Three Styles that Will Ensure You’re Doomed as an Executive!

Growing a business requires developing your people! Without them, you are doomed to fail as an executive! To be successful and effective, you must be able to elicit the best in others and focus on what’s important.

Three styles that will doom your effectiveness:

  1. Failure to motivate. While you cannot motivate others that are unwilling to move forward in their careers, you still have the responsibility to offer them opportunities. Laser-like coaching can make a positive impact. Remember, you’re responsible for each team member’s success. When you believe in each person — even when they don’t believe in him- or herself — unprecedented results can occur.
  2. Assess blame. While you are busy finding fault with others, they are busy doing the same! Taking responsibility trumps blame every time! Hold yourself and others accountable for results, as a team. Remember, straight talk, not what you believe others want to hear, is the key to moving forward together.
  3. Micromanage the team. When you become a cog in the wheel of progress, mischief happens. The wheel breaks down. Focus on the results and trust your people to get their jobs done well. Spot check by asking the right questions to ensure systems are being followed and updated when necessary. While it’s important to keep your eyes on the goal, having a well-trained team that takes focus action is also critical for success.

By developing your ability to effectively manage and motivate others, you and your employees will flourish and thrive.

©Jeannette L. Seibly, 2015

Need to transform your management practices? Contact me before it’s too late!

Jeannette Seibly is an internationally recognized business advisor. For the past 23 years, she has helped thousands of people work smarter, enjoy financial freedom, and realize their dreams now.  She has an uncanny ability to help her clients identify roadblocks, and help them focus to quickly produce unprecedented results.  Each client brings their own unique challenges, and her gift is helping each one create their success in their own unique way. Along the way, with her commitment, she helped create three millionaires.

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Would you allow 2 miles or 2 minutes to get in the way of achieving your results?

Unfortunately, many of us do. We are afraid to ask for help or clarification on a project, or get a reality check on an idea. We won’t ask for directions on how to get to a meeting.  We don’t plan or prepare for meetings, rationalizing we are too busy. After a networking meeting, we don’t take two minutes to connect via email or LinkedIn.  These lost opportunities cost companies millions!

A true story! When someone was late for a meeting due to lack of planning on where the restaurant was located, they simply gave up. They didn’t use technology (411 (directory assistant), GPS, or MapQuest). The restaurant was only 2 miles away!

Question: Would you work with someone who gave up so easily? What opportunities were lost? 

Answer:  We’ll never know!

Get in focused action. Stop rationalizing why you don’t want to or shouldn’t have to! These excuses take the same amount of energy and time as getting into action!  The question to ask yourself: What is the best use of my time? Now write down a brief outline of what needs to be done and take the first step.

Ask for advice. You look competent when you ask others for their opinions. It shows you wish to solve an issue, move forward to complete a stopped project, or get where you are going. The key is to take the recommendations and follow-through – these few minutes will set you apart from your competition.

Ask the right questions up front. Working smarter means asking for clarification (e.g., timeframe, budget, important information) at the beginning of a project or a plan to resolve any challenges. It takes less than two minutes to ask, and saves mega-time, money and frustration.

 A critical question to ask: What needs to happen for this project to be completed on time and within budget while achieving the necessary goals and outcomes? Yes, the response may take 20 minutes. (Hint: 20 minutes now vs. 20+ hours later)

Plan ahead for 100% success. Plan for breakdowns and pitfalls. They are a reality. When they do happen, do not allow them to stop you. That is what speed dial and social media connections are for — ask your network for input, be responsible for any confidential issues. Meet with your business advisor or coach (or retain one) to clarify what the true issue is. (Hint: If the issue persists, you haven’t gotten to the source of the problem and taken the right actions required to resolve it. Keep digging.)

Taking the two minutes or driving the two miles will make you unstoppable, and have you create unprecedented results!

©Jeannette Seibly, 2010-2015

It can be lonely at the top! An experienced business advisor, always accessible and at a nearby desk can make a positive and powerful difference for you, and your employees. My goal is to be your in-house advisor, your ally and sounding board as you navigate the complex world of your business! (Contact: OR 303-917-2993)

Transform your failures into greater success. Get my copy of “We all fail! How can we use failure to create greater success?”


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Your Biggest Investment Can Be Your Greatest Expense

As an investor, the biggest and most expensive investment is not the intellectual property, idea or product. It’s the inventor!

Most entrepreneurs/inventors will promise you anything! They have been coached to tell you the right stories and will express a great interest in learning from you. The fact is, many see the bright shiny object called business ownership and using someone else’s money as their answer. They fail to understand the money that has been invested may need to be repaid and that debt can limit future endeavors.  However, it will become your issue if you decide to invest in them and they are not ready.

How can you tell if the person you’re investing in is really the one that can make you money? Most investors buy an idea. The challenge can be the inventor comes along as a key element in the investment. As the investor, you need a way to determine whether or not the inventor has the enterprising interests or capabilities to setup and run a company. And, the willingness and ability to follow your directions!

When push comes to shove in any investor-inventor relationship (and, it will), many will push back and fail to follow-through. The problem is natural entrepreneurs, whether they have experience or not, don’t take well to being told what to do, how to do it, or be held accountable for the intended results that are not their ideas.

They generally are not coachable – they falsely believe if they can envision it, it will happen. They are often unaware of the focused actions required and how to be resourceful outside of themselves.  Their lack of hands-on experience and business knowledge can limit the successful launch of the product/idea and your profitability.

People are like icebergs. You only see about 10% of their skills, experience and education. The rest of the iceberg becomes known after you’ve invested in them.  By then, it may be too late to recoup your money.

What can you do to ensure you’re picking the right people to invest in? Know the person. Yes, it’s their idea that you are buying. They’ve probably invested their entire life savings, have second or third mortgages and received money from their parents, friends and other family members! They truly believe in their idea. However, consider this:

  • Did they use a strategic process to create it?
  • Do they have the mental engine to create a company?
  • Do they have the willingness to follow your lead and work collaboratively with you?

These are only three of the many questions that need to be asked and answered before you invest in them.

Discover the other 90% by using scientifically qualified assessments that will provide objective information about his or her learning style, core behaviors and occupational interests. It will open your eyes (and, usually theirs) about what type of entrepreneur, and future business owner, they will be.

  • Can the person create and build a company?
  • Will they work in a win-win manner beyond verbally agreeing with you and their new Board of Directors (or Advisory Board)?
  • Are the results they produce the intended ones?
  • Were they able to produce them on-time and within budget?
  • Does the leader have the mental engine to grow a financially successful business?
  • Do they even have the interest and discipline to do so?

As an investor, you will save a lot of time, energy and money knowing up front the type of inventor you are investing in – because, again, she or he can either be your biggest investment or your greatest expense.

©Jeannette Seibly, 2015

It can be lonely at the top! An experienced business advisor, always accessible and at a nearby desk can make a positive and powerful difference for you, and your employees. My goal is to be your in-house advisor, your ally and sounding board as you navigate the complex world of your business! (Contact: OR 303-917-2993)

Leadership Starts Inside

Strong leaders understand their success starts from within and is built on genuine confidence, not false bravado. They do their inner work by hiring a coach to help them recognize and fine-tune their blind spots, while achieving breakthroughs in their leadership style.

These amazing leaders:

  • Take responsibility for themselves first.
  • Trust their inner voice to guide their words and actions.
  • Value others’ ideas, and use them to build solutions.
  • Listen without blame, judgment or criticism to elicit the best in others.
  • Ensure others are comfortable following their lead.
  • Recognize the impact of their strengths and weaknesses when working with others.
  • Set aside their ego and celebrate the successes of others.
  • Create positive learning opportunities out of failures and mistakes.

The strength of their leadership is a reflection of the natural compassion they have developed for themselves and others.
Jeannette Seibly has been an international business and executive coach for over 20 years. She has guided the creation of three millionaires. Are you the next one?

©Jeannette Seibly, 2014

Perfectionism impedes intended results

We are all perfectionists at some level! We love to make things harder than they really are. Many of us are waiting for the perfect time in our lives when the economy is good, we’re working for the right company and boss, and life circumstances are ideal before moving forward to achieve our dreams and goals.

The truth is most humans are risk-adverse and fearful of stepping outside of their comfort zones, particularly if they have experienced recent failures. We spend lots of time, money and countless efforts in an attempt to avoid any further mistakes.

Failure is inevitable. It’s how we handle it that makes all the difference in achieving our intended results. Yet, hoping for perfect external circumstances won’t happen without being in action, and doing the inner work required to prevent repeating our mistakes. Relying on our intuition or feelings is only as good as our ability to learn from these life experiences and disappointments.

Instead of waiting for the perfect time, get into action to fulfill the goals and dreams desired now. Otherwise, don’t be surprised when others take those ideas and are successful!

©Jeannette Seibly, 2014

Jeannette Seibly has been an international business and executive coach for over 20 years. She has guided the creation of three millionaires. Are you the next one?

Are You a Good Entrepreneur?

Being in business for yourself can be fun and inspiring. However, without paying attention to the critical details, you will join the 90% of startups that fail within their first five years!

Review the five questions below. If you answer “Yes” to any of them, you might be like many entrepreneurs and business owners, who would rather have a root canal than take a cold hard objective look at their businesses and how they manage them. Each “yes” is a signal that it’s time to talk with a business advisor. Hire one before it’s too late!

  • Are your financials in the red – or bright pink? Sadly many self-employed business owners are afraid of numbers. Do you find it scary to take a close look at the numeric metrics of how you are doing? Or, do you wait until you are forced to do so? Hire a bookkeeper or your CPA to help you set up your books — Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) apply to all businesses. If you are not reliable to keep your numbers updated on a weekly basis, hire someone who can.
  • Are your customers leaving and there are no new ones in the pipeline? Many times business owners get caught up in the creative fun of “bright shiny objects.” Unfortunately, most of these ideas will not provide the ROI required for success, now or in the near future. When you fail to focus on your core products and services, mischief will happen. Hire a marketing coach and/or a social media professional to help you objectively look at your offerings and clarify your points. Read “It’s Time to Brag!” and use these five simple steps to clarify and simplify your messages.
  • Have you become a jerk? Many fearful entrepreneurs become defensive and know-it-alls.It makes it difficult for others to help you or work with you. It also has your clients leave in frustration. You can learn effective management and customer service skills that will work for you and them, if you are committed to setting up the right systems and shifting your attitude.
  • Are you unable to decipher between good and bad advice? Poor decision-making is a visible sign of someone who may not have the business savvy to be a good business owner. Are you able to take coaching and implement it effectively? Your improved results may be the markers that you are moving in the right direction, or simply pointing you in a better direction if you’re willing to listen.
  • Do you have high turnover? This is a reflection of poor hiring skills and systems, even if you get lucky once in a while. Hire the right person(s) and you look like a superstar. Hire the wrong person(s) and you’ll need or want to close the doors and start all over again. Work with your business coach to implement a legal and valid process. It will make all the difference in your success.

Hiring a qualified business coach now can help you succeed, beyond your imagination.

Jeannette Seibly has been an international business and executive coach for over 20 years. She has guided the creation of three millionaires. Are you the next one?

©Jeannette Seibly, 2010-2014

Why are some people lucky?

“Most people live and die with their music still unplayed. They never dare to try.” Mary Kay Ash

You have goals, dreams, desires and wishes. People who write these down, create action plans and execute their plans are the ones more likely to achieve the results. It’s not luck – it’s not trying; it’s creating, taking focused action and enjoying the results.

The secret for helping you achieve your goals is to write down three must-have’s. For example, if you want a new job, what must the job offer? It could be an increase in pay, certain benefits, job responsibilities, etc. If you want a new home, what must the home possess? Does it need to be located in a certain school district, have hardwood floors, or be a ranch-style home?  These must-have’s will clarify and support your goals.

Next, share your goals with others and refine them as appropriate (for example, the right home may not have hardwood floors and you can have them installed after you buy the home). Don’t be concerned if others don’t readily jump on board to support you. Watching you achieve your goals may cause them to remember their own and realize how far away they are from achieving them. Luck is creating and fulfilling your own opportunities and is available for everyone who gets in action.

Jeannette Seibly has been an international business coach for over 20 years. She has guided the creation of three millionaires. Are you the next one?

Are You A “Pre-Millionaire”?

By Russell Riendeau, PhD and Jeannette Seibly

If you have no interest in becoming a millionaire, you can stop reading now. Continuing to read will make you uncomfortable. This is for business owners, executives, entrepreneurs and all people that want to influence change and secure a more vibrant financial life.

Have you been thinking about money lately? Do you talk about this topic with friends or family? How old are you? When were you planning to start preparing to become a millionaire? Do you have plans in place? Is your work and other life desires in alignment with who you are?

To qualify as a millionaire, means you have a net worth of at least a million dollars. Add up all the cash on hand, 401(K), Swiss bank accounts, mattress money, value of paid off cars, boats, planes, Harleys, big toys, equity in your home, resort property, cash value life insurance—the whole enchilada. Now, minus all your mortgages, car payments, credit card debit, school loans, loans to your brother-in-law, loans from your parents, bookies, timeshares at Disney, etc. If you are in the black by a million dollars—welcome to the Millionaires Club!

Every year, there are more millionaires being created than ever before. And not from inherited, “old money” or “East Coast Money” but money from smart work, patient investing, and pursuit of work that aligns with their real skills and goals in life. “Pursuit of a worthy goal,” Earl Nightingale once said, “was the most critical part of setting life goals.” You can dream or pursue a big goal, but if it’s not a worthy goal, if it doesn’t get you excited each day, the efforts required to support this financial objective will leave you exhausted.

Research shows:

  • Pre-millionaires are the kind of professionals that are aware of how to leverage money, how to protect themselves against excess debt for too long of a period of time. They learn and practice this art at age 19 and keep learning. (Remember, it’s never too late to get started, if the time is now!)
  • Pre-millionaires work smart, then hard. Simply working hard is not going to cut it today. We all know hard workers with no money in the bank. The smart ones hire coaches for themselves and don’t rely upon their employers to get ahead.
  • Pre-millionaires study and understand “delayed gratification” and why the pursuit of a goal carries simple and complex sacrifices that some people are not courageous or confident enough to stay true to. They have guts to do the right things now.
  • Pre-millionaires are fully aware of what kind of person they can and will become by devoting themselves to a worthy goal. These goals often include helping and supporting a worthy cause that is of service to others.
  • Pre-millionaires understand the time-value of money, compound averaging and disciplined savings. They understand it takes time for money to expand and for skills and patience to be learned. It can take 10, 20, 40 years to become a millionaire. It all depends on their work ethic, honesty with themselves, ability to be coach-able and the willingness to do it now.

What does a million of dollars of net worth create for you? A freedom to pursue other life interests, build a business, launch a special project, or simply become a beach bum – along with leverage, confidence and time to consider other life options. Money in the bank gives you choices that others don’t have. It takes courage to save money in a world that seduces you to spend, spend, and spend more than you have.

As you move forward in your career, in your business, in your on-going personal and professional development, here are a few things to constantly keep in mind if you want to accelerate yourself from Pre to Post-Millionaire status:

What’s your net worth today? Be honest with yourself and your analysis of your equity and savings to give you an accurate starting point.

  1. What day will you become a millionaire? Given your current income levels and your net worth, how many years will it take? Do the math now on your phone. Don’t despair if you’re over 45, you will simply need to accelerate the effort.
  2. What is your reason to become a millionaire? Do you have specific, worthy goals and motives to work smart and hard to achieve this status? Or, is it an inner desire and dream to live the “good life?”
  3. What will the money provide you? What will you do with the money? Are these in alignment with your inner values? If not, the conflict will win.
  4. What steps are required in your life starting now? Education? Self-awareness? Better job? Better vocabulary? Do you need to associate yourself with a different crowd of professionals you can learn from?
  5. Is your close circle of friends helping or hindering your goals of achieving wealth? Do they mock or ridicule you for setting high goals? Do they support you during failures as well as successes?
  6. Is your spouse or significant other in accord with your goals? If not, there will be trouble from day one.
  7. What skills will you need to acquire to earn the money you need to become a millionaire? What are the common traits you see in other wealthy people you know that you can emulate and transform to support you? Mimicking others will not get you ahead without clarity of who you are.
  8. What will you do if you don’t achieve your millionaire status in the time frame you set for yourself?
  9. What structures have you setup for yourself? Discipline is key. So is setting goals, saving money and learning how to be resourceful to get what you need and want.

To best utilize this article, write out your answers to every question in this piece. (Studies have shown that writing engages the brain, which engages the rest of you!) Make a copy and keep it where you will see it every day. If you do this, you will be in the top 1% of people who will commit to achieving their goals. Very likely, your first million dollars! Without a written goal and a good reason, you will be tempted and your energy will become scattered chasing shiny distractions that promise value, but don’t deliver on their promise.

About the authors:

Dr. Russ Riendeau is senior partner of East Wing Group, Inc. – a search firm specializing in management, marketing and sales executives. He’s a psychologist and author of 7 books on talent management and success in business. Dr. Riendeau has also taught at Northwestern University’s School of Continuing Studies and speaks nationally on peak performance. He can be reached at 847-381-0977 or

Jeannette Seibly has been an international business and executive coach for over 20 years, and is a published author. She has guided the creation of three millionaires. Are you the next one? She can be reached at to talk about what it will take for you to become a successful business owner, executive or entrepreneur.

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Take Your Dreams Off Hold

There will always be economic highs and lows, jobs and bosses we don’t like, and life circumstances we allow to stymie us. We believe it is just the way life is. To further complicate and prevent us from taking charge of our careers, we employ worn-out excuses of not having enough time or money, being afraid of failure or even of success. Yet none of these excuses and thought processes will move you forward to achieve your aspirations in life.  It’s time to take your dreams off hold!

First, embrace the fear! Now, blast through it by identifying and handling the most pressing issue keeping you from your dream (for example, if you need money: find additional income; if you need child care: trade services with other mothers; if you need a different job: talk with your human resource department). Second, clarify in writing what you really, really, really want, establish a short-term goal, and now create a focused action plan.  Run it by others to ensure it will produce the intended results.  Third, find or develop a group of like-minded people (family, friends, or boss) to keep you on task and provide time- and money-saving ideas. Hire a coach to keep you focused on the right things and moving forward if you are pursuing a business venture. (

(c)Jeannette L. Seibly, 2013

Learning Opportunities Can Be Priceless

As a leader, it’s important for you to be receptive to new ideas generated through collaboration between different work groups. They foster teamwork and can bring about cost-effective and competitive-edge systems, procedures, and off-the-wall solutions. Create a safe structure for employees to take their ideas and run them through the company’s business model – doing so enables employees to understand how business decisions are made.  Include budgetary and other market-driven concerns in their learning repertoire. Remember, some of these innovations will work and some won’t— it’s how you handle the debrief that will provide priceless learning opportunities and encouragement.

(c)Jeannette L. Seibly, 2013