“Why are you interviewing for a job you have no interest in doing?” I asked a job candidate.
Her reply was shocking. “Everyone I talk with hates their jobs!”
While over 80 percent of people are working in jobs that don’t fit them (Gallup), it doesn’t mean you cannot take responsibility for making better career choices! These choices impact your future opportunities and paychecks!
There is a lot of pressure today from family, peer groups, and social media. Many believe it’s embarrassing to work in jobs where people get their hands dirty, or they are there to serve others (e.g., automotive tech, server). The truth? Many plumbers, food workers, and cosmetologists enjoy their work, and make more money and have less debt than those working in jobs they hate.
How to Choose Better Career Options
Stop buying into the myth. Mimicking successful people, especially those that claim to have get rich quick schemes, costs time and money you don’t have. Why? They are not you! Very few succeed. Along with losing money, you lose confidence and work experience that creates future opportunities in careers you would love.
Example: Allison exclaimed, “I want to be a millionaire.” This was after buying an expensive package showcased by a self-made millionaire. After countless months, accumulation of debt, and loss of confidence, she was unemployable.
Get real by using a qualified job fit assessment. There are thousands of assessments (many free or minimal in cost) that promise the right career direction. But you only get what you pay for!
Example: Tony worked hard to go from being a financial planner to a financial broker after working with a career counselor. Five years later, he had finally succeeded and only lasted a month before he quit. “I hate it! And feel I’ve wasted my life pursuing something that others expected me to do, and not what I really wanted to do!”
Clarify what you love to do. Write. Talk with people about their jobs. What do you like about their stories? Is that something you would enjoy doing? Ask questions to explore and learn. According to many different surveys, many of you will have seven or more different careers during your lifetime.
Example: Sally loved building and rebuilding engines. But her family frowned on that type of work for females. Instead, she got her college degree and worked in non-profit jobs that she hated; her paycheck and resume showed it, limiting future opportunities.
You will need to start at the beginning! Yes, learning the basics and developing the right attitude make a huge difference in the types of occupations, opportunities, and options available to you! In addition to developing your technical and financial skills, develop the all-important communication, critical thinking, and decision-making skills too!
Example: Rich believed he didn’t need to develop the basic skills required to be a chief financial officer. After all, bookkeepers and accountants were responsible for giving him the numbers. When he was unable to or incorrectly explained discrepancies and variances in the numbers, he was fired.
Get the right education for jobs that fit you and you really enjoy! Most educational debt today is due to getting degrees or certificates in “easy subjects” or in subjects that “interest you” (e.g., history). However, there is not a clear path or career plan of how to use it. Then, you’ll have to settle for any job you can get! Before getting a degree in any field, work in a similar job during school, internships, and summer jobs to see if that is what you really want to do!
Example: A woman was a caregiver for her mother. While there were days, she was exhausted, she enjoyed the work and developed a compassion for seniors. After her mother passed, she pursued a degree in nursing. And, is also exploring other medical assistant type jobs for future opportunities.
Look beyond your boss. Employees today claim to hate their boss, bowing to peer pressure and social media rants. Instead of leaving a job that you really enjoy, learn the skills to get along with him/her. It will determine your future! Remember, your boss’s primary job is to develop your skills to meet customer needs. It’s not to cater to your happiness like your parents and teachers were expected to do.
Example: A woman was sure she hated her boss and job. After talking with a coach, she realized it was because of her own poor communication skills she didn’t get along with the boss. After choosing to improve her skills, she became recognize as a high potential employee.
©Jeannette Seibly 2023 All Rights Reserved
Jeannette Seibly is a champion for bosses and teams delivering intended results. Does your company or department have a persistent problem? Jeannette’s depth of experience and wisdom guides clients to achieve intended dynamic results consistently! Contact Jeannette for a confidential discussion.
A note from Jeannette about choosing careers that offer future opportunities: Making career choices is difficult today. There is too much negativity about certain type of jobs that you enjoy doing, and huge financial debt for those pursuing college degrees for jobs they later learn they hate to do! If you’re interested in finding a career that you really, really, really enjoy, contact me!
The coach is in! Are you ready to build your confidence and success as a boss? A great boss works with an experienced executive coach as a sounding board. I have extensive experience and wisdom guiding bosses and leaders to hire, coach, and manage their teams. Along the way, they achieve unprecedented results. Contact me to learn more about my in-depth, one-on-one, customized coaching programs. Remember, when you have a coach, your effectiveness, influence, and confidence will accelerate.