Straight Talk with Immediate Results
“When I sat down with Jeannette, I clarified what I needed to remove to get out of my own way.Now, I’m on fire!”
– BS, Business Owner
Jeannette has an uncanny ability to identify and untangle clients’ roadblocks and get them focused so they are producing unprecedented results quickly. Bosses and employees are easily communicating with each other directly and clearly; productively collaborating to achieve strategic and tactical results; and confidently hiring the right people for the right jobs. And to her credit, three of Jeannette’s clients have become millionaires along the way!
She works with business owners and executives in a strategic advisory board setting to address business growth, conflict resolution, and right person in the right job. These resolutions are designed and developed to meet the company’s strategic plan, external and internal opportunities and challenges, and people strategies, now and in the future.
Contact Jeannette for a confidential conversation @ JLSeibly@SeibCo.com or complete our Getting Started Questionnaire.