Got Leadership Credibility?

What happens when busy leaders fail to create credibility for themselves and their company? This failure impacts them personally and professionally. It influences the loyalty of internal and external customers. If the marketplace’s perception is that the business, their products or services are untrustworthy, this perception drives purchasing decisions whether the perception is accurate or not.

As a leader, your employees emulate you.  If you make poor business decisions or fail to develop good managerial skills, your employees will not have any incentive to act differently.

The key is to honor:

  • Your word. Follow through. “I’m too busy” is one of the biggest excuses busy professionals use to justify their behavior. Have you considered, if you’re too busy to follow-through, you’re probably too busy to provide the quality of products and services promised? Get yourself well-organized to keep track of your commitments. Find the money to hire necessary support. Develop a dependable system and follow it.
  • Your company’s vision and mission. Consistently make decisions that follow and support your company’s values. Implement them in a manner that promotes positivity.  Too often we follow our ego (aka as our own self-interests) and this quickly limits sustainable company growth. Others will shy away from doing business with you if they perceive association with you could limit their own success.
  • Your intentions. We judge others by their behavior and ourselves by our intentions. What are your intentions? Are you conscious of them when making decisions that impact others? Most people make decisions based upon the tiniest fragments of information. As a leader, this can be excruciating painful if you need to defend yourself against the facts! Apologize and admit when you are wrong. Encourage others to provide you with their opinions and fact-based solutions in the future. Make good decisions; your credibility hinges upon them.

(c)Jeannette Seibly, 2011

Working with an Egocentric Boss

Yikes! Many of us have had to work with self-centered leaders. Some find a way. Unfortunately, many employees or co-workers who are unable to develop a good working relationship simply leave. Others, even though they find their jobs dissatisfying, stay too long. This type of boss can easily thwart the clarity and fulfillment of the company’s goals. S/he can unwittingly create legal ramifications (e.g., bad decisions, perceived discrimination, etc.), but taking a legal approach rarely makes a positive difference for anyone. Being a bad boss or leader isn’t illegal!

We conducted a short survey, and those participants who had experienced working with egocentric bosses told us these leaders had a greater tendency to transfer blame, yet accept the credit for others’ accomplishments! They were perceived to be highly manipulative and made poor decisions that created additional problems for the organization or clients.  Men were described as callous, immature, emotional and bullies, while women were described as back stabbers and “b’s.”

Employees and co-workers say this type of leader avoids talking straight and being honest. S/he doesn’t respect others. They continue voicing opposing points of view or belittling others with differing opinions, even after everyone else moved on. These bosses fail to listen to both sides of an issue before making their decisions. They tend to value secrecy, avoid others and pit people against one other, causing high turnover and mistrust throughout the company.

Here are five ways to help you work with them:

Don’t Label Them. We label their behavior and attitudes (e.g., no integrity, “b,” etc.) and expect them to readily understand our frustration. Many times we do this to vent. Unfortunately, it rarely makes a difference. Instead, use this approach: Describe the issue by telling a story or sharing an example with them, or your mentor. Keep it simple. Be patient and be a parrot (repetition of points).

Give Up False Beliefs. You can’t fix and change them. It’s a fact. There are no magic words or methods to transform these types of bosses, or any boss who is perceived as bad. They have to really, really, really want it, for any change to happen! Acceptance that they are the way they are will reduce your stress and may allow you to more effectively work with them.

Practice Your Presentation. During your preparation, have someone play devil’s advocate. It reduces your anxiety and allows you to be calmer and clear when you make your presentation. As you would do with any boss, good or bad, be sure to provide information in the manner they understand best (e.g., graphs, written descriptions, pictures, stats, etc.). Also, you may need to hire your own coach to either learn how to respectfully yet confidently assert your point (even if you realize it could cost you your job) or how to leave if the situation warrants it.

Provide Meeting Agendas. Be certain to follow that agenda. Take great meeting minutes and distribute within 48 hours of the meeting. When you are required to provide ideas or recommendations during a meeting, ask for others’ input. This is critical if the boss is being dismissive of your contributions. Unfortunately, this type of management style makes it difficult for a team to provide critical input, particularly, if it wasn’t his/her idea first. Often outside guidance on how to fulfill the company’s strategic goals is required to help navigate the company’s growth.

Hire An Outside Coach. It allows the egocentric boss to hear other ideas without losing any sense of power. Make this suggestion to your boss, or have someone who has influence recommend this to him/her. The right coach makes a positive and profound difference. While most bosses have management styles that can be improved, suggestions and coaching to facilitate that improvement needs to come from a respected source, preferably outside the company.

There can be a silver lining:  One Director hated his boss, a VP. Everyone else found the VP difficult to work with too (aka egocentric).  Under the guidance of his coach, the Director had a conversation to clear the air with the VP. He started treating his boss with more respect. Very quickly he became viewed as one of very few people who could work well with this VP. Others began to come to him for guidance. As a result, the President saw this profound difference and offered the Director a lucrative opportunity.

(c)Jeannette Seibly, 2011

Hate delivering dreaded news?

Delivering bad news to your boss, team, customers or co-workers can be difficult. How do you frame this information and deliver it in a manner that instills confidence, loyalty and commitment to make the necessary changes?

Facts.  What are they?
Describe a general overview of the problem. Explain the impact factually. Include how it may affect not only the organization but also individuals, personally. Be sure to address issues that make a difference to your boss, which may be different than the message you provide to your team and co-workers.

Solution. What do you propose as the solution?
Why would this solution work? What is required, and of whom, to make it work? What is the financial impact? First, prior to meeting with your boss for his/her approval, share the issue and listen to ideas from a select few co-workers and team members.  This selective process will save you from having too many ideas, which causes an inability to move forward – inertia! Next, provide a full and timely picture to your boss, including proposed solutions along with pros and cons and other implications. Finally, share this precise
plan with the entire impacted group, asap.

Act ethically.  Stick to the facts.
Too often when communicating bad news, there is a tendency to either sugar-coat it, or make it sound worse than it may be. It is critical at this juncture not to undermine others’ confidence in your ability to resolve this bad news. Develop a centered approach; balance facts and the feelings the situation stirs up. Accept responsibility. Let your boss and others know you are committed to follow through to a successful resolution. Most importantly, do exactly that. Follow it through. Do not quit until you achieve the proposed resolution. Keep others appropriately apprised of the progress.

How have you handled delivering bad news?  Leave your comment below.

©Jeannette Seibly, 2011

Transitioning to a New Role

You’re excited. You’ve worked hard and you’re ready for the next challenge! Your reward is a promotion or lateral transfer into a new department, maybe working for a different boss. Now what? How do you make the transition easy and successful? 

Honeymoon Period. Even though you’ve been with the company for a while, there will still be a honeymoon period while you learn how to work with your new co-workers, boss and clients. You will hit a wall if you don’t take the time to learn their way first! Make time to meet with your boss, even if it’s the same one, as soon as you start in your new position.  Clarify from your boss’s standpoint what it will take to be successful in 30-60-90 days. Meet with co-workers at the office, go out to lunch or take breaks with them.  While there may be technical jargon and systems to learn, your success will be determined largely by your people savvy.

Don’t forget your former co-workers. Keep in touch. You never know when they can be a fast and easy resource to help resolve issues. It pays to not burn bridges.

Demonstrate your abilities slowly. You will demonstrate your abilities faster by listening more than talking! 99% of the information you need to be successful is in other people’s heads. Remember, they know their job and most probably think they know yours, too. You’re still learning. Don’t move too fast in resolving issues that appear to be “no-brainers.” These may be sacred cows that can quickly halt your success. Keep your opinions objective. Limit how often you share them until after you’ve proven yourself on the job.

©Jeannette Seibly, 2011

Pro-Activate Your Inner Rebel

Companies often do not want to keep employees who do not conform. Just look at the myriad of policies, procedures and the many unwritten rules on how to conform to get along. Yet … there are books and movies about wildly successful entrepreneurs. They were once employees themselves. Employees who challenged the status quo within corporate America in order to create a big win, either for themselves or for the company.

How do you offer a challenging voice? What if you see a way to avoid strategic and tactical maneuvers that will not work? How do you push innovation when the company is fearful of operating outside the norm? How do you manage your boss who believes nothing will surpass him/her? The good news is that leaders – every one of them – has a rebel inside. The challenge is, how far you can let your rebel loose without triggering career derailment?

Poke Holes in Strategies. Play devil’s advocate by asking business questions that may not have been considered. Remember, nothing is perfect! However, be careful not to criticize people, their values or their apparent inability to think outside the box! Acknowledge their contribution, regardless of the flaws in their logic. With some development, these flaws could bring about an out-of-the box solution! Or, at a minimum, become stepping stones on which to build a solution and get everyone on the same page.

Know when to step back. Going too far can result in a backlash, even if you’re right. Know the issues, who is pushing them and why. Have one-on-one conversations to determine win-win resolutions or at least, options everyone could live with. Sometimes your inner rebel sees too big of a picture. You need to be willing to take smaller steps to get everyone in sync! Reduce fear of change with communication and reinforcement; it can be impossible for others to see where you are going without showing them your map.

Celebrate! Have a celebration for everyone on the team. Acknowledge what worked. Write down objective reasons on what didn’t word for future modifications. Remember, it’s a team effort that provided the results. They will acknowledge you as their leader if you take the time to appreciate their contributions.

©Jeannette Seibly, 2011

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Waiting for the leadership fast track?

You may be waiting in vain. If you’re expecting formal authority, a title, compensation, perk or some other official designation, you probably have a VERY long wait. Tomorrow’s leaders step up and make positive differences today. They bypass others because they do not wait until they’ve gathered the credentials, experience, education, etc. They prove their ability first, and then are awarded by promotions and financial compensation.

Perception is reality. Up and coming leaders take the initiative. They make suggestions and act upon them, regardless of their position. They make it easy for others to work with them by creating win-win outcomes. If they don’t have the experience, they go get it now by learning from others (e.g., working with a mentor, or hiring a coach). They use scientifically validated assessments to clarify their strengths and operate accordingly. They are seen by others as the person to count on to get projects completed or issues resolved.

Network for success. What’s the fastest way to be recognized as someone with leadership potential within your own company? Join outside community, trade or industry associations. Get involved with committees or take a position on the board of directors. Show up at meetings. Learn how to influence others by using a balance of factual and people skills. Don’t rely solely upon your passion as the selling point for your ideas. This shows management and workers you know how to work effectively with others.

Professional savvy. Adopt the motto: Listen and learn! Use appropriate manners. “Please” and “Thank You” help in any situation. Be open to building upon others’ ideas to create sustainable results. Respect others and their experiences to help you gain credibility quickly. Learn to work with and through others to achieve an outcome everyone can live with, even if there is not 100% agreement. But beware of bypassing your boss or team members when you don’t agree – that’s the fastest express to career derailment! Leadership success is achieved more upon your people savvy than your technical expertise.

(c)Jeannette Seibly, 2011

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What do you do when someone reneges on a promise?

Have you ever worked with someone (e.g., boss, co-worker, customer or vendor) who promised to deliver by a certain time and date, and failed to do so? And, kept failing over and over to keep their word? Some may not even remember making the promise, relying upon a false memory. Worse? They may use their position (e.g., being the boss, government official, etc.) to exonerate their lie. You may even have the agreement in writing. Yet, that doesn’t help you achieve the results you need for your company or meet a critical project deadline. How do you handle this bad behavior (if ongoing)? How can you minimize or prevent future miscommunications?

Take notes. Too often we believe we’ll remember what someone else has said. The problem?  Most human beings are very poor listeners, including you! They’ll even excuse any written agreements or emails by saying, “I was too busy and simply skimmed it.” Or, “I was simply agreeing with you!” HUH? When we are negotiating and setting up any type of agreement with another person, we need to stop(!) multi-tasking and focus 100% on what is being said. Clearly establish the “By-When” date and time the product or project will be completed and delivered. Set up checkpoints to monitor progress at the beginning and make any necessary adjustments as you go along, together. Include any additional specifications or verbal agreements outside the original agreement. Review immediately with the other person before moving on to other topics or concluding the meeting. 

Talk it out. Too often when something is not working out as expected, there is apt to be a barrage of emails back and forth. This will rarely resolve an issue since most can be easily misinterpreted. Is there a concern that your client doesn’t feel comfortable expressing? Is there a consequence to them if they admit to a mistake? Is there an unreasonable expectation that simply cannot be fulfilled? You’ll never know unless you ask. Don’t be afraid to discuss and see what win-win outcome(s) can be created. After the project completed, meet face-to-face with the person to resolve any residual concerns. Simply blowing it off will rarely prevent it from happening again, with this person or another!

Our critical ego. Too often we label the other person when problems occur. We tell others the person(s) doesn’t have a high level of integrity, a value. Others may or may not agree with your assessment; however, if they act upon it, it can create a liability for your career or your company. Be careful using words like “integrity,” “ethics,” “need to forgive,” etc.  These are hot buttons today. If you push any one of them, there will probably be an explosion. Instead of playing this no-win game of finger pointing (remember every time you point a finger, there are three fingers pointed back at you), focus on the needs of the project. Work through the issues or concerns to resolve them in a win-win manner.

©Jeannette Seibly, 2011

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Why doesn’t your Winning Formula always work?

We all love to win. We get upset with any set back and perceive it as failure. We fail to realize that some failure is inevitable. It is simply part of the process to achieve results! Instead, we take these perceived failures personally and blame ourselves, bosses, co-workers and clients. We fail to listen to others, falsely listening to our own ego at the expense of the company. So instead of learning from others and moving through the “issue,” we halt new ideas, projects or long overdue resolutions. (Think: slamming shut an iron door!) Many times, we keep failing over and over, yet hope for different results. It’s time to move out of this quagmire.

Get others on the same page. Allowing others to cause you frustration is not being responsible for your own inadequate interpersonal or project management skills. It means you need to help others get on the same page with you. Enable them to be part of the solution. At times you will sound like a parrot, saying the same thing over and over! It’s your job to include team members, even if they don’t behave in an ideal fashion. If your boss or co-worker(s) has a tendency to thwart your progress, keep him/her apprised of your plans and the actions taken to-date. Unfortunately, if you have a boss who is fearful of failure, he will listen more closely to the nay-sayers. If it’s a co-worker with an “ax to grind,” you may need to reconfigure his/her input with the team. Regardless, you are responsible for selling the project‘s intended outcomes, financial results and impact on the company. The key? Be clear. Be consistent.

Step outside your comfort zone. We falsely believe working beyond our usual comfort zones might give others power or the ability to win over us. We hold on dearly to attitudes, behaviors and other destructive patterns that ultimately limit our winning effectiveness. The truth is, in order to gain and retain a competitive edge in the marketplace, we must repeatedly achieve results outside the norm. The key is to simply acknowledge discomfort, and be accountable for your role in achieving the results. If you focus on the end results, yet still keep your eyes on the current situation, you will find the answer. Communicate often with your team members. Then they are more likely to join in and help create a winning outcome.

Have you reached your Peter Principle? “Every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence.” (Dr. Laurence J. Peter and Raymond Hull, The Peter Principle, 1969.)  Unfortunately, if we lack the depth and bandwidth to effectively do our job, we will blame others for our lack of skills and lack of results. The key is to hire a coach. Use a validated 360-degree tool to help clarify inherent strengths and weaknesses from others’ perspectives. A good tool will also provide additional training and coaching information to develop key leadership skills. Develop three-month goals and Focused Action Plans. Do the work; there are no short-cuts! If a project’s results are less than expected, take it in stride; you will plan differently next time. Remember, failure is a great opportunity to learn successful skills we otherwise would have ignored!

©Jeannette Seibly, 2011

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Ah-ha’s can be used successfully

Many of us experience ah-ha’s. As a result, we may develop a more positive attitude towards our jobs or clients. We might undertake an uncharacteristic, proactive role in resolving an issue or we may simply see a former blind spot that was getting in our way of being an effective leader. Too often, we realize we sincerely want to change and utilize our new insights. We say we’re going to do something. But unfortunately, we never do.

What’s an ah-ha or insight? Usually it’s an intuitive moment that has no real objective basis. It can be fleeting if we’re unaware. For example: You attend a seminar and suddenly realize you have poor listening skills. The challenge is follow-through. Even though you might write it down, it is forgotten come next week. Or you might remember it but don’t take any actions in a timely way to reinforce it (Think: maybe on Monday I’ll start to use my new listening skills. But by Monday nothing is farther from your mind.). These insights can disappear quickly if we don’t take concerted action. Paradoxically, it does no good to take action too quickly, without the reality of a focused action plan (e.g., decide your boss is the wrong one and quit).

It’s a three-step process. Too often we believe our ah-ha’s are the event! The end of all our current problems. We become “navel gazers” and simply wish to revel in the good feelings. Then, we get upset when that ah-ha disappears, or stops providing the difference it did when we first recognized it. First, understand an ah-ha is simply the start of a new journey. We don’t know where it will eventually lead. Second, put together a focused action plan. It’s not recommended that you submit a letter of resignation without having planned for the reality of being unemployed. Don’t restructure your department at work believing it will end all of your problems without taking into account all the ramifications a restructuring brings. Third, take action on your plan, step-by-step, after talking with your coach or boss to assess the details.

Share appropriately. We’re so excited by our new revelations. We tell everyone and insist they do the same! Unfortunately, it’s a great way to lose credibility at work, particularly if you’re the boss. Respect the fact that others may have a different view of your ah-ha, and it might not necessarily be a positive one. When sharing, share what actions you’ve taken and the difference it made for you. Do not insist others should have the same experience or perspective. They rarely do.

Balance human insights along with the more objective factual ones. The secret is to ‘try on’ your ah-ha immediately. When you buy a new coat or hat, you ‘try it on’ first. For example: ‘Try on’ the idea of being self-employed or living somewhere else. Talk with others first. Find out the realities (e.g., no steady paychecks, must be able to sell your product or service via human interaction, no friends or family close by, subtle cultural differences, etc.). There is no magic bullet in any new venture. It will take work. For more personal attributes, realize your old habits can be difficult to break, no matter how destructive they may have been. Consciously work with your new insight for 21 days. If that seems too confronting, take 20 minutes per day. Be open to fine-tuning with your coach or boss. Together, develop plans to build for future successes (e.g., join a community Board, be a team lead on a project, learn a new skill in accounting or human relations, etc.).

Putting your ah-ha’s into action can make a long-term difference!

©Jeannette Seibly, 2011

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Creating Excuses vs. Creating Results

Have you ever noticed? People are a lot better at creating excuses than they are at creating results!

They know if they don’t create a great story or rationale for not achieving results, they’ll look bad. Unfortunately, they fail to understand that failing to achieve required results hinders their company’s success in the marketplace. It hinders their own ability to transform their company, customer relationships and projects. Worse yet, this type of failure can derail their career irretrievably. 

It’s contagious. The biggest issue with allowing excuses to plague the board room is that excuses are merely rationalized reasons for failure. Some are very well rehearsed and we automatically buy into them, at the expense of ourselves and/or the company. We buy into them for various reasons (e.g., we like the person, we’re glad it’s them and not us on the hot seat, we have no idea how to get the results, we have no interest in the project or fear getting involved, etc.). Even the best of us can fall into using the “it’s not my responsibility” defense. Sadly, when this mindset spreads and permeates the company – as often happens – everyone has an excuse to give up. Set aside failure as fate accompli. Ask business questions that are on point and not just talking to talk. The answer is there! Brainstorm and listen for the gold.

Check all the boxes. Simply checking all the boxes isn’t going to move you ahead if you don’t include the human element in your checklist. Too often we focus solely on the material side of a project and forget the people involved. Or, we get so focused on the “feel good” of the project, we neglect making the hard decisions required (e.g., positive ROI). When we bypass setting up a tracking system to hold everyone accountable and manage poor attitudes, we derail progress. Use a business mentor to ensure that the milestones and focused action plans support the declared goal (think, impact on bottom line). Many times it may only require a slight change to get back on track. Other times an entire re-design may be necessary. Either way, do what you must to ensure forward progress.

Close the loop. As a boss or team leader, we fail to follow-up on the progress needed to achieve the results required. Our excuses: We’re too busy! We allow limited thinking or territorial issues to get in the way of doing the right thing the right way. Many times we make the process harder than it needs to be and buy into false accomplishment. Learn to truly listen to others. This is particularly important when you don’t want to listen or if they don’t seem to be making sense right away. There is an answer. To move progress forward during a meeting, write-up an agenda and follow it! Create a sense of immediacy and encourage engagement by distributing minutes (with assignments determined during the meeting!) within 48 hours.

How do you design a plan that works? How do you create unprecedented results? Learn how. 5D ResultsTM to be released soon!

(c)Jeannette Seibly, 2011