Ridiculous you say? Hhhmmm…
- Does it take several phone calls to get in touch with you?
- Does it take longer than 24 to 48 hours to respond to your voice mail messages or emails?
- Do you normally use the excuses “I’m too busy.” OR “I don’t have the time?”
- If so, you probably do not know this Law of poor customer service:
The longer it takes for you to return a call or respond to an email, the more the issue will grow exponentially larger.
Try this instead:
Treat your phone and email with reverence. Phone messages and email messages from clients and prospective clients are the life blood of your business. Prompt responses are a good opportunity to enhance the value you provide to your clients. It’s also a great way to up-sell and cross-sell any additional products and services that they may need, but do not realize you offer.
All clients are important. Rank ordering clients as to whom you will contact based upon revenues will work only until you lose the BIG client. Then, you’ll need to re-group and try to re-capture smaller clients who found excellent customer service with your competition while you focused on the BIG client.
Keep meetings. Continually canceling, not being prepared, and not taking responsibility for ensuring the client feels valued are good excuses for your clients to seek out other vendors. It’s easier and less expensive to keep good clients, then to go and find new ones.
Blitz them with customer service. We falsely assume, with devastating results, that everyone knows how to be a good representative of the company. Train all employees to be on the same page, and work together for the benefit of the client. Contact me for details … it will save you many clients! JLSeibly@gmail.com
©Jeannette Seibly, 2010