Are You a FaultFinder?

5 ways to transform your leadership

  • Do you normally find fault with what other people do?
  • Do you believe your way is the only right way?
  • Do you fail to praise and rebuke openly?
  • Do you lose more employees than you are able to attract?
  • Do you have a difficult time leading high functioning teams?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may be a faultfinder; and, be seen as an ineffective leader others do not want to follow. Your attitude and behavior can make it difficult for others to work with you and nearly impossible to learn from you.

It’s 2015 and time to transform into being an inspiring leader.

Look for opportunities to praise. When we acknowledge others for a job well done, even if it’s a small step or contribution, we will attract more of the same.

Be open to hearing others’ ideas. Your success, and your team’s success, is dependent upon generating innovative ideas and executing them. Remember, not all ideas will provide a profitable return on investment. It’s important to consider ideas that may initially seem off-the-wall, or even inappropriate; and acknowledge those contributions in a positive manner. Your openness will encourage everyone to stretch their thinking and improve their skills. It allows everyone to feel safe expressing themselves.

Learn from mistakes. You and your employees will inevitably make mistakes when learning a new task, taking on a new project, or working with new clients. Keep in mind, every mistake can be turned into a learning opportunity.

Make 2-2-2 your paradigm. Acknowledge two positive things they have done well. Then, share very specific areas for improvement, but, no more than two. Then, wrap-up with two more positives they have done well. This makes feedback easier to give and receive!

Hire a coach. It’s important for your own career and business development that you learn how-to effectively work with and through people to get the job done. Faultfinding is not an effective management style, transforming it produces win/win results on a regular basis.

Jeannette Seibly has been an international business and executive coach for over 20 years. She has guided the creation of three millionaires. Are you the next one?

©Jeannette Seibly, 2010-2015

Do you Pounce?

You will know you are a pouncer if your employees run for cover every time they see you coming!

When you manage by manipulation, blame or other negative behaviors, employees fail to trust you. Pouncing on mistakes rarely builds teamwork, positive morale or job satisfaction. It’s a sign that you need to improve your leadership and management skills. It also signals a low EQ when you come across as a critical parent.

Sadly, many bosses believe this “gotcha” mindset builds loyalty. That couldn’t be further from the truth. It only alleviates your own boredom with the ongoing challenges you experience when working with people and/or systems. Your emotional frustrations should be shared one-on-one with a coach or therapist. Failure to do so can lead to an executive meltdown and limit your career options.

We all make mistakes. If you and your employees are not periodically making mistakes, no one is growing with the business. But if the same mistakes are being made over and over, it’s time to review systems and create a plan for improvement. Often training is missing, or the person is in the wrong job. No amount of pouncing or complaining will fix these problems without positive tactical and/or strategic intervention.

Don’t expect your employees to take the blame when you make an error. It’s up to you to apologize quickly and work with your employee(s) to clean up issues. Learn to laugh at yourself. Have compassion for others. Take responsibility early and be accountable to get a problem resolved. How you handle setbacks is an example that your employees will mimic or use against you. Remember, every problem contains an inherent solution. Your job is to be open to finding it along with your employees.

Walk it out. Write it out. Talk it out.  It can be lonely as the boss. If you are someone who lets your frustration get the best of you, regardless of the reason, take time for yourself. Get enough exercise. Keep a very private journal (not at work). Hire a coach for confidential conversations that will reduce your stress level and generate solutions. (  Simply talking out issues can help you resolve them quicker and improve your management style. Don’t forget to include practice sessions of talking with your coach or boss before you have those uncomfortable conversations.

Jeannette Seibly has been an international business and executive coach for over 20 years. She has guided the creation of three millionaires. Are you the next one?

©Jeannette Seibly, 2010-2014

#1 Energy Zapper

Excuses, excuses, excuses!  It takes the same amount of energy to entertain the internal and external chatter about why you shouldn’t need to do something, as it does to simply get it done. It’s amazing how much time we waste with our excuses.

Want to be more effective?

  • *Schedule Use your cell or Outlook to schedule time to get the task done, and honor it as an appointment with someone important. YOU.
  • *Do or Delegate Just because you don’t want to do it, doesn’t mean others may not welcome the opportunity. Give them the chance to shine.
  • *20 minutes If you’re still finding excuses, set a timer for 20 minutes. Focus on the task during that time and see how far you progress. It’s amazing how small steps lead to big accomplishments.

Now, get into action!

Jeannette Seibly has been an international business and executive coach for over 20 years. She has guided the creation of three millionaires. Are you the next one?

© Jeannette L. Seibly, 2010-2014

What do you trust: data or instincts?

Successful leaders have to grapple with this dilemma often. They believe their intuition is telling them what the true answer is. Or, they want to trust the numbers. However, intuition can be wrong and 100 percent reliance on data can send you down the wrong path too. Developing a strong business balance between statistics and your sixth sense takes experience, time, and practice. As business owners and executives know, making the wrong decisions can cost the company more than money. It can also cost their reputation, clients, and top talent.

What do you do when you don’t trust the data? Trust the process. For example: When you hire a person based upon your gut reaction, even when the facts disagree, you didn’t trust your selection system. The truth is, failure to pay attention to good objective information will negatively impact your decisions.

Better questions to ask yourself:

  • Do you know how to correctly use qualified hiring tools?
  • How well do you follow a strategic selection process? (
  • Do you have an unconscious habit of hiring and firing until you find the right person? (Hint: Honestly look at your turnover numbers.)

Asking these types of questions can help you determine the underlying (aka real) reason you may not trust the data.

Which one do you trust when your data or intuition is contrary to others’ opinions? Trust yourself and be open to being right and wrong. For example, many times when a company is experiencing difficulty achieving results, it’s because a controlling leader or dominating team member made erroneous judgments based heavily on facts or feelings. Learn to ask good business questions and listen to people’s responses. Being open to changing your mind doesn’t mean you have to. However, being adamant that you are right is usually a sign of impending disaster.

Strong leaders trust themselves and know how to develop win-win outcomes by working with and through others. They are prepared for the downside of any decision. They use their results as dashboards to develop trust in themselves and others when making balanced factual and intuitive decisions.

Jeannette Seibly has been an international business and executive coach for over 20 years. She has guided the creation of three millionaires. Are you the next one?

©Jeannette L. Seibly, 2013-2014

Leadership Starts Inside

Strong leaders understand their success starts from within and is built on genuine confidence, not false bravado. They do their inner work by hiring a coach to help them recognize and fine-tune their blind spots, while achieving breakthroughs in their leadership style.

These amazing leaders:

  • Take responsibility for themselves first.
  • Trust their inner voice to guide their words and actions.
  • Value others’ ideas, and use them to build solutions.
  • Listen without blame, judgment or criticism to elicit the best in others.
  • Ensure others are comfortable following their lead.
  • Recognize the impact of their strengths and weaknesses when working with others.
  • Set aside their ego and celebrate the successes of others.
  • Create positive learning opportunities out of failures and mistakes.

The strength of their leadership is a reflection of the natural compassion they have developed for themselves and others.
Jeannette Seibly has been an international business and executive coach for over 20 years. She has guided the creation of three millionaires. Are you the next one?

©Jeannette Seibly, 2014

Perfectionism impedes intended results

We are all perfectionists at some level! We love to make things harder than they really are. Many of us are waiting for the perfect time in our lives when the economy is good, we’re working for the right company and boss, and life circumstances are ideal before moving forward to achieve our dreams and goals.

The truth is most humans are risk-adverse and fearful of stepping outside of their comfort zones, particularly if they have experienced recent failures. We spend lots of time, money and countless efforts in an attempt to avoid any further mistakes.

Failure is inevitable. It’s how we handle it that makes all the difference in achieving our intended results. Yet, hoping for perfect external circumstances won’t happen without being in action, and doing the inner work required to prevent repeating our mistakes. Relying on our intuition or feelings is only as good as our ability to learn from these life experiences and disappointments.

Instead of waiting for the perfect time, get into action to fulfill the goals and dreams desired now. Otherwise, don’t be surprised when others take those ideas and are successful!

©Jeannette Seibly, 2014

Jeannette Seibly has been an international business and executive coach for over 20 years. She has guided the creation of three millionaires. Are you the next one?

Why are some people lucky?

“Most people live and die with their music still unplayed. They never dare to try.” Mary Kay Ash

You have goals, dreams, desires and wishes. People who write these down, create action plans and execute their plans are the ones more likely to achieve the results. It’s not luck – it’s not trying; it’s creating, taking focused action and enjoying the results.

The secret for helping you achieve your goals is to write down three must-have’s. For example, if you want a new job, what must the job offer? It could be an increase in pay, certain benefits, job responsibilities, etc. If you want a new home, what must the home possess? Does it need to be located in a certain school district, have hardwood floors, or be a ranch-style home?  These must-have’s will clarify and support your goals.

Next, share your goals with others and refine them as appropriate (for example, the right home may not have hardwood floors and you can have them installed after you buy the home). Don’t be concerned if others don’t readily jump on board to support you. Watching you achieve your goals may cause them to remember their own and realize how far away they are from achieving them. Luck is creating and fulfilling your own opportunities and is available for everyone who gets in action.

Jeannette Seibly has been an international business coach for over 20 years. She has guided the creation of three millionaires. Are you the next one?

Are You A “Pre-Millionaire”?

By Russell Riendeau, PhD and Jeannette Seibly

If you have no interest in becoming a millionaire, you can stop reading now. Continuing to read will make you uncomfortable. This is for business owners, executives, entrepreneurs and all people that want to influence change and secure a more vibrant financial life.

Have you been thinking about money lately? Do you talk about this topic with friends or family? How old are you? When were you planning to start preparing to become a millionaire? Do you have plans in place? Is your work and other life desires in alignment with who you are?

To qualify as a millionaire, means you have a net worth of at least a million dollars. Add up all the cash on hand, 401(K), Swiss bank accounts, mattress money, value of paid off cars, boats, planes, Harleys, big toys, equity in your home, resort property, cash value life insurance—the whole enchilada. Now, minus all your mortgages, car payments, credit card debit, school loans, loans to your brother-in-law, loans from your parents, bookies, timeshares at Disney, etc. If you are in the black by a million dollars—welcome to the Millionaires Club!

Every year, there are more millionaires being created than ever before. And not from inherited, “old money” or “East Coast Money” but money from smart work, patient investing, and pursuit of work that aligns with their real skills and goals in life. “Pursuit of a worthy goal,” Earl Nightingale once said, “was the most critical part of setting life goals.” You can dream or pursue a big goal, but if it’s not a worthy goal, if it doesn’t get you excited each day, the efforts required to support this financial objective will leave you exhausted.

Research shows:

  • Pre-millionaires are the kind of professionals that are aware of how to leverage money, how to protect themselves against excess debt for too long of a period of time. They learn and practice this art at age 19 and keep learning. (Remember, it’s never too late to get started, if the time is now!)
  • Pre-millionaires work smart, then hard. Simply working hard is not going to cut it today. We all know hard workers with no money in the bank. The smart ones hire coaches for themselves and don’t rely upon their employers to get ahead.
  • Pre-millionaires study and understand “delayed gratification” and why the pursuit of a goal carries simple and complex sacrifices that some people are not courageous or confident enough to stay true to. They have guts to do the right things now.
  • Pre-millionaires are fully aware of what kind of person they can and will become by devoting themselves to a worthy goal. These goals often include helping and supporting a worthy cause that is of service to others.
  • Pre-millionaires understand the time-value of money, compound averaging and disciplined savings. They understand it takes time for money to expand and for skills and patience to be learned. It can take 10, 20, 40 years to become a millionaire. It all depends on their work ethic, honesty with themselves, ability to be coach-able and the willingness to do it now.

What does a million of dollars of net worth create for you? A freedom to pursue other life interests, build a business, launch a special project, or simply become a beach bum – along with leverage, confidence and time to consider other life options. Money in the bank gives you choices that others don’t have. It takes courage to save money in a world that seduces you to spend, spend, and spend more than you have.

As you move forward in your career, in your business, in your on-going personal and professional development, here are a few things to constantly keep in mind if you want to accelerate yourself from Pre to Post-Millionaire status:

What’s your net worth today? Be honest with yourself and your analysis of your equity and savings to give you an accurate starting point.

  1. What day will you become a millionaire? Given your current income levels and your net worth, how many years will it take? Do the math now on your phone. Don’t despair if you’re over 45, you will simply need to accelerate the effort.
  2. What is your reason to become a millionaire? Do you have specific, worthy goals and motives to work smart and hard to achieve this status? Or, is it an inner desire and dream to live the “good life?”
  3. What will the money provide you? What will you do with the money? Are these in alignment with your inner values? If not, the conflict will win.
  4. What steps are required in your life starting now? Education? Self-awareness? Better job? Better vocabulary? Do you need to associate yourself with a different crowd of professionals you can learn from?
  5. Is your close circle of friends helping or hindering your goals of achieving wealth? Do they mock or ridicule you for setting high goals? Do they support you during failures as well as successes?
  6. Is your spouse or significant other in accord with your goals? If not, there will be trouble from day one.
  7. What skills will you need to acquire to earn the money you need to become a millionaire? What are the common traits you see in other wealthy people you know that you can emulate and transform to support you? Mimicking others will not get you ahead without clarity of who you are.
  8. What will you do if you don’t achieve your millionaire status in the time frame you set for yourself?
  9. What structures have you setup for yourself? Discipline is key. So is setting goals, saving money and learning how to be resourceful to get what you need and want.

To best utilize this article, write out your answers to every question in this piece. (Studies have shown that writing engages the brain, which engages the rest of you!) Make a copy and keep it where you will see it every day. If you do this, you will be in the top 1% of people who will commit to achieving their goals. Very likely, your first million dollars! Without a written goal and a good reason, you will be tempted and your energy will become scattered chasing shiny distractions that promise value, but don’t deliver on their promise.

About the authors:

Dr. Russ Riendeau is senior partner of East Wing Group, Inc. – a search firm specializing in management, marketing and sales executives. He’s a psychologist and author of 7 books on talent management and success in business. Dr. Riendeau has also taught at Northwestern University’s School of Continuing Studies and speaks nationally on peak performance. He can be reached at 847-381-0977 or

Jeannette Seibly has been an international business and executive coach for over 20 years, and is a published author. She has guided the creation of three millionaires. Are you the next one? She can be reached at to talk about what it will take for you to become a successful business owner, executive or entrepreneur.

Your comments:

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What does it take to become a courageous leader?


    1. Break outside the constraints of how it’s been traditionally done – required to achieve amazing results.
    2. Build on everyone’s ideas — listen and listen some more.
    3. Provide unbeatable service to internal and external customers — each time.
    4. Express your thoughts and feelings responsibly — apologies work wonders.
    5. Manage your ethics and integrity – the impact can last forever.
    6. Oversee your projects for the human experiencenot just the product creation and execution.
    7. Enjoy gratitude for everything and everyone – regardless of the circumstances.
    8. Being respected usually outlasts likeability — people’s feelings can be fickle.

Jeannette Seibly has been an international business coach for over 20 years. She has guided the creation of three millionaires. Are you the next one?

What Do You Allow to Stop You?

You have goals, dreams, desires and wishes. Too often, you allow fears, doubts, lack of self-worth, and other circumstances to stop you! They get in the way of your commitments. You find excuses for not moving forward. Some people create black and white expectations of what must happen first. There are times these demands work, but usually they get in the way of seeing new ways to pursue your future. As a result, you are usually left feeling limited and your real potential is not fully realized.

What is stopping you from taking action? Take a few minutes. Create a list of your top five fears and write down the reasons why they are fears.

You could have the:

  • Desire for a promotion and your fear is leaving your current employer.
  • Goal to earn more money and you doubt your ability to find a better job.
  • Dream to live in a particular geographical area and you’ve never been there for fear of moving.

The challenge for many of you is that you are waiting until your children get older, or you no longer have to be a caregiver for others. So you use them as the excuse to not take action.

Regardless of the seemingly valid reason, create your list. Now, turn it around! What are the top five reasons it could work! Then, list ideas to bridge the gaps between now and achieving your results. Talk them over with a committed coach, friend or acquaintance to see where you are making it harder than it needs to be.

Jeannette Seibly has been an international business and executive coach for over 20 years. She has guided the creation of three millionaires. Are you the next one?