9 Areas in Your Worklife Where You Can Make a Positive Difference


Most business professionals today seek a worklife that makes a positive difference. But, don’t know how to create it. Since you spend most of your waking hours at work … it’s important to take the initiative in how you handle work responsibilities, develop relationships and pursue goals. This gives you the opportunity to achieve other goals in your life too.

9 Keys to Create a Great Worklife

1.Stay Focused. Many imbalances today are due to allowing distractions and disruptions to get in your way. When having a conversation or participating in a meeting, put away electronic gadgets and listen. By actively participating, you can guide the direction and development of new products, systems and/or policies…reducing the stress normally caused by change.

2.Keep It Real. Many people today believe if they say something often enough it will become true. The reality is, saying it doesn’t change the facts. Talk straight. Learn the facts. Listen and incorporate people’s concerns when you are making decisions to ensure win-win outcomes.

3.Honor Your Word. The word integrity can evoke a lot of defensiveness. However, it’s important to get real about what you are promising and what you actually do! Actions speak louder than words. Nobody cares about your excuses. When you promise to return calls or send additional information, follow-up and follow-through quickly. Simply, do what you say you will do.

4.Prioritize. Remember, not everything is a priority. Make a list of everything that you believe needs to be done. Circle the top ten. Now, cut the list down to the top three. Rank them 1, 2, and 3. Do number 1 now. When it’s done, move on to number 2. Now, it’s time for number 3. Celebrate the completion of each task.

5.Delegate and Expect the Best. Your employees or co-workers won’t complete a project or task the same way you would. However, if you provide the training and address the purpose of the task, they usually will do it even better than you!

6.Hire Right. Incorporate objective data into your company’s strategic hiring process. It can and will make a positive difference in how you hire employees. Hiring right will also make a positive and significant impact on your relationships with employees, co-workers, boss, board, clients and vendors.

7.Schedule Time for You. Create a block of time each day for yourself and honor it. Read a chapter in a book, listen to a short podcast, dance to music, doodle, meditate, go for a walk, etc.  It’ll make a big difference in rebalancing you after handling a stressful project or situation.

8.Stop Avoiding Difficult Conversations. Be responsible for handling conflicts quickly and responsibly. Remember, listen to others and repeat what they’ve said before you offer your own opinions. When someone feels heard and valued, it will help in resolving any issue.

9.Hire a Coach. A sounding board allows you to talk confidentially about your concerns. It also helps you streamline your activities, provides a broader perspective when resolving challenges and reminds you that you matter.

Creating a worklife that makes a difference will have a profound and positive impact on your entire life. The time to make it happen is now!

©Jeannette Seibly, 2018

Jeannette Seibly has been recognized as a catalyst for the past 25 years. She is an executive coach, advisor and consultant who provides straight talk with dynamic results.  Are you seeking a worklife that makes a positive and profound difference? First, you have to admit you are committed to having one. Then, check out SeibCo’s website , or contact Jeannette for a free confidential conversation.

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