“OMG … I had no idea how much it was costing me to hire the wrong person!”
DP, President, marketing company
You have no idea how much your poor hiring decisions are costing until you look at the real numbers.
How many of the following statements sound like you?
- • I never added up everyone’s hourly rate to see how much it really costs to hire and train new employees.
- • I just wasted six months of time, money and energy training a person who didn’t work out.
- • He looked the part and sounded great in the interview, but because of his poor customer service skills, we lost an important client.
- • I never realized that poor job fit costs the company so much money.
- • I would rather not have to think about stuff like this.
Knowledge is powerful. While there may be times you believe you will feel better just sticking your head in the sand, that will rarely improve your bottom line. When you can place the right employees in the right jobs, you will attract other great employees and new customers. Using qualified assessment tools for proper job fit will eliminate miscommunication, extensive (and expensive) training time, and poor job and company performance.
Now is the time to get real about hiring.
Submit your name and email below to receive this worksheet.
Then let’s talk about how to improve your ROI and
ability to attract and retain great employees.
Copyright Jeannette Seibly
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