession and/or industry. The right mentor accelerates the learning process and guides you in building stronger relationships. Hire the right external coach. This person will confidentially talk you through upsets and build solutions for faster success.

2.Job Fit Assessments. Job fit is the number one reason people are successful (Harvard Business Review)! Sadly, many professionals pursue occupations they believe will make them the most money and make them happy. But, poor job fit doesn’t build a strong financial future or make you happy. Also, it can hurt your self-esteem and ability to bounce back after failure.  Clarify job fit by using a scientifically validated job fit assessment. Review the results with your mentor and coach. Focusing on the right job and career path now will speed up your success.

3.Stand-up and Speak-up. Raise your hand and volunteer for new experiences. Learn how to share your ideas.

Use opportunities to learn and grow. Raise your hand and:

  • -Be on a nonprofit board
  • -Participate in a cross-department company project
  • -Volunteer for a humanitarian interest group

And, develop your skills for success by:

  • -Listening more than talk
  • -Doing what you say you’ll do
  • -Influencing new ideas
  • -Appreciating others’ efforts

Remember, developing these three key success factors will help boost your success faster.

©Jeannette L. Seibly, 2019

For the past 26 years, Jeannette Seibly has been recognized as a catalyst and leadership expert. She has helped 1,000s of people create more fun, money, success, and inspiring results. Contact Jeannette for straight talk with dynamic results.

To receive our ongoing keys to your success, sign up to receive our weekly newsletter. When you register, you will receive FREE “How to Select the Best Coach for You!

How to Manage Your Emotions as a Leader


“Leadership requires taking responsibility for your feelings and reactions towards others. A momentary lapse can create a permanent impact.” Jeannette Seibly


Have you ever struggled with your emotions?

It can happen when:

  • -Employees don’t agree or have an emotional reaction towards you.
  • -You’ve had a meltdown after a bad meeting.
  • -You’re worried about the outcome of a project or the fear of being embarrassed.

Every leader has experienced these emotions. Successful leaders have learned how to effectively handle these emotions during difficult times.

“Emotions have power and that power can enhance or limit your leadership.” Unknown

Broaden Your POV

Improve your decisions...consider all the data. Employees will react when they don’t believe you’ve made the right decisions. Get all the facts. Instead of becoming defensive, understand “why.” Ask them, “What would you do to improve this decision?” Remember, your ability to make good objective decisions will address the facts and people’s concerns.

There will always be disagreements…it’s not personal. When employees disagree with you, lashing out in response or retaliation is not a good idea. Remember, other’s emotional reactions are not about you. To overcome upsets, use persuasive listening skills to clarify and build alignment for a new outcome. With a broader POV, you will stop taking sides regardless of your opinions.

People will challenge you…address quickly. Many take part in rumors or gossip without considering the impact on others. Normally, it’s due to feelings of insecurity and disempowerment, and/or hating their jobs and bosses. Often, it’s because they want your attention. Be aware that the perpetrators often turn into victims. If you don’t address the issues now, they will grow from small molehills into giant mountains!

Productive employees do not happen by accident…focus on employees first.  It’s up to you to create a healthy and happy workplace. Review coaching, managing and training programs to ensure they support employee success. Design benefit programs to provide for counseling, health, and wellness. Update your hiring and selection process to focus on job fit (the #1 reason people are successful in their jobs!).

Acknowledge your emotions…then, address them appropriately. Being a leader can be a lonely job. Hire a coach to confidentially share concerns and address issues in an effective manner. Also, engage in conversations with others. Stop talking at them. These simple actions will improve your relationships, remove biases, and help you develop compassion. Remember, you have a choice in the words you use to express your feelings.

Take responsibility for your emotions, expand your POV, and become a successful leader.

©Jeannette Seibly, 2019

For the past 26 years, Jeannette Seibly has been recognized as a catalyst and leadership expert. She has helped 1,000s of people create more fun, money, and inspiring results. Contact Jeannette for straight talk with dynamic results.

For weekly keys to your success, sign up to receive this weekly newsletter. When you register, you will receive FREE “How to Select the Best Coach for You!”

These Will Determine Your Success for 2019 and Beyond

SuccessI predict the skills that will be most in-demand in the future will be some of the hardest to train – resilience, resourcefulness, and flexibility. (Dr. Thomas Frey, DaVinci Institute, September 2018)

When reading the above prediction, many bosses, executives and leaders automatically think about how to train, hire, manage and coach their employees for these skills. But, it’s critical to remember… success starts with you!

Resilience: It’s important to expand and bring added value to your employees, customers, and company. Mistakes will be made along the way. Resilient leaders learn from them and move on. Otherwise, you become less effective and myopic in your POV.

Successful practices include:

  • -Delegating to and coaching others
  • -Listening to and using new ideas
  • -Utilizing critical thinking (e.g., ROI, strategy, impactfulness)
  • -Bouncing back from mistakes and errors
  • -Improving interactions and relationships

     Success Tip: What training and coaching do you need to expand your POV? Schedule it now.

Resourcefulness: Question whether or not you are doing the right things the best way for win-win-win outcomes. Being aware and taking initiatives to achieve successful results!

When working on projects for successful start and implementation:

     Success Tip: What do you need to develop real strategies that work? One idea is to bounce your         ideas off of a trusted business advisor.

Flexibility: When you are stubborn or believe how things “should” happen, you get in the way of success. Learn how to adjust for necessary changes and when to do so.

Successful change agents know:

  • -Be clear of the vision and mission of the company
  • -Make changes with integrity and honesty, which may not be the fastest or easiest way
  • -Stay in communication during the change process

     Success Tip: How can you embrace change to grow your employees, customers, and company?        Hire the right coach for you and your team!

©Jeannette Seibly, 2019

For the past 26 years, Jeannette Seibly has been recognized as a catalyst and leadership expert. She has helped 1,000s of people create more fun, money, and inspiring success. Contact Jeannette for straight talk with dynamic results.

How You Can Avoid Being Ghosted

Ghosted.work.2Many experienced business professionals were ghosted last year. It seems to be the tread for employees and other business professionals to avoid having important conversations.

What is ghosting?

Ghosting is now so prevalent that many use this behavior to avoid having conversations or saying “no.” They fear disappointing others. Also, it’s their way to avoid confrontations. They believe it’s easier to “ghost” than say, “no” or “I’m unhappy” or “I got a better job offer” or “I don’t agree.”

Most fail to realize the consequences of not having these important conversations. They use ghosting to experience a momentary feeling of relief or a surge of personal power. But, it never lasts. Ghosting can irrevocably hurt a person’s reputation because we don’t forget.

Encourage Open Conversations to Decrease Ghosting

Verbal Communication. Today, many employees need help with their communication abilities. Workshops and podcasts teach participants how to listen, ask questions, and engage voice-to-voice. Remember, texting and social media are not the same as actually talking to another human being.

Soft Skills Training. Training is crucial to build a resilient team. Teach them how to have tough conversations, make requests, and share concerns instead of ghosting. Create win-win outcomes to turn around poor performance. These are important, trainable, and learnable skills. As a boss, make it easy for others to share their ideas and frustrations with you. Remember, it’s better to know the issues up-front and work through them than to wait until you’re ghosted (than, it’s too late).

Emotional Intelligence. Many people today expect to be happy in work and jobs. They don’t understand that the grass is rarely greener elsewhere. They expect their job, boss, and company to become their happy-place. They forget happiness is an inside job, not provided by someone else. As the boss, encourage your employees explore other interests outside of work (e.g., gardening, writing a book, side gigs, etc.). Also, encourage them to become key employees within their workgroups as a way of improving life and job satisfaction.

©Jeannette Seibly, 2019

For the past 26 years, Jeannette Seibly has been recognized as a catalyst and leadership expert. She has helped 1,000s of people create more fun, money, and inspiring results. Contact Jeannette for straight talk with dynamic results.


Are You Ready for an Amazing Future?

Future.ReadyWith 2019 beckoning, are you ready to create an amazing future?

Start with focusing on what will support all areas of your life. Review your job, relationships, finances, personal pursuits, and other matters in your life. What needs improvement?

Remember, what you do today will impact the quality of your future opportunities.

Take Responsibility Now to Impact Your Future

Clarity.  Take time to know yourself and what your goals and values are. Write them down. Know they can change over time. Remember, success is an inside job. Broaden your focus beyond more money, bigger homes, or other material items. These won’t make you a happier person. Instead, make a commitment to honor what is most important to you, your family and your business.

Career Fitness. Job fit is still the #1 reason (Harvard Business Review) people succeed in their jobs. Do you fit your job? 70 percent would say “no.” Focus on building your strengths and be aware of the impact your strengths have on attracting new opportunities to grow.

Right Coach. The right coach helps you focus on what is most important. The right coach helps you achieve your goals faster and easier. Plus, along the way, you’ll make more money, have more fun, and enjoy unprecedented results too!

Get Your Brag On. Self-promotion is important today. It helps you differentiate your skills, education, and experience from others. Brag savvy awareness provides pay increases, promotions, and opportunities you deserve.

Appreciation. Speak up and share the value and efforts of others!  Say please and thank you.  Apologize for mistakes. Acknowledge each person’s efforts. These are simple examples of how to bring out the best in you and others. The rewards are amazing!

©Jeannette Seibly, 2018

For the past 26 years, Jeannette Seibly has been recognized as a catalyst and leadership expert. She has helped 1,000s of people create more fun, money, and inspiring results. Contact Jeannette for straight talk with dynamic results.

How to Provide Effective Feedback and Coaching

Feedback.CoachingA sales rep believed she was doing a great job because she hit her sales quota every quarter. However, her boss saw it differently. He believed she overreacted in situations. He blamed her for asking too many questions and not getting along with team members. Instead of giving her effective feedback and coaching, he let her go when sales hit an all-time low.

After she was fired from her next job, she hired a coach. They talked through the issues and she took a job fit assessment to learn more about herself and how to better manage her strengths and weaknesses. She learned that her communication style got in the way of her success, and how to resolve disagreements for win-win outcomes. She also learned how to stand up and speak up for herself when blamed. Now, she was ready for her next job.

Her newest boss was unafraid to talk straight and manage the dynamics of the whole team. Each team member was expected to respect one another and resolve conflicts in a win-win manner. This new boss was great at providing her with immediate feedback and laser-like coaching. As a result, she and her team members each excelled. They surpassed their team’s sales quota each quarter.

When bosses fail to provide effective feedback and coaching, employees fail to improve.

Providing effective feedback and coaching to teams can be tough…receiving it can be tougher. No one likes to hear they are doing their job wrong, even when are. Plus, everyone fails when bosses allow drama, gossip, and emotional meltdowns to get in the way of providing feedback and coaching. Even worse, when bosses wait…conflicts increase and customer satisfaction scores plummet.

As a boss, it’s important for you to remember some emotional reactions are normal during any feedback and coaching session. Instead of interrupting the conversation and failing to provide the needed insights, have a box of tissues handy. It’s your responsibility to set the expectations for your teams. And, it’s up to you to provide immediate feedback and laser-like coaching so each person can succeed.

6 Tips for Effective Feedback and Coaching

Talk Straight. It’s up to you to talk straight. Don’t let eye daggers, hand gestures, or inappropriate comments will get in the way of building a good team.

Be a Role-Model.  To encourage openness and honesty, you must be open and honest. Take responsibility for your actions and words. When you make a mistake, own it. Apologies work wonders. Guide your employees to do the same.

Practice Tough Conversations. Role-play with your coach before having tough conversations. Use mirror work to help you become more comfortable with delivering bad news. If you don’t sincerely want the person to succeed, you are not ready to talk with them. Keep practicing.

Get Real. Many employees want constructive feedback. And, would love to have a coach to help guide them! As their boss, get real and take responsibility for providing laser-like coaching and effective feedback.

Ensure Job Fit. Over 70 percent of employees don’t fit their jobs (Gallup). This leads to employee and boss frustration, unproductive work habits, and poor communication styles. In other words, job fit impacts everyone. When you use scientifically validated job fit assessments, you will get answers as to why employees excel and why they do not. These tools will give you what you need to provide effective feedback and laser-like coaching.

Create a Learning Environment. A well-designed learning environment creates more openness for feedback and coaching. Create micro-learning opportunities to develop technical and soft skills. Don’t forget to include sessions on moral responsibility, integrity, and honesty so everyone understands that every choice and decision has a benefit and a consequence.

When you make effective feedback and coaching a priority, your team’s results will skyrocket.

©Jeannette Seibly, 2018

For the past 26 years, Jeannette Seibly has been recognized as a catalyst and leadership expert. As an executive coach, speaker, and author, she provides straight talk with dynamic results. Improve your team’s results by learning how to provide effective feedback and laser-like coaching for each person’s success. Contact Jeannette for a preliminary confidential conversation.

How to Make Your Team’s Dynamics Successful

Culture 2Creating positive team dynamics is a skill that can be learned.Jeannette Seibly

Team dynamics will make or break any group. As a boss and leader, it’s important to learn how to manage work teams, projects, and boards to be effective. What you don’t know can sabotage you, sabotage your team members and sabotage your project. The key is to act quickly and objectively when team dynamics go off-track.

Over the past several decades, I have coached teams and leaders in managing 100’s of projects. Most were successful. Some were not. This article focuses on six key elements that make or break your team’s dynamics.

A sales team met as a group twice a month. There were members that took the time to develop good working relationships with each other. And, there were those whose excuse was they were too busy. When several team members began criticizing a top producer, many took sides without first getting the facts. Unfortunately, the VP of Sales failed to step in and resolve the issue. When the top producer left, so did several others. It didn’t stop the backstabbing. Sales plummeted. Finally, the CEO hired a business advisor to work with the new VP of Sales and remaining team members. They had a candid come-down-to-reality conversation and set up ongoing coaching sessions to stop the bad behaviors. As a result, their team dynamics improved…and so did their sales!   

The 6 Key Elements to Understand Group and Team Dynamics

The Basics. Establish the basic rules and guidelines so everyone can freely participate. Remember, whatever you set up, everyone will forget and need to be reminded.

Effective Meetings. Training your team on how to conduct an effective meeting is paramount. Bring in an outside consultant to provide annual training to get everyone on the same page. Don’t forget to include soft skills training (e.g., conflict resolution, building agreement, persuasive listening, etc.).  Note: High-performance teams have a coach available for objective review and input. It saves them time, money and eruptions from frustrated team members.

Lead by Example. Issues arise any time there are two or more people involved! When they occur, address them quickly and objectively. First, objectively review options and goals with your coach. That process will remove emotional barriers and create better decisions. Role-play difficult conversations and focus on win-win outcomes for everyone, not blame.

Deep Dive. When issues arise (and they always do), start with the following questions to focus on the issue.

  • -Did I handle the logistics appropriately (e.g., Is everyone receiving group notifications? Was the room or electronic conference setup before the start time? Did the meeting start and end on time. Etc.).
  • -Am I actively listening or multitasking by handling my electronic messages?
  • -Do I encourage new ideas or am I shutting them down prematurely?
  • -Am I addressing issues as they arise or hoping they will go away on their own?
  • -Am I encouraging team members to work through their differences or taking sides?
  • -Do I come prepared for the meeting?
  • -How did I do to prepare others for the meeting?

No Saboteurs Allowed. Be proactive when gossip, backstabbing, and other nefarious activities occur. Otherwise, the damage is already done by waiting too long. First, immediately talk with your coach to avoid creating a bigger issue. Then, use candid come-down-to-reality conversations to clean-up and create powerful team dynamics.

Acknowledge and Celebrate. Practice appreciation and acknowledgment of group members on a daily basis. Good team dynamics occur when you learn about each other’s activities and successes. Complete the exercise of what worked and didn’t work. Do this weekly, monthly and/or quarterly for best results.

©Jeannette Seibly, 2018

For the past 26 years, Jeannette Seibly has been recognized as a catalyst and leadership expert. As an executive coach, speaker, and author, she provides straight talk with dynamic results. Improve your team’s results by championing positive and effective team dynamics. Contact Jeannette for a preliminary confidential conversation.


Solutions Occur When You Develop a Curious Team


“When you shut down your curiosity, opportunities stop coming your way.” Jeannette Seibly

Curiosity is a strong desire to know or learn something. (Oxford Dictionaries)

People are born creative geniuses. But life, education, and societal norms squash the value of curiosity to try something different or new.

Many bosses and leaders have a vested interest in not rocking the boat or disrupting the workplace. So curiosity or “what if…?” questions are not encouraged. However, to be innovative and competitive today, you must engage your team in curiosity. Curiosity creates an opportunity for an endless number of solutions. In the process, it builds your company’s reputation and bottom line.

5 Tips to Build a Curious Workplace

  1. We often shut down new ideas out of fear they won’t work or need too much of our time. We limit new ways of thinking about things. During weekly team meetings, pick a topic and ask, “What if …” You’ll be amazed by the ideas your teams have been afraid to share. Capture these ideas by using flipcharts, post-it notes, or electronic brainstorming technology.
  2. Curiosity and idea generation are required to develop solutions. To encourage your team to share their light bulb moments, training is required. Training should include persuasive listening skills and how to conduct effective meetings. Companies that excel include a scientifically validated job fit assessment. These tools allow people to learn how to value each other’s differences and ideas.
  3. Curiosity can’t exist without awareness. It becomes a skill and not a threat to the status quo. Being curious allows for the question of “what if …” Expand this question by asking open-ended questions (e.g., who, what, when, where, why and how).  When you are dealing with nay-sayers, ask them for 5 reasons it could work. For Pollyanna’s, ask for 5 reasons it could fail.
  4. Be OK with Uncertainty. Curiosity has to include uncertainty. There are no guarantees. Unfortunately, fears of uncertainty or not knowing will stop most ideas from moving forward. Instead, use a system for developing ideas and conducting realistic ROIs. Stop allowing fear and indecisiveness to get in the way of moving forward.
  5. As the ideas start to flow, use technology to build a system for projects to work. This can uncover errors when the process gets stuck. Don’t forget to share your findings on why it will or won’t work early. Remember, while ideas may look good on paper, in reality, they may not work for your company.

When your team has a strong desire to become curious, your results will be amazing.

©Jeannette Seibly, 2019

Jeannette Seibly has been recognized as a catalyst and leadership expert for the past 26 years. As an executive coach, speaker, and author, she provides straight talk with dynamic results. Brainstorming new ideas is easy. Getting out of the way is not so easy. To create curiosity and develop new solutions with your team, contact Jeannette for a confidential conversation.

De-Stress and Focus for an Amazing Holiday


It’s the holiday season…often the most stressful time of the year. How do you manage work, family and all the other stuff you have to do? How do you minimize stress with so many holiday distractions? And, in your business, how do you focus to get the most out of Q4?

11 Ways to De-Stress and Focus for Success

Pick one now. Be bold. Do it now!

1.Prioritize and Rank. Not everything is a priority. Make a list of everything that you believe needs to get done. Circle the top ten. Now, cut the list down to the top three. Rank them 1, 2, and 3. Do number 1 now. When it’s done, move on to number 2. Now, it’s time for number 3. Celebrate the completion of each task. If you actually do this one, you’ll be amazed by how much you get done.

2.Let Go. Not everything needs to happen immediately. If you need to file or shred papers, get an oil change for your vehicle, or buy holiday gifts, schedule it. Then, honor that time with focused energy. Make your calendar your friend.

3.Delegate. Stop being a lone ranger. Consider, your employees may do a better job than you would…if you let them. It’s a great gift to them…trusting them to do the work you normally do.

4.Do It for 20 minutes. We all have dreaded reports and other activities that we hate to do. Try this. Do it for 20 minutes. Then, decide if you wish to spend another 20 minutes or schedule it for later. This approach works.

5.Excuses Be Gone. Too often, we create excuses about why we haven’t completed something. Stop doing this! These mental gymnastics energy deplete you and sabotage your energy. Create a mantra: “I can do this and do it now.” The secret is, take the first step.

6.Stop Multitasking. Make a commitment to get one thing done at a time. There is satisfaction in fully completing something. While it may seem like multitasking allows you to get more things done, it rarely works that way. For example, attempting a business conversation while you are grocery shopping only adds stress. And, you will miss important points during that conversation.

7.Walk It Out. Take 10 minutes, three times daily, to simply walk around, go up and down the stairs, and MOVE! Remember to breathe! While out and about, say, “Hi!” to people and smile. This is one of the quickest ways to de-stress.

8.Talk It Out. Turn your internal monologues into dialogues. Get them out of your head. Share your concerns with someone who can actually help you. Now is the time to find a business coach for 2019 who can help you stay focused and improve your effectiveness. The relief you will feel is priceless.

9.Write It Out. Studies have shown it is cathartic when people write down their fears, upsets, and frustrations. Writing helps get negative thoughts out of your head and provides insights. The key is to keep things private and not share your written journal with others. Again, keep this private.

10.Meditate. Take time to quiet your mind from the mental chatter and be silent for several minutes. Sit comfortably. Focus on breathing in and out. When thoughts appear—and they will—say, “Noise.” Don’t make these thoughts good or bad. This highly effective method reduces stress and improves focus. And, you will feel refreshed.

11.Brag. When you learn how to brag, it is a huge self-confidence booster. Keep your Brag statements up-to-date and review them any time stress doesn’t go away. Or, when you need a confidence boost. They are also great when requesting a promotion or pay increase. Complete your Brag! statements today.

©Jeannette Seibly, 2018

Jeannette Seibly has been a catalyst and leadership expert for over 26 years. As an executive coach, speaker, and author, she provides straight talk with dynamic results. Remember, reducing stress improves your ability to focus and produce intended results. Hire a coach for even faster results. Check out her website, or contact Jeannette for a preliminary confidential conversation.