Are Your Managers and Directors Effective Leaders?
(A 2-hour virtual workshop for small groups or individuals)
Do your managers and directors:
- Cut corners for success?
- Over promise and under deliver?
- Fail to listen to team members and customers?
- Push their own agendas at the expense of others?
- Fail to brainstorm, believing their ideas are best?
- Lack the patience or openness to receive or give constructive feedback?
- Rely on their intuition/gut when making decisions and overlook legal, human, financial, and other critical factors?
If you answer “yes” to only one of the above questions, it can dramatically hurt retention, revenues, and results.
What is Getting in the Way?
All managers and directors have blind spots. These weaknesses matter. Blind spots limit a person’s ability to manage others, navigate roadblocks, and achieve intended results. They lack clarity of how to work with and through their teams when issues arise.
The #1 way for managers and directors to recognize blind spots is to use objective, highly reliable, and valid data. This data may not align with how they want to be seen. But before elevating skills, leaders must have a “real picture” of who they are, and their inherent strengths and weaknesses.
The Essential Skills Addressed in This Workshop
All participants will complete the online PXT Select® assessment and receive a personalized Leadership Report.*
The PXT Select® provides objective, and highly reliable and valid data to support managers and directors to elevate their leadership and management skills:
- Creating a Vision*
- Developing Strategies*
- Ensuring Results*
- Inspiring People*
- Being Approachable
- Mentoring Others*
*A Wiley Brand and Copyright
Why the PXT Select®?
Know thyself first! The PXT Select® uniquely addresses thinking styles, core behaviors, and occupational interests. It has the world’s largest validation study, with superior predictive validity and reliability coefficients. The assessment results guide managers and leaders to elevate their effectiveness, achieve intended results, and increase productivity by 30 to 112 percent. PXT Select product brochure is available upon request.
Take-Aways from This 2-hour Workshop:
Each person will learn what it takes to:
- Level up their listening skills.
- Be open to constructive feedback.
- Focus on strong results by improving working relationships with anyone, anywhere.
- Adjust their style to include each and every person, and coach them accordingly.
- Elevate their confidence and ability to create win-win-win outcomes.
About The Presenter:
Jeannette Seibly is The Leadership Results Coach. She has coached 1,000s of leaders using the PXT Select assessment. In turn, her clients elevate their skills by working through sticky situations and challenging relationships. Jeannette’s credentials include over 30 years award-winning international experience as a management consultant, speaker, and business author. Her alma mater is Michigan State University, with both MA and BS degrees. Contact Jeannette for a confidential discussion.