Holidays Don’t Need to be the Most Stressful Time of the Year

During the holidays (and many other times during the year), we often find ourselves in overwhelm. We feel and focus on the stress of everything we believe needs to be done, including expectations from our boss, family, and community activities. Instead of being excited about this time of the year, we succumb to being overwhelmed, then we procrastinate and that only makes us feel worse!

Help is on the way … follow these 6 steps to reduce overwhelm and feeling stuck.

  1. Make a list of everything you need to get done (stick with it – most of it will disappear after this exercise).
    • This includes everything you said you would do, but haven’t.
    • Those things you thought of doing and mentioned to others.
    • Those things you thought of doing, but didn’t mention to anyone.
    • Those things you believe are expected of you.
    • And, everything else!

2. Now, cross off everything you know you will not do. Don’t kid yourself … if you’re not going to do them, cross them off! Leaving them on the list will sap your energy and allow your inner voice to become very loud!

 It’s time to clear the deck!

3. Circle the top 5 items left on your list.

4. Now rank them.

5. Get #1 done. Once it is completed, get #2 done. (When your inner chatter quiets down, you will find you get things done quicker and more efficiently because you are focused on one thing. Keep in mind, multi-tasking is a myth that creates overwhelm, stress and procrastination!)

Remember, you may have some cleanup work to do (like promises made to others that you are unable to fulfill). Apologize, offer possible solutions, and move on.

After this exercise, you will enjoy your holiday and New Year a whole lot more!

©Jeannette Seibly, 2016

Why is it important to learn how to brag? Being aware of your successes helps your inner voice speak confidently, which others will see! Get your copy of, It’s Time to Brag! Business Edition today:

Jeannette Seibly has been a business advisor and executive coach for 24 years; along the way she’s guided the creation of three millionaires. She is laser sharp at identifying the leverage points that will take a business and its team to the next level of performance and success. Check out her website,, or contact Jeannette for a free, confidential conversation at Remember to get your copy of her 5th and newest book, It’s Time to Brag! Business Edition:

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