As a boss, you love those days when you and your team feel productive and appreciated — you’re in the zone! Everything is going well. Your projects are done on time and within budget, and healthy disagreements are kept to a minimum. It gets even better when a new idea from your department has saved the company (and client) money and time — solidifying your reputation as a highly effective boss with highly effective employees. Everyone is happy and satisfied.
These types of days don’t happen by accident. They are created by design when you have the right people and you are the right boss.
Hire for Success. Use objective and scientifically qualified pre-hire assessment tools to assess accurately for job fit, including: thinking style, core behaviors and occupational motivation/interests. Create a 180-day Success Plan and On-Boarding process that helps the new person get up to speed quickly and become an integral part of the team. Also, use these validated tools to help you build a strong team, by knowing where the strengths and weaknesses lie.
Coach for Results. Use laser-like coaching to get better results. It starts with believing your employees are great contributors, and allowing them the freedom to do their work. It builds trust and loyalty.
Build the team. Provide learning moments when they make mistakes or there has been a failure. Don’t forget to provide on-going training and outside coaching to help your employees soar to new levels.
Share your expectations. Clarify your expectations of others, and then be a great role-model. For example, as the boss, you arrive on time for meetings and actively participate.
Set the tone for appreciation. Celebrate and acknowledge your employees individually and as a team, on a daily basis.
©Jeannette Seibly, 2015
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