When you are stuck or simply procrastinating, being overly focused on your inner psyche to justify the reasons why will keep you from doing what you need to do. It takes as much time, or more, to create excuses than to simply do the work! Become responsible for your own motivation instead of blaming your boss or employees for being uninspired. To rejuvenate a project, uncover the source of an issue, or resolve an employee concern, use the steps in the eGuide “5 Simple Steps to Improve Your Results!” https://seibco.com/coaching-report/ The mark of a true leader is doing what needs to be done in an effective manner, regardless of how you feel about wanting to do it.
(c)Jeannette L. Seibly, 2013
Most people experiencing this “smart rat syndrome” simply love to over-analyze an idea, situation or action item to the point of inaction. They rely on the voice inside of their head to make up a valid reason for not doing what they know needs to be done. It saps their confidence to make a difference, and can derail their career or business if it happens too often, or with the wrong person!