Successful business relationships stem from mutual respect and a sincere desire to create win/win situations regularly. Here are some simple but highly effective requirements to ensure your success.
1. Do what you say you’ll do, when you say you’ll do it. Apologize when you “drop the ball.”
2. Take an interest in the company, people, product, financials, safety, community, etc. Be knowledgeable about what interests or concerns others and be able to converse appropriately.
3. Respect everyone on the team regardless of his/her opinions and/or personality. Make it a habit to not to judge anyone regardless of their manner of dress, organizational style, or position in a company.
4. Acknowledge others easily and often. Make it a habit to say “Please” & “Thank You.”
5. Keep confidences. Don’t talk negatively about other people – that’s commonly called gossiping.
6. Understand by truly listening. Be aware if you normally listen, as most people do, you will simultaneously form a comment or opinion. This is not listening. Too often we really don’t want to hear what a person is saying because we think we already know what they’re going to say. Remember your non-verbal actions speak much louder than your words.
7. Take into account other people’s ideas and concerns when developing a solution. Be easily understood by using KISS: Keep Ideas Simple & Smart
(c)Jeannette Seibly, 2010