SeibCo Now Offers the Market’s Newest Selection Assessment Tool, PXT Select™

Jeannette Seibly, principal of SeibCo, LLC, recently added the innovative new selection assessment PXT Select™ tool to her business offerings, and completed its certification process. Jeannette Seibly, principal of SeibCo, LLC, recently added the innovative new selection assessment PXT Select™ tool to her business offerings, and completed its certification process.




SeibCo now offers the market’s newest selection assessment tool, PXT Select™

New tool provides insights into candidates’ cognitive abilities, behavioral traits and interests for smarter hiring

DENVER–June 26, 2017—Jeannette Seibly, principal of SeibCo, LLC, recently added the innovative new selection assessment PXT Select™ tool to her business offerings, and completed its certification process. The new hiring assessment tool empowers organizations to navigate the competitive talent landscape with confidence and ease.

“We are proud to partner with SeibCo to bring this new assessment tool to market,” says Scott Allison, Vice President and Director at Wiley. “Our partners are trusted advisors to their clients and have a powerful impact on organizations. Great organizations know that success begins with hiring the right people. By working with PXT Select and SeibCo, organizations of all sizes and industries experience greater insight and confidence in their hiring process.”

Too many organizations make crucial hiring decisions based solely on impressions rather than data. Powered by the latest advancements in assessment technology, PXT Select provides the hiring manager with insight into a candidate’s cognitive abilities, behavioral traits, and interests, including tips about the candidate’s potential job fit and relevant job-specific interview questions.

“People are like icebergs: they only let you see what they want you to see,” explains Seibly. “What you don’t see is more significant than what you do see! As a result, the PXT Select answers the ‘why’ many business owners, executives and managers have about their employees and their business results. When businesses hire and promote the right people, they improve their staff, profitability, and performance results.

“For example, a company recently hired a sales manager who had a great resume, interviewed well and seemed to be a team player,” Seibly continues. “After a few months, the company realized he preferred to work alone, wasn’t concerned about the progress of others, and was slow and inaccurate with figures. The company could have known these things about him by using PXT Select in the hiring process.”

About PXT Select

PXT Select makes the very human decisions about hiring simpler and smarter. Combining over 20 years of research with powerful assessment technology, PXT Select and its intuitive suite of reports helps fill the gap between the resume and the interview. This powerful selection assessment provides organizations with actionable, objective data about candidates and employees in a simple to understand format that help them to interview better and hire smarter. PXT Select is available exclusively through the PXT Select Authorized Partner network. Learn more at OR

About SeibCo

Seibly has been an award-winning, internationally recognized business advisor and executive coach for over 24 years, and is designated as a PXT Select™ Certified Professional. Along the way, she has guided the creation of three millionaires and helped over 25 companies produce million-dollar results. Seibly’s publishing credits include: Hire Amazing Employees and It’s Time to Brag! Business Edition. Contact her at or 303-660-6388.

Creating a Job-Fit Company

Are the right people in the right seats on the right bus?

When employees (and bosses) are in the right job (job-fit), it creates a fun and rewarding work environment! The team and individual members make significant contributions to the success of the organization. Everyone experiences high levels of job satisfaction and loyalty. There is a synergy of ideas and working relationships that excel beyond the norm. Sales increase. Customers experience higher satisfaction working with the company. Profits soar. These are the results of job-fit.

Unfortunately, more than 63 percent of the working population do not fit their jobs! Why? We rely upon traditional selection methods and then rationalize hiring failures as “not our fault.” We accept poor job-fit mistakes as part of the norm. We fail to create and follow a hiring and selection system. The fact is a business is often better off leaving an “empty seat on the bus” rather than randomly filling the position with someone not well-suited to the job.

Hire the Right Person. We are often snookered by verbally adept candidates. We fall into this trap when someone has the ability to sell themselves, whether they possess true interest or capability to do the job well or not. Studies show, poor job-fit produces unhappy employees. Those who are unhappy in their work create miscommunication, make more mistakes, fail to focus on critical elements, and blame others for their inability to produce required results. They are overly focused on things that don’t matter rather than solutions that fit the vision and values of the company.

Understand the Financial Impact. Hiring people who do not fit your job requirements and your company’s culture will cost you time and money. They may even irrevocably damage your reputation. The wrong person can actually increase your business and product liability.  Unfortunately, there is no line item on your financial statement about this costly outcome. But if you analyze the true expenses, tangible and intangible, you’ll be shocked and dismayed by these hidden costs. For a quick and easy calculation, read Page 20 of Hire Amazing Employees, Second Edition ( or contact me at

Select the Right Tools. Develop promotion and selection processes built upon gathering reliable, valid, relevant information. This can be a challenge since we consider using scientifically designed assessments as costly, and not as important as our gut feelings. The added falsehood is that we believe we can coach, train and motivate anyone to do anything. This is wrong!

Select assessment tools that meet Department of Labor (DOL) guidelines (for a copy of the guidelines, contact me at and that provide information regarding how well their mental engine, their ability to drive the engine, and their interest in doing so, fit within your company, for any specific job.

Train the Interviewers.  Many interviewers rely upon their intuition and perceptions (their guts). The pitfalls are only hear what they want to hear. They don’t catch or ignore conflicting signals. The facts are, job candidates say all the right things and make the right type of promises to get the job offer. How often has this happened to you? Use a structured interview process to discern candidates’ depth of job skill. Implement use of qualified and scientific assessments that contain interview questions. Then, use these behaviorally based questions to provide a structure to ascertain reliable job fit.

©Jeannette Seibly, 2010-2015

Are you looking for business advice and laser-coaching to resolve an issue or situation? Contact me. I’ve been a business advisor and author for over 20 years. I’ve guided the creation of new solutions for 1,000’s of business challenges and published the book, Hire Amazing Employees ( Check out my website:

You’re not hiring the resume.

You are not hiring the resume … you’re hiring a person who possesses the skills, education, and other attributes required to be a successful cultural fit for the job. Incorporate objectivity into your hiring process by starting the conversation with team members before you post an ad. Be sure to include in your discussions thoughts, concerns, and resolutions for onboarding, key elements required for company success (don’t simply replicate an old position description), how to correctly use qualified assessment tools, and what is required to create ads designed to attract the right candidates. It will be time well-spent, saving countless dollars and hours.  For additional insights on how to save time and money, get your copy of “Hire Amazing Employees, Second Edition.” ( )

(c)Jeannette L. Seibly, 2013

Are you running away from your employer?

When you leave a job, company, or department, are you running away from coworkers or bosses you don’t like or respect? Or are you moving forward toward a goal? Many times people make job and career transitions for more money, but they are not any happier. Or, they switch jobs to find a better boss, only to find the new bosses have issues too.  Or, they falsely believed bigger is better. Remember, the grass isn’t necessarily greener at another company—it simply looks different from the outside looking in, but there will be similar problems. Take time to clarify your goals and life needs: it will make a difference in selecting the right employer for you. (

(c)Jeannette L. Seibly, 2013

Do you believe you’ve mastered the art of skimming resumes?

Many HR professionals and recruiters falsely believe they’ve mastered the art of skimming resumes. The sad truth is they miss out on many great candidates. Although job candidates do have a responsibility to learn how to sell themselves (, reliance on reviewing hundreds of resumes with our inherent biases and limited analysis skills will not attract the right people to our enterprises. Learn how to infuse objectivity early in your hiring process and you’ll increase your qualified candidate pool while achieving better hiring results. (See: Easily Infuse Objectivity Early In Your Hiring System:

(c)Jeannette L. Seibly, 2013

New executives are wrongly focused.

Recently I was talking with an executive who was having a difficult time working with another executive inside his company. When I said, “Sounds like she’s in denial,” he responded, “She’s in denial about a lot of things.” Many times new executives are focused on the wrong things. Either the company did not take time to effectively onboard them, or the new hire wasn’t listening and had his or her own agenda.  Making changes and taking unfocused action steps without buy-in from the executive team and employees can get anyone into immediate trouble. The higher up you are on the organizational ladder, the fewer places there are to hide out—the responsibility and accountability solely rests on you.  If you’re one of these struggling leaders, immediately find yourself a mentor and business advisor. It’s important that you quickly rectify bad decisions with guided expertise and correct the old methodology of your work habits.

(c)Jeannette L. Seibly, 2013

Sticky fingers

Yup. We hire them. They come in all ages, both genders, and every ethnic and professional status. It could be taking pens, stacks of paper or toner, sharing proprietary information, or reselling larger items from the company stockroom. Use a qualified core value assessment tool coupled with a thorough background check to look for people with a history of sticky fingers. Remember, many thieves haven’t been caught—yet. Or, they were caught and the company didn’t file a police report. Safeguard your company and employees and inventory by being thorough during the selection process.

(c)Jeannette L. Seibly, 2013

How do you implement practical, cost-effective due diligence measures? Get your copy of “Hire Amazing Employees, Second Edition: Improve Your Profits (and Your Work Life)!”

Do you hold your hiring managers accountable?

Very few companies manage their hiring processes by holding their hiring managers accountable. Instead, they experience high levels of turnover and increased difficulty finding qualified candidates because managers reliance on gut reactions or play the blame game.  Neither will resolve systems or bias issues when new employees fail. What would happen if instead your hiring manager’s compensation was tied to employee turnover and performance? A bad manager would either step aside or improve in order to create an environment for employee success. ( (Bad Managers eGuide)) They would improve their use of qualified hiring tools to ensure the best objective information is being utilized and reviewed to ensure laser-like coaching for employee success. (

(c)Jeannette L. Seibly, 2013

Making the Same Hiring Mistakes?

When you keep making the same hiring mistakes over and over, it’s costly and very time consuming. You lose credibility with your staff and clients. It’s time to stop and get help. You have a misperception of potential employees’ work experience, skills, and/or job fit required. With clarification and by learning new ways to interview, how to use qualified assessments, and how to improve your due diligence processes, you can improve your hiring results. (  Hopefully, it won’t be too late to rebuild your credibility.

(c)Jeannette L. Seibly, 2013

Helpful Hint:

Job ads with trite sound-bites fail to attract, e.g., great opportunity and work hard. Learn how-to attract the right employees:





Mediocrity Stifles Results

All business owners and executives wish to succeed in their business. Yet when they hire inexperienced and unseasoned professionals, thinking they are saving money, their bottom line suffers. Why? The employees have not had time to develop the business knowledge and acumen needed to perform at the level required, instead relying on “it’s good enough.” Mediocrity stifles results—you get what you pay for.

When hiring for any position, be clear about the attributes required for the person to succeed, and the required results for the company to prosper. Use a structured interview to ensure the person has the actual hands-on experience by drilling down into his or her responses. Often candidates talk hypothetically, not having had the actual responsibility you are looking for. Use a qualified assessment to ensure they have the thinking style, occupational interests, and capabilities to do the job the way it needs to be done to achieve great results. Don’t be afraid to conduct reference checks to ensure the person can and will actually do the work, not just talk about it. (For further information on how to do it, get your copy of Hire Amazing Employees, Second Edition (

Although hiring people light on experience and heavy on job fit can be a good idea, realize it will take an extra investment of time and money before they can produce at the level required. Adjust your expectations appropriately.

©Jeannette L. Seibly, 2013

Jeannette Seibly has been hiring amazing employees for over 34 years. She delivers straight talk with immediate results to business owners and executives of $1MM to $30MM enterprises, achieving dynamic results. You may contact her at to discuss your hiring challenges. Get her newest book, Hire Amazing Employees, Second Edition: Improve Your Profits (and Your Work Life)!  It includes templates for interviews and reference checking.