Many people today are in a big rush and rarely slow down. They fail to understand and appreciate that what they do or don’t do leaves a long-lasting impression on others. ALL of our actions, words, attitudes and behaviors impact everyone: clients, co-workers, bosses and customers’ clients, family and friends! Lack of awareness of how you impact others will limit your business growth now and in the future.
Do These Sound Familiar?
- -A boss conducts a cursory interview of a candidate and hires him. Within two weeks, the new employee starts complaining about his job, co-workers and company. The boss claims it wasn’t his fault … the guy is a bad employee.
- -A group of entrepreneurs wants to release a new product and is looking for funding. Instead of fine-tuning their offering by listening to feedback from potential investors, they keep looking. Their excuse is “No one gets it.”
- -A speaker fails to review the information sent by his boss for a presentation. As a result, the employee bored the Board and blamed his boss for not being clear about her expectations.
- -A resident smokes tobacco and non-tobacco substances in her apartment even though the signed lease says smoking is forbidden. Anytime a complaint is made, the woman claims she doesn’t smoke and points the blame on neighbors or right back on the people complaining.
Consider the Following When You:
Create a new product or service and announce it without conducting proper due diligence. There is a cost (tangible and intangible) because of poor planning and execution (e.g., the ability to attract new customers, retain current employees, etc.).
Write an email or new policy and fail to proof it. Customers and others will push back when you haven’t done your homework and have failed to communicate clearly and concisely.
Put together a presentation (or wing it) and fail to follow the guidelines provided by your boss or event conference planner. It is unlikely you are going to add value without preparation.
Fail to check links and test the instructions before sending them to customers. There will be problems. This carelessness creates additional work for others and impacts their job satisfaction, the time required to complete their own work. This can easily be prevented by having someone else edit or review your work.
Post information without checking its validity, or gossip. People will learn they cannot trust you and will stop listening to you.
Deliberately lie to save face or retain a customer. Know that eventually the truth will surface and your excuses will rarely make a positive difference.
Move too fast for your team to keep up with you. You’ll leave them behind. It’s important to elicit the best from them and encourage them to give their best in order to avoid high turnover and low morale.
Get upset when feedback is provided. Get over it! Instead, say “thank you.” Feedback is a great way to learn from mistakes so you don’t repeat them.
Slow down and take the time to get it right the first time. Understand you do impact others, their customers and so on. When you make more work for others, it creates a negative impression on your company and on you, and it’s a difficult reputation to overcome!
©Jeannette Seibly, 2017
Need an engaging presenter for a trade association event or a facilitator to resolve a company issue? Contact Jeannette.
What are your brag factors? How do you share them in a business-savvy manner? Sharing your successes in a business-savvy manner will help you close sales, receive promotions and increase your paycheck. Get your copy of It’s Time to Brag! Business Edition.
Jeannette Seibly has been a business advisor and executive coach for over 24 years; along the way, she’s guided the creation of three millionaires. She is laser sharp at identifying the leverage points that will take a business and its team to the next level of performance and success. She also has extensive experience providing strategic counsel on ways to avoid negatively impacting others. Check out her website, or contact Jeannette for a free confidential conversation.