How to Manage Your Emotions as a Leader


“Leadership requires taking responsibility for your feelings and reactions towards others. A momentary lapse can create a permanent impact.” Jeannette Seibly


Have you ever struggled with your emotions?

It can happen when:

  • -Employees don’t agree or have an emotional reaction towards you.
  • -You’ve had a meltdown after a bad meeting.
  • -You’re worried about the outcome of a project or the fear of being embarrassed.

Every leader has experienced these emotions. Successful leaders have learned how to effectively handle these emotions during difficult times.

“Emotions have power and that power can enhance or limit your leadership.” Unknown

Broaden Your POV

Improve your decisions...consider all the data. Employees will react when they don’t believe you’ve made the right decisions. Get all the facts. Instead of becoming defensive, understand “why.” Ask them, “What would you do to improve this decision?” Remember, your ability to make good objective decisions will address the facts and people’s concerns.

There will always be disagreements…it’s not personal. When employees disagree with you, lashing out in response or retaliation is not a good idea. Remember, other’s emotional reactions are not about you. To overcome upsets, use persuasive listening skills to clarify and build alignment for a new outcome. With a broader POV, you will stop taking sides regardless of your opinions.

People will challenge you…address quickly. Many take part in rumors or gossip without considering the impact on others. Normally, it’s due to feelings of insecurity and disempowerment, and/or hating their jobs and bosses. Often, it’s because they want your attention. Be aware that the perpetrators often turn into victims. If you don’t address the issues now, they will grow from small molehills into giant mountains!

Productive employees do not happen by accident…focus on employees first.  It’s up to you to create a healthy and happy workplace. Review coaching, managing and training programs to ensure they support employee success. Design benefit programs to provide for counseling, health, and wellness. Update your hiring and selection process to focus on job fit (the #1 reason people are successful in their jobs!).

Acknowledge your emotions…then, address them appropriately. Being a leader can be a lonely job. Hire a coach to confidentially share concerns and address issues in an effective manner. Also, engage in conversations with others. Stop talking at them. These simple actions will improve your relationships, remove biases, and help you develop compassion. Remember, you have a choice in the words you use to express your feelings.

Take responsibility for your emotions, expand your POV, and become a successful leader.

©Jeannette Seibly, 2019

For the past 26 years, Jeannette Seibly has been recognized as a catalyst and leadership expert. She has helped 1,000s of people create more fun, money, and inspiring results. Contact Jeannette for straight talk with dynamic results.

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