It’s Time for a Breakthrough — Stop Being a Critical Manager


  • Do you always find fault with whatever someone does?
  • Do you believe your way is the only right way?
  • Do you praise privately but rebuke openly?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, it’s time for a breakthrough. Your attitude and behavior can make it difficult to work with you and nearly impossible to learn from you.

5 ways to stop being a critical manager … and, start transforming your ability to lead a high functioning group

1) Look for opportunities to praise. Acknowledge others for a job well done, even if it’s a small step or contribution. Consider ideas that may initially seem off-the-wall, or inappropriate, and acknowledge contributions in a positive manner. Your openness will encourage everyone to stretch their thinking and behavior to improve their skills.

2) Learn from their mistakes. Every mistake can be turned into a learning moment. It’s important to understand the difference between a Zero Tolerance Policy for unacceptable behaviors, versus, a tolerance for mistakes. Employees will inevitably make some mistakes when they learn a new task, take on a new project, or work with new clients. Ensure your systems are up-to-date, and all your employees are well-trained to minimize errors at repetitive tasks. Develop an infrastructure for creating and executing non-repetitive opportunities.

3) Make 2-2-2 your paradigm. Acknowledge two positive things they have done well. Then, share very specific areas for improvement, no more than two. Wrap-up with two positives they have done well. This makes feedback easier to give, and receive!

4) Walk around. Get out from behind your desk and talk with people. Your intention is to listen and learn from others – without offering your opinion about how they should be doing their job – if there is a problem, talk with their supervisor.

5) Hire a coach. It’s important for your own career and business development that you learn to effectively work with and through people to get the job done. Effective management practices produce win/wins on a regular basis.

©Jeannette Seibly, 2010-2015

Jeannette Seibly is a business advisor for business owners and executives of $5MM to $30MM enterprises creating million dollar results, and along the way guided the creation of three millionaires. Contact her at for a free consultation of how to achieve amazing results.

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