Change occurs around us daily, whether we know it or not.
Many of us fear the impact change can have on our jobs and in our lives. Often, we feel helpless or become resigned.
Success anywhere in our lives must embrace change, not for the sake of doing or thinking differently, but, because it is required to achieve our intended results. Embracing change allows us to be open to new ideas, explore outside our comfort zones and seek new career opportunities, financial options and ways to improve the quality our lives.
Traps We Often Fall Into
While many people refuse to let go of long-held beliefs, even when they get in the way of our success, it’s important to transform our points of view to achieve intended results.
Procrastination. Waiting until the proverbial perfect time or until life intervenes with dramatic events is time wasted. Making important changes now will create a happier, healthier and more successful you.
Boredom. We often allow distractions and disruptions to get in the way of focusing, being silent and listening because we are bored. Disengaging from old patterns of thoughts and behaviors is required to create new pathways for results.
Fear. To avoid addressing our fears, we often unconsciously calculate a risk-aversion formula that keeps us feeling safe and secure.
When I was a kid, I hated cooked peas. While my enjoyment of these tiny green vegetables hasn’t changed, the risk/reward ratio is also very low. However, the risk/reward for engaging in difficult conversations with coaching executives offers greater risks … and provides greater rewards. My natural confidence boost and career satisfaction have been amazing … and, they have greatly benefited too!
Embracing Change Is an Inside Job
Remember, life is a process, not an event. When old habits reappear, practice self-compassion, don’t beat yourself up and move on!
Self-Insightfulness. Mindfulness, meditation and awareness allow us to address the “why” of our past, release these unconscious emotions and make changes more easily. Work with a coach or therapist to guide the creation of new personal and professional practices.
Forgiveness. Forgive yourself and others for what you have done or not done. While it may not be easy, let go of regrets when memories resurface. For example, if you need to repay a person, work out a plan to do so (e.g., repayment of money borrowed). Apologize if you upset someone. Get back into focused action after you’ve failed in a project.
Change the Energy. Revitalizing yourself is easier when you also make physical changes in your life. Change or alter your office, desk or cubicle … and, your personal living space too. Drive a new way to work. Greet each person you meet with a smile and “Hi!” Get a new job. Changes allow you to create new opportunities, and they can be fun and rewarding too.
Walk, Talk and Write It Out. Exercise, talk confidentially with a couple close friends and journal your thoughts and activities to make it easier to let go of the old and welcome the new. Remember, change may require modifications to your life (e.g., adopting a new puppy will require pet proofing your home).
Inner Power and Strength. Naturally developing these inner beliefs takes time and awareness. Resilience, acceptance and compassion are the keys to stop the old feelings of “helplessness” or “being controlling.”
Success anywhere in our lives must embrace change to transform our results.
©Jeannette Seibly, 2018
Jeannette Seibly has been recognized as a catalyst for the past 25 years. As an executive coach, speaker and author, she provides straight talk with dynamic results. Do you need to make changes? (Hint, everyone does!) Uncertain as to what to do? Don’t wait for the unintended consequences! Contact Jeannette now for a preliminary confidential conversation.
SeibCo’s 2018 Business Survey Results. Get your free copy now: “How to Achieve Success When 2018 Is Not Business as Usual“