Are You Ready to Excel as a Leader? Now is the Time!

Leaders.Crisis.BizSavvyCoach.5Now is the time to excel as a leader. Are you ready to lead during this crisis?

No one is born a leader. It takes experience, practice, and commitment to be a leader, especially during a crisis.

  • -Are you ready?
  • -Do you have the ability to work with and through others to get the job done?
  • -Are you able to engage your teams in meaningful conversations, while building dynamic results?

Remember, leaders don’t get do-overs, even during a crisis period.

6 Skills Required of Leaders to Excel during a Crisis and Beyond

  1. Engage Your Team. Forcing your team members to do what you tell them to do is not engaging. It only creates fear and distrust. Instead, treat your team members as adults and as contributing members of your team. Yes, your mindset matters. Also, acknowledge their great ideas. Working alongside them virtually can still produce intended outcomes in a win-win-win manner.

Crisis Tip: Check-IN to see how they are doing…do not check-UP to see what they are doing!


  1. Integrity Still Matters. Work through legal and financial considerations and don’t take short-cuts. Remember, the best solutions may not follow the easiest and fastest pathways. When mistakes occur, and they will, take responsibility for resolving them.

Crisis Tip: When a mistake is made, take responsibility. Apologize and clean it up! It sets a great example for your team and others.


  1. Listen for New Possibilities in ALL Ideas. Remember, it’s not business as usual. Put down your electronic gadgets. Listen to what is being said and the unspoken messages that are being conveyed. Then, ask questions to elicit the best from your team to build on new ideas. Initially, these ideas may seem off-the-wall and ridiculous…but they can inspire new solutions. Keep an open mind.

Crisis Tip: Consider, you will create better solutions when you work with your team instead of as a lone-ranger.


  1. Respect Others. Your job isn’t to be a critical parent, particularly when you have team members older than you! Remember, they have tremendous experience and great ideas. Trust your team to get the job done without micromanaging them. Stay present to the results they are producing by measuring those results. Acknowledge any progress made, no matter how small.

Crisis Tip: Respect builds trust and loyalty, especially during all the uncertainty.


  1. Self-Care. It’s important to ensure your team members have the resources and your attention right now. And, it’s critical that you take care of you! Schedule time to spend with your family and friends virtually. Don’t forget to stay connected with your business network too!

Crisis Tip: Leaders who take care of themselves are more likely to have engaged and productive team members.


  1. Leaders Who Excel Have Coaches, Especially Right Now! If you don’t have an executive coach, now is the time to hire one. Have confidential conversations with them to keep you on track. That helps you navigate these uncertain times with the confidence of a true leader.

Crisis Tip:  It doesn’t need to be lonely as a leader…you just need to be coachable.


©Jeannette Seibly, 2017 -2020

Jeannette Seibly is an award-winning dynamic results coach and keynote speaker. For the past 27 years, she has guided the creation of leaders to achieve dynamic results. Did you hit your 1st Quarter goals? If you did, congrats! Remember, what you do now, during Q2, will impact Q3 and beyond. Contact Jeannette today for straight talk with dynamic results. Don’t forget to listen to her podcasts on Anchor.FM or

I’ve got an invitation for you:  All bosses are leaders! If you want to be a better boss or hope to be a boss someday, I invite you to download “15 Ways to Be a Better Boss”  It’s free.

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