Transform Stress into Resilience

“Embrace stress as an opportunity for your resilience to shine through.” Jeannette Seibly

While many believe summer is a time to slow down and relax, the truth is, it’s been a hectic time … political rhetoric, economic uncertainty, workplace changes, and confusion about AI. Family and friend time can create additional frustrations. Your business projects, profitability (or lack thereof), clients, and teams have caused stress. Transforming your stress into resilience is required more than ever.

7 Ways to Transform Stress into Resilience

  1. Yes, it’s a #1 stress reducer. Breathe in for a count of 10, pause, then exhale for a count of 10. Do this at least three times. You’ll be amazed at how fast this works while creating resilience and improving results.
  2. Honor your inner leader. Too often, we attempt to ignore our inner wisdom to slow down. It’s time to listen, learn, and discuss it with your executive coach, mentor, and/or therapist. (Yes, mental health concerns are at an all-time high – there is no shame in reaching out for help – especially when doing so reduces stress, creates resilience, and produces better results.)
  3. Know thyself. Many times, especially today, people are in jobs where they do not fit their work responsibilities. In addition, the challenges of working with factions, sticky workplace issues, and complicated working relationships can make achieving the required results highly stressful. Take an objective qualified job fit assessment and work with your executive coach to determine your natural leadership skills and blind spots. The objective awareness of strengths and intrinsic weaknesses will develop resilience to issues you cannot control.
  4. Get the facts. Clarify the actual issue. Too often, we latch on to the smallest bits of information and run with it. This almost always creates a more significant problem (s). Talk out the facts with one or two trusted advisors and your executive coach. With a clearer perspective, get into action and resolve the issue now.
  5. Have the tough conversations you’ve been avoiding. Stress occurs when someone’s choice of words, discussion points, tone of voice, hand gestures, or facial expressions offend you. BREATHE. Remember, when stressed, you will overreact and misinterpret. Instead, have a conversation to learn the truth. If you don’t resolve it now, an irrevocable point will occur, preventing you from resolving the situation and saving the relationship.
  6. Keep a private journal. Use journaling as a way to create a positive future. Write down “brags” about what has been working. Include “I am grateful for …” Write about your future and goals. Take action on one of your goals – remember the smallest steps can create resilience, and the momentum will keep you moving forward.
  7. Be present with people. People know when you’re not listening. That creates stress for everyone. Then, to make it worse, you lie about it. It becomes a stress-filled interaction when others must repeat themselves. They become resentful. Instead, learn mindful resilience. I promise, listening will reduce stress and increase resilience, and your results will improve, too!

©Jeannette Seibly, 2019-2024

Jeannette Seibly is a Talent Advisor/Leadership Results Coach with over 31 years of practical experience guiding leaders and bosses to improve their hiring, coaching, and managing practices and produce amazing results! And yes, achieving business success always starts with having the right people in the right jobs! She has been an Authorized PXT Select® Partner for over 32 years. Contact Jeannette to learn more about these state-of-the-art job-fit assessment tools or how to coach and manage your people to achieve incredible results.

A note from Jeannette: It’s the end of summer, and you’re surprised by the amount of stress you’re feeling. You’re not alone. Here are some tips to alleviate it and develop resilience to move forward.  Contact me for help with addressing that nagging issue that won’t disappear.

Now is the time to get into focused action! Are there days you dread doing what is needed to manage your people, projects, and team’s financial performance? You’re not alone! Everyone has those days! But continuing to hide behind excuses only hurts you and your future promotability. I have extensive experience and wisdom guiding bosses and leaders to hire, coach, and manage their teams successfully – this includes getting you out of the way and working with and through people effectively to achieve the results required. Contact me to learn more about my in-depth, one-on-one, customized coaching programs.

Can Mistakes Be Resolved?

“Saying, ‘I apologize’ is easy – but if you don’t take responsibility for what you say or do, the apology is meaningless.” Jeannette Seibly

While the answer is “yes,” too many bosses and leaders derail their careers when they make mistakes, experience failure, or find themselves in conflict. Then, to make matters worse, they attempt to rectify it too quickly, lie about it, or fail to take responsibility by blaming others or the situation.

Remember, the same mindset that created the problem should not be used to solve it—it will only make it worse.

Have you:

  • Used a disrespectful tone of voice or become upset with your boss when s/he is critical of your work? Or the work of your team?
  • Lost your patience with a customer or team member? As a result, do they now refuse to work with you?
  • Offered inappropriate or incorrect solutions and then denied doing so? As a result, your co-workers are upset and want you fired.
  • Used microaggressions (e.g., men are more intelligent than women) when talking with your team. Result? They are offended.
  • Been given feedback by your boss or team, and you were defensive and rude?

While these may sound extreme, too often, you have done a version of them. (We all have.) When these issues occur, you can derail your career or job promotion opportunities without knowing it!

How to Resolve Avoidable Mistakes

Pause and Breathe. Mindfulness is important. Say to yourself, “I will work through this and get the help I need to improve.” Now, take action to resolve your mistake, failure, or conflict.

Contact Your Executive Coach as soon as possible before you make the mistake, failure, or conflict worse. Complete the “What Worked? / What Didn’t Work?” exercise to provide objective insights.

Take Responsibility. After devising a plan with your coach, talk with your boss. Map out who, what, when, where, and why it needs to be done. Remember, “hoping the issue will go away” is a strategy for failure! This is a golden opportunity for you to be the boss and leader who can make a positive difference – failure to do so will result in irrevocable loss of trust.

Apologize. Offering apologies will be the next thing to do. Saying, “I apologize” is easy.  But your apology must be genuine so your boss, co-workers, team members, and customers can hear you! While these two words seem simple, you may resist saying them! Remember, pay now by taking responsibility or later when you’ve been fired.

Do It! Enough talking about it. Get into action. Be willing to dance (be flexible) in the conversation—remember, the actual discussion will be different than the conversation you mapped out in your head. Listening to their concerns can turn around their negative feelings towards you and get you on the right track. Yes, you must take the time and offer the patience to solve the mistake, failure, or conflict. Remember, keep talking to your executive coach throughout the process.

©Jeannette Seibly 2024 All Rights Reserved

Jeannette Seibly is a Talent Advisor/Leadership Results Coach with over 31 years of practical experience guiding leaders and bosses to improve their hiring, coaching, and managing practices and produce amazing results! And yes, achieving business success always starts with having the right people in the right jobs! She has been an Authorized PXT Select® Partner for over 32 years. Contact Jeannette to learn more about these state-of-the-art job-fit assessment tools or how to coach and manage your people to achieve incredible results.

A note from Jeannette: Mistakes, failures, and conflicts can be resolved if you’re willing to do the work and get into action. But if you act too quickly, depending on the problem, it will only make it worse. If this has happened to you recently, now is the time to talk it out using my 31+ years of leadership and management issues to resolve it — before it’s too late. Contact me now!

Now is the time to get into focused action! Are there days you dread doing what is needed to manage your people, projects, and team’s financial performance? You’re not alone! Everyone has those days! But continuing to hide behind excuses only hurts you and your future promotability. I have extensive experience and wisdom guiding bosses and leaders to hire, coach, and manage their teams successfully – this includes getting you out of the way and working with and through people effectively to achieve the results required. Contact me to learn more about my in-depth, one-on-one, customized coaching programs.

This book (“Hire Amazing Employees“) by Nancy Schick, NY Employment Attorney and Mediator, can help you improve your hiring process. I met Jeannette Seibly a few months ago In this Together Round Table, where I also learned about her book, Hire Amazing Employees. Since my clients frequently struggle with this task, I bought myself a copy and gave several as gifts. The book contains many helpful tips for avoiding the impact of hiring errors. Read the full testimonial here.

Shameless Self-Promotion is Key to Achieving Results

“If you cannot self-promote your achievements, you cannot sell your ideas, products, or services…or be taken seriously.” Jeannette Seibly

Many women and men today downplay their value, success, and awesomeness! Why? It’s not socially acceptable to share what you’ve accomplished. However, the good news is that this is quickly changing!

“Although self-promotion (communicating one’s past accomplishments and positive characteristics) is important for obtaining career and educational opportunities, women feel uncomfortable when doing it, which limits their self-promotion success.” (Sage Journals, 2019)

In my many years of delivering the award-winning “Get Your Brag On!” presentation, many men have also shared that they lack the skills to promote themselves effectively.

The misconception that you can rely on others to promote your achievements has proven to be a costly mistake for many. It’s led to missed job opportunities, lost sales, and overlooked awards, all because they didn’t take the initiative to showcase their own worth!

Stop Downplaying Your Accomplishments!

Why? We’ve been taught since we were very young that it’s wrong to brag! Baby Boomers and GenXs were often shamed by their parents, teachers, and others when they promoted themselves. Millennials and GenZs have peer group pressure to maintain the “We,” excluding the individual “I” from recognition.

Today, self-promotion in interviews, sales presentations, and award nominations is critical. Using “I accomplished” is also important. Yet, many deserving people shy away from doing so and, as a result, are not offered the job or contract or win recognition. Often, less qualified people achieve these results because they brag in a business-savvy manner.

Fill the Confidence Gap. In my experience, both women and men fear sharing their accomplishments. (I continue to emphasize both genders since many articles only focus on women.) While there are gender biases (e.g., men need to talk powerfully, but when women speak powerfully, they are seen as bossy), shameless self-promotion does build natural inner confidence when done in a business-savvy manner.

Inner power and mindful awareness naturally communicate confidence; most people want to work with winners!

I didn’t say it was easy … or that others would readily acknowledge your successes. I’m saying stand up and speak up about your accomplishments. It makes a significant difference in getting pay increases, job promotions, and closing sales.

Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway. Let go of your fears. If someone doesn’t like you, bragging won’t change their opinion. If others are jealous of your success, they won’t suddenly want you on their team. Get over trying to win others’ positive opinions.

Remember, do you only want to be liked and make friends in business? Or do you want to make money and achieve needed results? The irony is that when you build your true inner confidence, people are more likely to like you and do business with you!

Get Guidance on How to Share Your Successes with Others. One reason potentially successful people fail to brag is that they don’t seek out an industry mentor or hire an executive coach to help them learn the art of self-promotion. And it is an art! The other challenge is that many overlook the need to know their numbers, metrics, and other accomplishments. Instead, they take the latest saying or blurb and attempt to fit their accomplishments into it. The problem? It lacks authenticity and truth!

Start by completing the 5 simple exercises in the book “Get Your Brag On!” Then, work with a good marketing or executive coach to fine-tune. Remember, the key is to differentiate yourself so that others readily understand what you’re saying and who you really are.

  • Saying, “I’m a coach.” It does not differentiate you since there are 1,000s of coaches.
  • “I’m a coach that inspires business professionals to succeed and win.” It uses words that are overused and fails to differentiate who you are.
  • Saying, “I’m a Leadership Results Coach and, along the way, guided the creation of 3 millionaires.” It brags! Focuses. Differentiates. Attracts clients.

Be Authentic, and Don’t Exaggerate. Recently, I presented “Get Your Brag On!” A woman in the audience was livid and stated emphatically, “Everyone lies and cannot tell the truth about their accomplishments! They over-exaggerate!” In my experience, I find that most people struggle to be authentic and tell the truth about what they’ve accomplished. The lesson? Be honest – if someone finds out you lied, it will hurt your credibility now and in the future.

While many people are taught to tone down their achievements (or dumb them down), doing so is usually at their own expense. You want to keep your self-promotion and smart without using words that most people don’t readily understand (e.g., generous v. magnanimous). Plus, use accurate numbers, metrics, and estimates that reflect your successes.

Remember your goal — acknowledge your greatness, then share your self-promotion effectively.

Grab my book, “Get Your Brag On!” and start bragging and self-promoting today!

©Jeannette Seibly 2019-2024 All Rights Reserved

Jeannette Seibly is a Talent Advisor/Leadership Results Coach with over 31 years of practical experience guiding leaders and bosses to improve their hiring, coaching, and managing practices and produce amazing results! And yes, achieving business success always starts with having the right people in the right jobs! She has been an Authorized PXT Select® Partner for over 32 years. Contact Jeannette to learn more about these state-of-the-art job-fit assessment tools or how to coach and manage your people to achieve incredible results.

A note from Jeannette: Learning to self-promote or brag about your accomplishments is critical to winning the opportunity, job, sales contract, or well-deserved award. But too many people downplay and hide their achievements at their own expense. If you’re stuck (and most people are), contact me now for 1:1 coaching (after doing the exercises in the book “Get Your Brag On!”) or to schedule me for the award-winning presentation!

It’s time to talk it out! Are there days you dread managing people, projects, and your team’s financial performance? You’re not alone! Everyone has their blind spots! NOW is the time to get the guidance you need to make the right changes during 2024. I have extensive experience and wisdom guiding bosses and leaders to hire, coach, and manage their teams successfully. The bonus is that they achieve unprecedented results. Contact me to learn more about my in-depth, one-on-one, customized coaching programs.

This Book (“Hire Amazing Employees”) Can Help You Improve Your Hiring Process, by Nancy Schick, NY Employment Attorney and Mediator. I met Jeannette Seibly a few months ago In this Together Round Table, where I also learned about her book, Hire Amazing Employees. Since my clients frequently struggle with this task, I bought myself a copy and gave several as gifts. The book contains many helpful tips for avoiding the impact of hiring errors. Read the full testimonial here.

Great Results Require Winning Attitudes!

“A healthy relationship with ‘winning’ is required to blast through circumstances.” Jeannette Seibly

Winning isn’t everything, but developing a winning attitude is required to achieve amazing results, especially in the face of negativity, misperception, and other limiting circumstances. The bonus? It feels great!

However, many people today have conflicted feelings and attitudes about winning. They find it more comfortable to conform to peer pressure, not exceed others’ expectations, and not rock the boat. Unfortunately, this attitude gets in the way of winning for them and their teams. While it keeps them from overshadowing others, there is a huge personal and professional cost (e.g., being overlooked for promotions, not being selected for key opportunities, low self-esteem, confidence, etc.).

Why is having a winning attitude vital for you?

  • It creates healthy self-esteem while improving your results.
  • It builds your confidence and mindful awareness.
  • It provides you the courage to ask for help, hire a coach, and influence others.
  • It increases your ability to take the initiative, be coachable, and be resourceful.
  • It makes you promotable while having more fun and making more money.

Remember, especially when you want to throw in the towel and say, “I give up,” it’s not about whether you win or lose. It’s about your attitude toward winning. It’s about enjoying the process of gaining new knowledge, skills, and awareness that comes from a winning attitude. And these experiences are priceless.

How to Create a Healthy Winning Attitude

  1. Do the Work Instead of Creating Excuses. We all love our excuses. But they get in the way of winning! When the process isn’t working, don’t let it deter you from achieving the goal! Don’t change the goal; instead, change the process. Remember, the process rarely looks like you think it should! It requires stretching outside your comfort zone and developing a new one.
  2. Take Initiative. Too often, people dream the dream but fail to honor the commitments required. They blame other people and situations. Instead, make a good plan and follow it. To achieve any goal, focus on what’s important to you. Now, get in the game and go for it! That’s taking the initiative and getting into focused action.
  3. When Obstacles Occur, and They Will, Become Resourceful! Everyone hits a wall. Sometimes it’s a massive one. But giving up isn’t an option. Instead, be flexible, resourceful, and resilient. Adopt the winning mantra, “I can do this, and I do it.” Now, take it moment by moment, step by step, and day by day as you move forward. Yes, there will continue to be bumps in the road. But don’t let them stop you.
  4. Celebrate the Wins with Gratitude, not Ego. When you win, it’s important to celebrate and acknowledge your accomplishments! Add the achievements to your resume and bio. Bragging in a humble manner works! Don’t forget to say, “Thank you!” to those that helped you along the way! (You didn’t achieve it without them!)

©Jeannette Seibly 2021-2023 All Rights Reserved

Jeannette Seibly is The Leadership Results Coach. She has guided the creation of three millionaires and countless 6-figure income professionals. As an award-winning international executive and family business management consultant, keynote speaker, and author for over 30 years, she guides others to make a positive difference. Feel stuck in a political work situation? Want clear advice on how to get out of it? Contact Jeannette for a confidential conversation.

A Note from Jeannette about having a winning attitude and achieving amazing results: Too often, we rely on our excuses for not achieving intended results. The truth is that we need to stop accepting mediocrity and develop a winning attitude. It’s not hard, and there is work to be done. The rewards are: It feels great and can offer external rewards too (e.g., promotion, new home, etc.)! What do you want to accomplish? It’s not too late to get started! Let’s Chat!

Are you frustrated because you are a results producer and now not producing the intended results? It’s time to find out “why” and get back into the game. It requires seeing your blind spots and hiring a coach! I have extensive experience guiding bosses and leaders to work with and through their teams to achieve unprecedented results. Contact me to learn more about my in-depth, one-on-one coaching program over 13 weeks. Remember, coaching speeds up your ability to win.

Producing Effective Results Requires Trusting Yourself

“Trusting yourself requires experience, resilience, and the willingness to learn from your mistakes.” Jeannette Seibly

Wanting to be a leader, boss, team member, and good citizen requires trusting yourself to take the right actions and asking for help on what to do to create effective results. What you do or do not do impacts others’ ability to trust you to make win-win-win decisions.

How often have you decided and second-guessed yourself because you didn’t trust yourself? Too often, we realize that if you’d asked the right questions or knew what you now know, you’d have made a better decision. But we didn’t trust ourselves, and every leader has been there.

So, how do we learn to trust ourselves?

Important Traits Required to Trust Yourself

Tell the Truth! We love to rationalize, justify, and lie to ourselves and others that we’re doing our best. Trusting yourself is built by asking for help when you don’t know what to do.

Example: What are you doing to make it difficult for your team members to trust you to achieve intended results or to ask you for help (e.g., gossiping, withholding resources, blaming others, etc.)?

Honor Your Word. This can be difficult for many people, including leaders. But, remember, while you may not believe your word impacts yourself or others, it does … and builds or diminishes trust.

Example: Pick up the phone and talk directly with the right person to solve a team conflict or other brewing issue (e.g., HR, boss, or coach). Then, follow through!

Stop Relying Solely on Intuition or Gut Feelings. Too many people rely on feelings, social media rants, and other lousy information and cite these as intuitive or gut reactions. While scientific studies indicate intuition and gut reactions are important, we can’t rely solely on them when making decisions.

Example: Too many hiring bosses rely on intuition and incorrectly use job fit assessments when selecting the right person for the job. This creates losses in retention, revenues, and results.

Learn the Rules. Many people today flaunt or ignore the rules; they are there for a reason. While they may need changing, complaining about them or signing a petition doesn’t make a difference. Building trust in yourself means being accountable for what you say and do with others.

Example: Are you working within your company’s policies and standard operating procedures? Or do you hope no one notices you aren’t? Learning the rules prevents you from planning your excuses if there is a huge and costly mistake.

Learn to Apologize for Mistakes. Instead of relying on your excuses when you make a mistake, genuinely use these words, “I’m sorry.” “I apologize.”  By trusting yourself to apologize for your mistakes, you will build trust with others so they know you take responsibility for your actions.

Example: A woman failed to show up twice in meetings she’d requested, set up with the same person, and then refused to apologize for being a no-show. This is what it looks like when you don’t trust yourself; it encourages others not to trust you.

Be Coachable! The fastest way to learn to trust yourself and encourage others to trust you is to be coachable. While no one can know what to do in every situation, trust yourself to seek the right person to coach you through the best way to resolve issues. Listen and follow the advice of your coach and boss.

©Jeannette Seibly 2023 All Rights Reserved

Jeannette Seibly is The Leadership Results Coach. With over 30 years as an award-winning international executive coach, speaker, and business author, Jeannette’s clients effectively work through sticky situations and challenging relationships to become positive influencers. Contact Jeannette for a confidential discussion. PS: She’s also a three-time Amazon Best-Selling Author!

A note from Jeannette about trusting yourself: Many leaders like to think they trust themselves. Yet, they don’t. How do you know? Watch their actions, which speak louder than words. Contact me to assess how to trust yourself more for better results.

NOTE: Learning to trust yourself requires making the right choices and the right changes. I love coaching and supporting current and future leaders during critical and strategic situations. Contact me if you want an in-depth, one-on-one hour over 13 weeks. Remember, coaching accelerates your ability to trust yourself. This, in turn, influences your team for unprecedented results that others applaud.

How’s your leadership development progressing? Are you moving forward … or a tad stuck? Do you need a “nudge” and “clarification?” Want to accelerate and soar your results? Contact me for a confidential conversation.

Effective Leaders Don’t Use These 7 Excuses!

“Leaders must be accountable and stop offering excuses for their poor results.” Jeannette Seibly

Many leaders say and do things they believe will make them look good! But worse, they often blame others, thinking it will excuse their poor results!

The problem? When leaders don’t take responsibility for their results, teams and bosses feel demoralized and not valued by these thoughtless excuses that make them the scapegoats.

If you want to be effective as a leader, you need to remember “words matter!” Actions and “no excuses” do too!

It’s up to you to roll up your sleeves and get involved in creating solutions, not excuses!

Don’t Use These 7 Excuses!

  1. “I need better people to get the job done.” It’s time to do a better job of hiring the right people for job fit! Improve your interviews and selection tools.
  2. “My team doesn’t know what they’re doing.” Just because a person has a certificate doesn’t mean they have the experience to use the skills! Effective leaders provide continuous training and opportunities to develop people and their “hands-on” technical, financial, operational, and people skills. Examples include diversity, listening and asking questions, budgeting, critical thinking, project planning, execution, etc.
  3. “If this person doesn’t work out, I’ll just fire the person and hire a new one.” Have you calculated the cost of a hiring mistake? It’s very expensive.
  4. “If I just had the right team, the client wouldn’t have canceled the contract.” Unfortunately, ineffective leaders lack the interest, experience, and coachability to get the intended results! It’s important to remember that every successful project has a technical/financial side (e.g., budget, plan, online project calendars) and a human side (e.g., assigning tasks based on job fit, brainstorming ideas, managing team conflict). Effective leaders have learned how to manage both simultaneously.
  5. “My boss is an idiot. We need better resources and a larger budget to get the job done.” I’ve seen leaders fired over this statement, not for the obvious reason! It’s because they did not take the initiative and find the resources to get the job done by working with and through their team! Effective leaders are accountable.
  6. “We’re stuck, and no one is helping.” If you’re waiting for someone to rescue you (e.g., boss, vendor, or co-worker), they’re waiting for you to ask for help! Don’t delay! The answers to your questions are in others’ heads, not your own. Talk with your executive coach, professional network, and brainstorm with the team. Only pick 1 or 2 suggestions and run with them!
  7. “I’m too busy to deal with it now.” Busyness is a popular excuse that conveys “you’re ineffective as a leader.” Remember the famous quote? “If you want something done, ask a busy person.” (Benjamin Franklin)

Your primary job is to provide the resources, coaching, and clarity when your team needs help to get the job done. It’s how unprecedented results are achieved! It’s what effective leaders do!

©Jeannette Seibly 2022 All Rights Reserved

Jeannette Seibly is The Leadership Results Coach. She has guided the creation of three millionaires and countless 6-figure income professionals. For the past 29 years, she has been an award-winning international executive and family business management consultant, keynote speaker, and author. Having challenges finding, hiring, and keeping top talent? Don’t wait! It won’t get better the longer you wait! It’ll only get worse and more expensive. Contact Jeannette for a confidential conversation.

A Note from Jeannette about effective leaders and excuses: Many leaders say and do things they believe will make them look good. They use these as excuses for their poor results! The problem? Most teams and bosses don’t hear these excuses and instead feel the blame! If you want to be effective as a leader, you need to remember that “words matter!” Actions do too! Need help improving your effectiveness as a leader? Let’s Chat!

Is your boss tired of your excuses for why your team is not performing? Then, it’s time to update your hiring practices. To improve your interviewing skills, grab your FREE copy of the best 16 Tips to Conduct Effective and Productive Hiring Interviews Today.

Easy Ways to Combat Energy Zappers

“Many people love to procrastinate and blame boredom, stress, and toxic people. But the truth is when you fail to honor your commitments to yourself and others, your energy gets zapped daily.” Jeannette Seibly

What is our #1 energy zapper? Our excuses! Stress, boredom, and toxic people, along with lack of sleep, too much sugar, and caffeine, rank right up there as energy zappers too! And, these will occur on a regular basis when not managed.

But procrastination and the excuses we mentally create to justify it win as #1. Ironically, it takes more energy to avoid doing the task or job than it does to get the work done. It’s incredible how much time we waste looking for excuses, feeding our procrastination, and seeking out “why” we don’t want to get it done.

When you have a job, task, or client need, the bottom line is that you want to get into focused-action as quickly as possible. If you don’t, you will experience diminished self-confidence and self-worth. And, you will find future career opportunities, and sales get zapped too.

6 Strategies to Stop Energy Zappers

Schedule. Use an online or hand-written calendar, scheduler, and/or planner. Schedule the time needed to get the task done. Now, honor it as an appointment with a VIP (very important person).  

I remember using an online planner to get my first book written and published. Every week I would receive a notification of activities for the week. And I honored it! This process eliminated the excuses I usually created for not getting my book written and published sooner.

Do or Delegate. Just because you don’t want to do it doesn’t mean others won’t welcome the opportunity. Don’t be afraid to delegate the task or job to someone who would welcome it. Remember, they won’t do it the same way you would … but they often do it better because they enjoy the work!

Brandon hated accounting. But as an entrepreneur knew, it was essential to have up-to-date numbers. So, he set aside his excuses and hired a bookkeeper who completed the weekly work within a couple of hours. Now, Brandon can speak intelligently with banks, his coach, and his team about where they need to focus their attention and be profitable.

Set Aside 20 minutes. If you’re still finding or looking for excuses, STOP! Set a timer for 20 minutes and focus on doing the task during that time and see how far you progress. If, at the end of the 20 minutes, you’re ready to do more, go for it!

One sales rep avoided making his calls and following up with potential customers. His excuse was, “They don’t want to buy from me anyway.” When he worked with his sales manager and coach, he learned how to use those 20 minutes to follow-up and follow-through. His sales improved dramatically.

Hire a Coach and Find an Accountability Partner. Find someone to be your cheerleader. This person will keep you in action. And guide you through complex situations and/or relationships that can also be energy zappers.

Write It Out, Walk It Out, and Talk It Out. These three activities will help you overcome the normal energy zappers of day-to-day stress, boredom, and toxic people.

© Jeannette L. Seibly, 2010-2022 All Rights Reserved

Jeannette Seibly is The Leadership Results Coach. She has guided the creation of three millionaires and countless 6-figure income professionals. During the past 29 years, she has become an award-winning international executive and family business management consultant and keynote speaker. Have trouble getting into focused action and feeling energized to get your job done and goals completed? Contact Jeannette for a confidential conversation.

Note from Jeannette about energy zappers. Honoring our commitments has become more critical today than ever. Keeping your commitments make you a top talent that your customers enjoy working with. Unfortunately, too many people fail to understand the impact of not keeping their commitments. Contact me today to confidentially talk about your energy zappers.

Being a top influencer means honoring your word and getting the job done in a high-quality and timely manner. So, grab your FREE copy of Eight Tips to Increase Your Ability to Influence.


Stop Sabotaging Your Results with Busyness

“Busyness is the #1 bad habit we need to disrupt for an amazing 2022!” Jeannette Seibly

The best advice I can provide you this new year is to stop busyness from sabotaging your results!

But how? What is getting in the way?

You have dreams and goals you hope to achieve someday. Some of you want a job promotion, early retirement, to travel, or to write a book. Consider that someday is today!

That’s why busyness must need disruption.

Busyness is a mindset, a bad habit. People pride themselves on being busy. It’s their way of feeling fulfilled and living a purposeful life. But they lose sight of what really makes them happy, fulfilled, and living a life on purpose.

Yesterday I wrestled with my own “busyness” and resisted writing this article/blog post. So, I took my own advice and went for a walk! It was just the disruptor I needed. I came back and wrote two articles, including this one! Then, I completed the other items I resisted that were on my list too!

For a successful 2022, let’s make it a year of success now and stop sabotaging future results with today’s busyness!

7 Ways to Stop Busyness from Sabotaging Your Results!

  1. Find Work that Is Important to You. With the Great Resignation, there are many employers today begging for employees. The challenge? Over 70% of you hated your job because it didn’t fit your natural thinking, core behaviors, and occupational interests! So first, use a qualified job fit assessment to clarify what engages you objectively. Then, work with your executive coach to design the job and goals that engage and inspire you into action.
  2. Limit Social Media. It’s a big-time suck! The biggest issue? You compare your life to others and become depressed, which gets in your way of taking the required actions. Remember, these posts are only quick snapshots of a moment. They don’t reflect the efforts needed! Do something you enjoy for a few hours a week if you feel stuck. Not social media. Volunteer for a cause. Help a neighbor or friend. Take a fun class or get a certification. This “feel-good” will expand into other areas of your life and inspire you to do the work necessary to achieve your results!
  3. Get Out in Nature. Many times, taking a 20-minute walk can rejuvenate you! Don’t listen to podcasts or talk on your cell. Walk. Breathe. Stop the inner mental chatter. Enjoy the sights. Now, you’re refreshed and ready to focus on the next step in your action plan. Just like I did yesterday.
  4. Create Something New. Don’t be afraid to stretch and create a new process, product, or book. But don’t let it take you off-track from your goal (which often happens when you allow busyness to intercede). You don’t have to be highly creative. Instead, ask yourself, “How can I simplify this to save time?” This question energizes your mind, body, and soul to expand, which they love to do!
  5. Truly Listen and Engage in the Conversation. Truly listening to others stops the distracting internal mental chatter. Nothing is more rewarding than the feeling of being truly heard! When you listen to others, they will listen to you. Together, you can create fantastic new opportunities in life and business!
  6. Enjoy Silence. Instead of running off to the next meeting or task, set aside a few minutes to enjoy the silence. Taking the time will reenergize and de-stress you while making you more alert for the next meeting or task.
  7. K.I.S.S. Keep It Simple and Smart! We often love to make everything too complicated (and, at times, impossible). It sabotages your self-confidence and the results needed to achieve your dreams and goals. Number 1! Hire the right coach for you to get unstuck and create clarity. Number 2! Take focused action. It’s the best way to overcome the busyness saboteur! Number 3! Start right NOW!

©Jeannette Seibly, 2020-2022 All Rights Reserved

Jeannette Seibly is The Leadership Results Coach. She has guided the creation of three millionaires and countless 6-figure income professionals. During the past 29 years, she has become an award-winning international executive and family business management consultant, and keynote speaker. Recently, she was able to add another brag. She has been an Authorized PXT Select Partner with Wiley/Profiles International for 30 years, guiding companies to hire the right person the first time. Have questions? Need help? Contact Jeannette for a confidential conversation.

A Note from Jeannette about achieving results now and overcoming the busyness saboteur! You have dreams and goals you hope to achieve (e.g., a promotion, early retirement, travel, writing a book, etc.). The question I have for you … “Why can’t you achieve them now?” The answer … You allow busyness to get in the way and use it to sabotage your results. Do you feel stuck and not clear on how to get started? If yes, contact me for a confidential conversation.

You are an influencer! But when you lack awareness of your intentions, it sabotages your results. 2022 is the year to be a positive influencer! Get started today with your FREE copy of Eight Tips to Increase Your Ability to Influence.

How to Stop Tactless Remarks from Hurting Your Leadership

“Words matter … so choose your words responsibly.” Jeannette Seibly

It only takes a second to blurt out a tactless remark, but it can take hours, weeks, and even years for your team, boss, or customer to forget … if they ever do.

As a leader, your words reverberate throughout the company and impact your team’s results. You have a choice … your words will either inspire or deflate others.

The words you choose will impact the results you, your team, and your business strive to achieve.

Words Matter to Achieve Team Results

Here are 7 common tactless remarks guaranteed to create conflict, frustration, and poor results. So again, choose your words wisely.

Yeah, but…! This only invokes debate, defensiveness, and poor solutions! Listen with an open mind and heart. You will learn something new!

“That’s stupid.” This tactless remark is a great way to block others from wanting to share their ideas and solutions! While you may not want to hear their ideas, get over it. It’s your job as a leader to listen. Instead, ask, “That’s interesting…how would that work?” Now ask yourself, “What new insights did I learn?”

“I have the wrong team.” Although this is a common remark, it’s doubtful you have the wrong team! In reality, there may be one or two underperforming team members not committed to the goal or causing team conflict. It’s your job to get everyone on the same page. While training and developing your team, you will uncover the real issues that have hindered progress. Now, it’s time to have the tough conversations without blaming others.

“I hate this project or customer.” Expressing this remark hurts your team’s ability to produce intended results. When you “hate” something, you limit new ideas and make bad decisions. It also limits your ability to be a positive influencer. Work with your executive coach and a mentor to transform this mindset.

“I never liked working here.” Did you know, according to Gallup, that over 70% of employees are in jobs that don’t fit them … including leaders? (Numbers are now climbing!) Use a qualified job fit assessment to clarify the reason for your dissatisfaction. Now, get back in action and build the leadership skills required to engage your team and produce dynamic results.

“My team or customer or boss is a moron…jerk…narrow-minded (the list is endless)” Insulting someone’s intelligence or labeling them hurts team productivity and results. And, unfortunately, your team (and others) will mimic you! Remember, there will be times you must effectively work with and through others to achieve win-win-win outcomes. So, make it a practice to facilitate good working relationships along the way!

[absolute silence].  When tragedy, terminal illness, or a life difficulty happens to a team member, saying something is better than saying nothing. Pick up the phone (don’t text or send emails). Let the person know, “I’m sorry” or “My thoughts are with you” and “Let me know if you need anything.” You only have this one chance to let the person know they are valued. Your effort, or lack of, will impact your team members and their results for a long time. In these situations, silence is not golden.

©Jeannette Seibly, 2020-2021 All Rights Reserved

Jeannette Seibly is The Leadership Results Coach. She has guided the creation of three millionaires and countless 6-figure income professionals for almost 30 years. Her brags include being an award-winning international executive and family business management consultant, and keynote speaker. Recently, she was able to add another brag. She is now an international Amazon Bestselling author of, The Old Wooden Rocker. Have questions? Need a speaker or facilitator? Contact Jeannette for a confidential conversation.

A Note from Jeannette: How to Stop Tactless Remarks from Hurting Your Leadership. Every leader has made tactless remarks, even if it was only one time. While it may only take a moment to make a tactless remark, it can take hours, weeks, and even years for the team or person to forget. Apologize immediately when this happens. If the issue is still hanging around, call me now for a confidential conversation … let’s get it fixed now before it’s too late!

Know you’re making a difference by being a positive influencer. Learn how to share so that others will listen. Get your FREE copy of Eight Tips to Increase Your Ability to Influence

Build Confidence by Not Allowing Self-Doubt to Sabotage Your Career

“Overcoming self-doubt requires believing and trusting in yourself … as you are … right now.” Jeannette Seibly

Have you ever wanted to do something and the “little voice in your head” said, “NO! You’ll fail! You can’t! You’re not smart enough! You’re too old! You don’t have what it takes to succeed?”

Everyone has self-doubts. They occur when fear or uncertainty creeps in! But don’t let your self-doubt become the predictor of your goals, career choices, or leadership.

Building confidence is an inside job and erases self-doubt. It’s developing a belief and a trust in yourself each day … where you are … right now.

7 Ways to Erase Self-Doubt and Build Confidence

  1. Replace Negative Self-Talk with Your Brags! Internal mind chatter often gets in everyone’s way, especially when attempting something new. To overcome this, complete the Brag! work in It’s Time to Brag! Business Edition. Wow! Look at what you’ve already achieved! Remember, no matter what you’ve accomplished in life … and you’ve already accomplished a lot … self-doubt can sabotage your career if you allow it! So now, before you second-guess yourself, again, offer your idea, manage team conflict, and/or ask your boss for that promotion and pay raise!
  2. Banish the Fear of Feeling You’re Not Good Enough. We all experience the “Imposter Syndrome” when not feeling confident, especially women. This happens regardless of all the credentials and other awards you’ve won! When it occurs, talk it out with your executive coach. Uncover the real reason for your fear (e.g., getting your boss’s approval, managing a difficult team member, hiring the right person, etc.).
  3. Be Willing to Learn Something New. Yes, everyone started their career “not knowing how to do or accomplish something!” However, the ones that succeeded were willing to set aside their ego, admit they didn’t know, and learn the basics. They were also ready to practice and become masters while working through mistakes! Remember, when you set aside your ego, you learn at a faster and more advanced level!
  4. It Doesn’t Need to be Perfect … Just Very Good. This can be difficult for successful people to grasp … and, it doesn’t mean overlooking mistakes. Also, it doesn’t mean accepting mediocrity. Remember, perfectionism creates unnecessary stress, team conflict, and missed milestones. So relax, trust in the process, and allow your team to work their magic!
  5. Use the “Rule of 3” to Make the Best Decision You Can. Create 3 must-haves for your project, new vehicle, or next job. Now, get three different quotes or create three options for fulfillment. When selecting a book editor, I remember I found three viable candidates and had each submit their proposal. Then, I decided on the one that met my criteria. Remember, the cheapest isn’t always the best one!
  6. Accept Negative Feedback Graciously. When you receive negative feedback, instead of allowing self-doubt to take hold, get the specifics of the issue. Be open to feedback. It’s how you improve. Ask, “What were your 2 specific concerns and why are these important?” Listen and learn. Now, incorporate these as appropriate. If you’re not willing to learn from negative feedback, your self-doubt will win!
  7. Just Because You Fail, It Doesn’t Mean You Should Stop Trusting or Believing in Yourself. Of course, there will be times you fail (we all do). But it may be time to get real. If you’re unwilling to take focused-actions designed to achieve the results, work with your executive coach for other options. For example, if you’re reluctant to sell, being a financial planner will not be a successful career choice today.

©Jeannette Seibly 2021 All Rights Reserved

Jeannette Seibly is The Leadership Results Coach. She has guided the creation of three millionaires and countless 6-figure income professionals for almost 30 years. Her brags include being an award-winning international executive and family business management consultant, and keynote speaker. Recently, she was able to add another brag. She became an international Amazon Bestselling author of, The Old Wooden Rocker. Have questions? Need a speaker or facilitator? Contact Jeannette for a confidential conversation.

A Note from Jeannette about erasing self-doubt. Everyone experiences self-doubt when faced with uncertainty, especially when attempting something new. Learning to erase these fears builds confidence now and guides you in future endeavors. Are you stuck and uncertain where to begin? Contact me for a confidential conversation.

Want to be an influencer? Have your ideas heard and valued by your boss and team? Get your Eight Tips to Increase Your Ability to Influence