Self-Reliant Superstars – Slow Down!

True future executives and budding entrepreneurs have a strong self-reliance and resourcefulness that many of their peers do not possess. Many times they will surpass their bosses in taking initiatives and achieving results!  They crave freedom to make their own mistakes, yet, ironically, are afraid of failure. In their quest to be able to say, “I did it myself,” they will ignore overt instructions from their bosses.

If you believe you are one of these future business leaders, slow down.

Before you rush forward, learn the skills that you will need for your next position! While you may focus on developing your technology, sales and financial savvy, the two places where most fast-rising-stars sabotage themselves is in people and project management.

Here are questions to get you started. Use them as a starting point for your executive development. Answer them yourself, and, then, ask (and listen) to your boss’s and coach’s input. A qualified 360-degree feedback assessment could also be very helpful.

How do you:

  • Motivate yourself when you become bored?
  • Listen and hear what your employees, customers and bosses are saying?
  • Correct mistakes?
  • Engage others when they are not on the same page?
  • Keep the team spirit alive when plans are not being followed?
  • Accept criticism?
  • Share the recognition and rewards?

Being a successful self-reliant superstar means others are willingly following you! Take the time now to learn how to work well with anyone, anywhere. For faster results, hire an external coach.

Jeannette Seibly has been an international business coach for over 20 years. She has guided the creation of three millionaires. Are you the next one?

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