Are you a business owner, executive or the boss? We all need a reality check from time-to-time. Do you believe projects could be completed quicker if only they would do it your way? Do you expect more from others than you do from yourself? Are you intolerant of others’ mistakes? Yet, harder on yourself?
Here are three easy ways to get real and get results:
Come into alignment. Get on the same page with your employees regarding the expected results. This is critical for ensuring agreement. Then, have them put together an action plan and review it with you before they start!
Be the coach. Don’t micro-manage the process. If the process is not moving forward as discussed, or it has hit more than one bump, you may need to step in. Review the thought and action processes. Correct inaccurate assumptions and negative attitudes. Be aware that many people have a hard time addressing the details of a project, particularly if the process is not working the way they envisioned it would.
Manage results. Have short weekly reviews. What worked? What didn’t? Be specific and stay away from the why’s. Create a plan to address issues and acknowledge successes. The key is to fine-tune and move forward. Above all, do not let set-backs stop you.
As the boss, your job is two-fold:
- To manage major blunders and the hiccups that occur along the way.
- To recognize and reward great progress.
(c)Jeannette Seibly, 2010