What Are You Investing In? Probably Not Your Talent

“What you focus on expands, and so do your results!” Jeannette Seibly

Many bosses/leaders have a budget and are looking at the next technology, sales system, or AI they can buy to build their company’s success and attract and keep customers. Sadly, they fail to provide the dollars required to train and develop their most important asset: their employees. They forget that team members are the main reason customers stay or leave.

Investing in your talent impacts your company’s results when:

  • People are promoted to jobs without the necessary training and coaching for success
  • Employees do not receive the proper training to support your client’s needs
  • It becomes challenging to job transfer employees due to a lack of upskilling

Studies have shown that training and development improves morale and retention, attracts top talent, boosts individual and team performance, and keeps customers from straying to your competition.

Many employees today value training and development. Remember, while many technical skills need continuous upskilling, don’t overlook the essential skills of communication, critical thinking, and ethics (to name a few).

Develop the Team Members and Achieve Amazing Results

Job Fit. It starts with hiring and knowing their strengths and weaknesses based on objective data. Hiring the right person for the wrong job equals poor job fit. And no amount of training and development will make them a superstar. Poor job fit can be very costly. If that is not enough to get your attention, studies have shown it can cost over $300K per person when you hire someone who is not a good fit.

Career Pathing. Not all employees are alike! Their career path should reflect the skills required for the success of their job and accomplishing their long-term goals. This makes it easier to upskill and focus on needed training to prepare for job promotions and job transfer. Example: One top employee wanted to return to his hometown in a different state. The company paid for the transfer. However, the employee could not operate independently without the structure of the office environment. Within a year, the employee left to work for a competitor.

Personalize. Similar to the Career Pathing above, not all team members need the same training. Listening would be a better skill to develop for someone fearless in speaking up than focusing on learning how to talk in meetings. Use a qualified job-fit assessment to provide objective insights and clarify areas that must be designed to improve effectiveness.

Leadership and Management Development. Even though many employees today say they have no interest in being a boss or leader, the truth is they don’t have the training and are not given the opportunities to showcase these skills. While they may not want the job title or responsibilities, the training can be priceless in supporting them to lead teams, manage projects, and improve personal job satisfaction.

Critical Interpersonal Skills Are Crucial. Communication, critical thinking, and ethics training (to name a few) are crucial skills needed today more than ever. It requires ALL employees to develop them ongoingly. Remember, these skills can be used everywhere with anyone at any time in their lives.

Use a Mix of Training Delivery. Use podcasts, face-to-face workshops, virtual training, etc. Remember, not all people learn the same way. Ensure the trainer or presenter uses a mix of media, games, and other engaging ways to help facilitate everyone getting value.

Appreciate Progress. All bosses/leaders must acknowledge each employee and their teams for steps taken and growth observed — what you appreciate strengthens the person’s confidence and competence in using their new skills. When a skill is not used appropriately, fine-tune it with spot-on coaching to steer the employee and team forward.

Hire an Executive Coach. Everyone, especially bosses/leaders, must have an external executive coach and an internal mentor. The executive coach can provide objective insights and confidentially address issues while steering you through sticky situations and political working relationships. An internal mentor can guide your ability to work with people through industry, professional, and company silos, factions, and other political elephants.

©Jeannette Seibly 2024 All Rights Reserved

Jeannette Seibly is a Talent Advisor/Leadership Results Coach with over 31 years of practical experience guiding leaders and bosses to improve their hiring, coaching, and managing practices and produce amazing results! And yes, achieving business success always starts with having the right people in the right jobs! She has been an Authorized PXT Select® Partner for over 32 years. Contact Jeannette to learn more about these state-of-the-art job-fit assessment tools or how to coach and manage your people to achieve incredible results.

A note from Jeannette: Are you adequately investing in your employees and teams? Many will spend more time and money on technology and overlook their people’s critical development. Need help fine-tuning your training and development efforts? Contact me!

Now is the time to get into focused action! Are there days you dread doing what is needed to manage your people, projects, and team’s financial performance? You’re not alone! Everyone has those days! But continuing to hide behind excuses only hurts you and your future promotability. I have extensive experience and wisdom guiding bosses and leaders to hire, coach, and manage their teams successfully – this includes getting you out of the way and working with and through people effectively to achieve the results required. Contact me to learn more about my in-depth, one-on-one, customized coaching programs.

Are you using your talents and abilities effectively? Many of us are not! Click Here for a Free Download on how to use your talents and enjoy a rewarding career!

Transform Your Blind Spots into Savvy Leadership

“We all have blind spots, and to see them requires an open mind!” Jeannette Seibly

Do you know how your impatience, fear of conflict, and being easily triggered affect your effectiveness as a boss/leader? 

All bosses/leaders have blind spots. Often, these are complex and, many times, impossible to distinguish. Or they get created because of criticism from someone whose opinion you value. Or you have been unwilling or unable to acknowledge your biases, judgments, and evaluations of others objectively.

Unidentified blind spots are weaknesses that cost you, your company, your team, and your customers intended results.

Your blind spots, when ignored, will sabotage you and your career unless you identify them and discover them with your executive coach.

How Do You Define Blind Spots?

Leadership blind spots are the areas where a leader … even a very successful leader … is missing something. A blind spot can be a lack of attention to a particular area or a part of your skillset that never developed. ALL leaders have blind spots. Exceptional Leader’s Lab

No matter how hard you try to be self-aware and mindful, you cannot readily self-identify your blind spots. The problem is your blind spots impact others and can limit their effectiveness at work.

The challenge is to hire the right executive coach to uncover your blind spots before they damage your leadership reputation and future opportunities.

What Are the Top 10 Leadership Blind Spots?

While some blind spots may be easy to spot, according to Inc. Magazine, here are the top 10.

Which ones do you recognize for yourself?

The top 10 blind spots are:

  1. Going it alone
  2. Being insensitive of your behavior toward others
  3. Having an “I know” attitude
  4. Avoiding the difficult conversations
  5. Blaming others or circumstances
  6. Treating commitments casually
  7. Conspiring against others
  8. Withholding emotional commitment
  9. Not taking a stand
  10. Tolerating “good enough”

“Identifying your blind spots and overcoming these hurdles is critical to developing your savvy leadership.” Jeannette Seibly

How to Flip Blind Spots into Savvy Leadership 

  1. Use assessments and 360-degree feedback to discover your inherent strengths and weaknesses (aka blind spots). There are three types of assessments: 1) assessments that uncover how you want to be seen, 2) assessments to show how you really are, and 3) assessments that show you how others see you. All three provide you with great 20/20 vision. But now, the real work begins. Work with a qualified executive coach to review the assessment results and guide you in developing a laser-focused action plan to flip these blind spots.
  2. Hire the right executive coach and listen. You will improve your influence and leadership savvy when you are coachable and listen. Having a coach eliminates the typical trial and error that otherwise occurs when you attempt to self-analyze what you say and do. (You will often be wrong!) Do not focus on conceptual conversations regarding the merits and demerits of your blind spots. Just listen to your coach, adjust, and implement.
  3. Engage with an industry mentor. The right mentor(s) is an invaluable source of information and will be knowledgeable about your company, management team, and industry. Along with your executive coach, the right mentor can also guide you through complex situations and sticky political relationships. This is the fastest way to move past your blind spots, resolve issues, and achieve intended results.
  4. Listen to your team’s feedback. Your team wants you to succeed. However, while you may believe you want to hear feedback from your team, honestly, in many cases, you’d rather not. Use a qualified 360 feedback assessment to encourage your team to tell the truth. Then, create a game plan to learn from and implement these invaluable insights.
  5. Dial up your humbleness. Take part in emotional intelligence workshops. Set aside your ego during these programs since it can be your most significant hurdle to overcoming blind spots and developing savvy leadership. Remember, authentic practice is required to achieve mastery!
  6. Improve your all-important communication skills. Your ability to write, speak, and talk with others is critical to success. Don’t fall into the trap of “I have it all handled.” Instead, take workshops to recognize your biases (aka blind spots) and develop your inner confidence.
  7. Identify triggers and biases. We all have them. To uncover triggers and automatic judgments (often subconsciously), work with your executive coach to discuss the issues and develop more effective ways to handle them. (Note: You may also need to work with a licensed therapist to remove stubborn barriers.)

©Jeannette Seibly, 2020-2024 All Rights Reserved

Jeannette Seibly is a Talent Advisor/Leadership Results Coach with over 31 years of practical experience guiding leaders and bosses to improve their hiring, coaching, and managing practices and produce amazing results! And yes, achieving business success always starts with having the right people in the right jobs! She has been an Authorized PXT Select® Partner for over 32 years. Contact Jeannette to learn more about these state-of-the-art job-fit assessment tools or how to coach and manage your people to achieve incredible results.

A note from Jeannette: If others have told you that you are impatient, fear conflict, and are easily triggered, keep reading! Even if you believe they are wrong, it’s essential to realize that ALL leaders have blind spots, including you. If you’re stuck and uncertain about how to discover your blind spots, contact me for a confidential conversation.

Now is the time to get into focused action! Are there days you dread doing what is needed to manage your people, projects, and team’s financial performance? You’re not alone! Everyone has those days! But continuing to hide behind excuses only hurts you and your future promotability. I have extensive experience and wisdom guiding bosses and leaders to hire, coach, and manage their teams successfully – this includes getting you out of the way and working with and through people effectively to achieve the results required. Contact me to learn more about my in-depth, one-on-one, customized coaching programs.

Are you using your talents effectively? Many of us are not! Click Here for a Free Download on how to use your talents and enjoy a rewarding career!

Combat Energy Zappers to Avoid Sabotaging Results

“Many people allow boredom, stress, and toxic people to zap their energy. But being responsible for these feelings can renew your energy and improve your results.” Jeannette Seibly

Our ability to feel good and maintain high energy levels is crucial for productivity and overall well-being. This includes engaging in activities we enjoy, such as spending time with loved ones or pursuing hobbies. However, it’s equally important to be aware of situations or people that drain our energy. This self-awareness is the first step in combating energy zappers and taking control of our energy levels.

Our most significant energy zapper is often our own excuses. The belief that things are the way they are and we can’t change them is a self-imposed trap. When we allow stress, boredom, or toxic people to affect us, it can lead to unhealthy habits like overeating or excessive caffeine consumption, further depleting our energy. Recognizing and taking responsibility for these factors is key to breaking this cycle and improving our relationships, performance, and results.

6 Strategies to Stop Energy Zappers

Schedule. One effective strategy to combat energy zappers is to manage our time efficiently. Whether it’s using an online or handwritten calendar, scheduler, or planner, the key is to schedule tasks and commitments. Treat these as appointments with a VIP—yourself. This simple act of scheduling can bring order to your day, boost productivity, and lead to a sense of accomplishment, all of which contribute to increased energy levels.

I remember using an online planner to write and publish my first book (and subsequent ones, too). I mapped out everything that needed to be done. Then, each week, I would set my goal and honor it. It was energizing to see my work pay off with three Amazon Best Sellers!

Do It or Delegate It. Just because you don’t want to do it doesn’t mean others won’t welcome the opportunity. Delegate and remember, they won’t do it the same way you would do it. But often, they do it better than you would because they enjoy it – it energizes them!

I have an antique lamp that hasn’t worked in several years. I’ve been contemplating whether to get rid of it or fix it. One day, in my neighborhood magazine, there was an ad for lamp repair. Without thinking more about it, I called. The man came, fixed it, and I wrote a check for $38! No more energy zapping regarding the lamp. He was energized, too, since he loves fixing lamps!

Set Aside 20 Minutes. When you dread doing the work, stop seeking excuses—the resistance drains your energy and creates inner frustrations. Instead, set a timer for 20 minutes and focus solely on the task. If you need more time at the end of the 20 minutes, keep going or schedule more time within the next 24 hours. It’s energizing to get those hateful tasks done.

One sales rep avoided making his calls and following up with potential customers. His excuse was, “They don’t want to buy from me anyway.” When his sales manager demanded he schedule 20 minutes twice daily to follow up and follow through, his sales improved dramatically.

Hire a Coach and Find an Accountability Partner. Yes, both can guide you towards achieving your goals. While you may want to resist these conversations and be uncoachable, set aside those normal behaviors and attitudes and do the work. Getting into focused action is priceless, and the results can be naturally energizing. Also, work with an experienced executive coach to guide you through complex situations and relationships that are substantial energy zappers. Once resolved, your energy is beyond priceless!

Write It Out, Walk It Out, and Talk It Out. These three activities will help you overcome the average day-to-day energy zappers experienced when working with people who cannot be trusted, over-demanding bosses, and lack of workability in a project. Just be sure you’re not the one creating those people!

Pamper Yourself. Yes, take time to have a facial (women and men), read a book you love, and listen to the music you enjoy. One or more of these types of scheduled bliss is well worth your time to uplift your natural energy. Being outdoors in nature is also a natural energizer.

© Jeannette L. Seibly, 2010-2024 All Rights Reserved

Jeannette Seibly is a Talent Advisor/Leadership Results Coach with over 31 years of practical experience guiding leaders and bosses to improve their hiring, coaching, and managing practices and produce amazing results! And yes, achieving business success always starts with having the right people in the right jobs! She has been an Authorized PXT Select® Partner for over 32 years. Contact Jeannette to learn more about these state-of-the-art job-fit assessment tools or how to coach and manage your people to achieve incredible results.

A note from Jeannette: Natural energy doesn’t lie! Relying on caffeine, sugar, or other energy enhancers can sabotage your results and relationships at work. But how do you combat energy zappers? Be aware and responsible for them while learning how to work through them. Are you having challenges getting the results you want? Are your excuses getting in the way? Let’s talk before you’ve deep-sixed a great idea or project! Contact me!

Now is the time to get into focused action! Are there days you dread doing what is needed to manage your people, projects, and team’s financial performance? You’re not alone! Everyone has those days! But continuing to hide behind excuses only hurts you and your future promotability. I have extensive experience and wisdom guiding bosses and leaders to hire, coach, and manage their teams successfully – this includes getting you out of the way and working with and through people effectively to achieve the results required. Contact me to learn more about my in-depth, one-on-one, customized coaching programs.


Be a Bold-Committed Listener Who Achieves Stellar Results

“The #1 quality people remember about their bosses is the feeling of being heard and valued.” Jeannette Seibly

Mastering the art of being a bold, committed listener is not just impressive, it’s a game-changer in your role as a boss and leader. This skill doesn’t go unnoticed. It empowers you to create an environment where team members, customers, and even your bosses can express themselves freely, without fear of you becoming defensive or offended. They feel truly heard and valued, which is a powerful tool in your leadership arsenal.

As a bold listener, you hold the key to unlocking your team’s potential. You can turn a problematic situation, conflict, or poor performance into a positive outcome. Often, the solution is right there, waiting to be heard. By simply listening, you empower your team to find their own solutions, boosting their confidence and satisfaction in their contributions.

Being a bold, committed listener isn’t hard, but it takes your willingness to listen, especially when you don’t want to hear what is said.

How to Be a Bold, Committed Listener Who Values Others

Identify Your Biases. Identifying and acknowledging your biases, snap judgments, and instant assessments about others is essential to becoming a committed listener. (Yes, we ALL have them.) We all have biases, and it’s important to be aware and set them aside when listening to others. This self-awareness is a crucial aspect of effective communication and understanding.

Encourage Face-to-Face Conversations, either on-site or via online conferencing. Relying on emails or texts will cause miscommunication, and people (including you) will not feel heard. Poor communication is often due to reliance on emojis, misused jargon, inability to articulate true thoughts and feelings, and abbreviations.

Be Present. Do not drive while having a conversation! I cannot say this enough: multi-tasking is a myth. (If you don’t believe me, use a search engine to read about how the brain is wired.) Set aside electronic distractions and anything else that distracts your attention, including internal mental chatter!

Choose Your Words. Be responsible for the words you use when responding to others. Labeling people never goes well and can be offensive. One of the most common labels right now is “narcissist.” Encourage others using these labels to “use their words” to describe their issues and concerns instead of using labels or catch-all phrases.

Silence is Golden. Allow others to use you as a sounding board, which is part of your job as a boss and leader. Ask open-ended questions to direct the conversation and guide them to find the answers for themselves.

Tell Stories. People love stories when they are brief and on-point in the conversation. A well-told story will be what the person will remember for a very long time. Note: Keep the people’s names and other identifiers confidential.

Celebrate Unrecognized Achievements. Too often, people downplay what they’ve accomplished. Be the type of leader who not only hears the successes but also says, “Congrats!”

©Jeannette Seibly 2024 All Rights Reserved

Jeannette Seibly is a Talent Advisor/Leadership Results Coach with over 31 years of practical experience guiding leaders and bosses to improve their hiring, coaching, and managing practices and produce amazing results! And yes, achieving business success always starts with having the right people in the right jobs! She has been an Authorized PXT Select® Partner for over 32 years. Contact Jeannette to learn more about these state-of-the-art job-fit assessment tools or how to coach and manage your people to achieve incredible results.

A note from Jeannette: Being a bold, committed listener can turn a problematic situation, conflict, or poor performance into a positive outcome. But it takes your willingness to listen, especially when you don’t want to hear what is said. Are you having challenges listening to others? Let’s talk now—before it’s too late. Contact me!

Now is the time to get into focused action! Are there days you dread doing what is needed to manage your people, projects, and team’s financial performance? You’re not alone! Everyone has those days! But continuing to hide behind excuses only hurts you and your future promotability. I have extensive experience and wisdom guiding bosses and leaders to hire, coach, and manage their teams successfully – this includes getting you out of the way and working with and through people effectively to achieve the results required. Contact me to learn more about my in-depth, one-on-one, customized coaching programs.

What Gets in the Way of Achieving Amazing Results? It’s Probably You!

“Getting in the way of results is human; blasting through these challenges requires leadership.” Jeannette Seibly

Achieving intended results can be fun and rewarding as a boss and leader. Yet, too often, we get in the way when things don’t look like we believe they should! (Yes, that “s” word gets in the way too often!)

But there are times (sometimes too often) when you get in the way! This hurts team productivity, client satisfaction, and the bottom line.

Remember, intended results don’t happen by accident. They happen because you pay attention to the process, are a resource, and most importantly, you trust and value your team members to do their work effectively. This empowerment is key to achieving amazing results while staying out of the way!

6 Keys to Ensure Amazing Results

Be Present and Hear What Is Said. It’s not just about being physically present, but about actively listening and understanding. Too often, you believe you’re listening. Instead, you’re multitasking (a myth), and it significantly reduces your effectiveness. The truth is that your brain can only handle one thing at a time. So, you lose effectiveness, miss out on essential cues (80% of communication is nonverbal), and make poor decisions. Your team members, stop being engaged and stop talking! (Not a good sign!)

Ask Open-Ended Questions. Then, repeat what you heard to their satisfaction before building on their ideas and comments. Use this approach when offering feedback, if the team is stuck, or if you need more clarity about actual progress. Value these types of discussions, and they’ll positively change the results!

Be Flexible without Sacrificing Results. Only delve into how the work is being done if it’s clear the person is off in the weeds or stuck. Clarity and communication of the milestones keep everyone (including you) on track. Be prepared to talk big picture, and be able to get into the details, when necessary, by bringing in an expert (e.g., if someone is tasked with setting up a dashboard and it’s not done – chances are good they lack the experience, shy about asking questions, and/or need someone to guide them through the process). Now, manage accordingly.

Make the Tough Decisions Quickly. This can be hard but necessary when someone hurts the team’s ability to work together due to unmanaged conflict, differing opinions, and false accusations. If you wait, the issue will get worse.

Jane requested a meeting with a team member, Mimi, to discuss the legality of a new idea. Mimi sent Jane the conference link to the meeting, but when Jane clicked on the link, it didn’t work.

Three minutes past the scheduled time, Mimi emailed Jane to inform her that she’d been waiting for 10 minutes and that it was rude to keep her waiting. When Jane emailed back that the link wasn’t working, Mimi accused her of lying, lacking integrity to tell the truth, and made other accusations.

When Jane shared this with Mitch, her boss, he immediately removed Mimi from the team. To Mitch’s surprise, the team applauded when he shared the change. They had also experienced challenges working with Mimi and her aggressive behaviors when she was frustrated or upset. 

Set Aside Your Ego, and Don’t Let the Project’s Success Be About You. This can be hard if your job, bonus, or next promotion depends on the intended results. But remember that you must be an effective project manager to build credibility and promotability; this includes managing the technical and people sides of the project. When you find yourself about to blame others or the situation, stop. Learn diplomacy, ask questions for clarity, and build resolutions. Remember, technology does have glitches, and it’s not always user error! Work with an executive coach as a sounding board to make a positive difference.

Celebrate Each Milestone and Success – individually and as a team. Appreciation, acknowledgment, and applause work wonders to keep team members engaged and working above the norm. Be sure it’s frequent and genuine.

©Jeannette Seibly 2024 All Rights Reserved

Jeannette Seibly is a Talent Advisor/Leadership Results Coach with over 31 years of practical experience guiding leaders and bosses to improve their hiring, coaching, and managing practices and produce amazing results! And yes, achieving business success always starts with having the right people in the right jobs! She has been an Authorized PXT Select® Partner for over 32 years. Contact Jeannette to learn more about these state-of-the-art job-fit assessment tools or how to coach and manage your people to achieve incredible results.

A note from Jeannette: Achieving results can be fun and rewarding as a boss and leader. Yet, too often, we get in the way when things don’t look like we believe they should! (Yes, that “s” word gets in the way too often!) You’re not alone if you’re frustrated about a project, team member, or working relationship! Let’s talk and use my 31+ years of resolving leadership and management issues before it’s too late. Contact me now!

Now is the time to get into focused action! Are there days you dread doing what is needed to manage your people, projects, and team’s financial performance? You’re not alone! Everyone has those days! But continuing to hide behind excuses only hurts you and your future promotability. I have extensive experience and wisdom guiding bosses and leaders to hire, coach, and manage their teams successfully – this includes getting you out of the way and working with and through people effectively to achieve the results required. Contact me to learn more about my in-depth, one-on-one, customized coaching programs.

This book (“Hire Amazing Employees“) by Nancy Schick, NY Employment Attorney and Mediator, can help you improve your hiring process. I met Jeannette Seibly a few months ago In this Together Round Table, where I also learned about her book, Hire Amazing Employees. Since my clients frequently struggle with this task, I bought myself a copy and gave several as gifts. The book contains many helpful tips for avoiding the impact of hiring errors. Read the full testimonial here.

Are You Using Your Talents Effectively?

“Why does 30 to 40 years seem like a long time to work? Because you are not working in a job or career that supports your natural talents.” Jeanette Seibly

Many would say, “sort of.” Or, “I guess.” Or, “I don’t know.”

The challenge? Many people today are unaware of their talents, gifts, and natural abilities! This includes everyone at every level in a business, nonprofit, entrepreneurship, or other workplace.

Unfortunately, most people fail to recognize and develop the skills and strengths necessary to support their natural talents. Instead, too many people waste time wishing for, being frustrated by, and being jealous of others’ talents.

If they spent that time learning about their own talents, they wouldn’t have to spend money on coaching and training to support goals that don’t honor their talents (e.g., 1099 employee v. W2 employee). The result? They feel like failures instead of winners!

Talents are natural abilities that someone is born with, while skills are learned abilities that come from practice and experience. Upwork

A financial planner worked hard to become a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) and accomplished her goal. She commented, “If someone studied that hard to become a CFP, they must be in the right job.”

Sadly, no. People can achieve degrees and certifications because they must keep their jobs or be eligible for promotions. Or it is due to parental or others’ expectations that they do so. Or because their friends or people on social media said it was the best career choice! (It may have been for that person – but not for you.)

The truth is if you want to grow in your career and life, focus on developing your unique talents, gifts, and strengths to pursue your goals. But first, ensure the goals you are pursuing honor you!

How to Honor Your Talents

It’s essential to identify your natural talents and strengths through:

Self-Reflection: Ask yourself what activities, tasks, projects, classes, and interactions give you joy and satisfaction. They usually feel engaging and fulfilling, and time passes very quickly. You want more of them.

Example: If you love crafting, gardening, or coding, ensure your job or hobbies include a creative outlet!

Feedback from Others: Talk to friends, family, co-workers, mentors, and bosses who know you well. They can provide insights into your strengths and talents that you might need to be made aware of. But don’t buy into everything they tell you since their advice may be more of a reflection of how they achieved their success.

Example: Years ago, a CFO asked if I would work for him in his department. I said, “Thank you, no.” While I have excellent math skills, crunching financials wouldn’t use my talents or support my interests. Just because you’re good at something doesn’t mean it’s the career path for you.

Job Fit Assessment:

  1. Take a job-fit assessment that provides objective data: occupational interests, thinking style, and core behaviors.
  2. Review your strengths with an executive coach.
  3. Beware of myths that often get in the way of recognizing your talents.

Examples of Myths:

  • Buying a franchise is easy and guarantees you success. The reality? Too many people buy a franchise and fail. Why? They are uncoachable and think they know how to run a well-established brand better! (Hint: Their thinking style, need to be creative, and/or do it their way got in the way.)
  • I’m good at math, so I should be an accountant, engineer, or financial planner. Too many people believe this, and what is often overlooked is that they don’t have the interest to do that type of work. (Hint: There are so many occupations that require logical thinking and the ability to use numbers and metrics; don’t narrow your options!)
  • I’d love my job if I had the right boss. That is categorically incorrect! (Hint: If you don’t enjoy your job responsibilities and fail to use your talents, it won’t matter who your boss is or how much you like them.)

Example of Honoring Your Talent: A woman worked hard to graduate as an engineer because her parents and teachers believed it was “the right career” for her. When she received her degree and got her job, she quit two months later. In a moment of insight, she realized she needed to follow her true passion and got a position in human resources where she could work with people daily.

Recognizing Moments of Being in the Zone: Reflect on times when you’ve been so involved in an activity that you lost track of time. These moments can indicate a natural talent, skill, and interest. Look specifically at what you enjoy about the task or project. What is the best way to incorporate this into your current or future job aspirations?

Example: Auto, bike, or computer repair. Working with your hands is a valued talent that pays very well.

Exploring Your Passions: Your passions can often lead you to your natural talents. Think about what excites you and how you can pursue those interests further. Talking with a career coach or executive coach can also be very helpful.

Example: You are great at attracting money for your favorite animal shelter. What would it take to do this full-time or in other nonprofits?

©Jeannette Seibly 2024 All Rights Reserved

Jeannette Seibly is a Talent Advisor/Leadership Results Coach with over 31 years of practical experience guiding leaders and bosses to improve their hiring, coaching, and managing practices and produce amazing results! And yes, achieving business success always starts with having the right people in the right jobs! She has been an Authorized PXT Select® Partner for over 32 years. Contact Jeannette to learn more about these state-of-the-art job-fit assessment tools or how to coach and manage your people to achieve incredible results.

A note from Jeannette: Are you using your natural talents, gifts, and strengths effectively? Finding work that honors your talents is important to enjoying your job! If you’re frustrated or confused about how to discover your talents, let’s talk. I have 31+ years of guiding people to uncover and pursue their talents, gifts, and strengths. Contact me now!

It’s time to talk it out! Are there days you dread managing people, projects, and your team’s financial performance? You’re not alone! Everyone has their blind spots! NOW is the time to get the guidance you need to make the right changes during 2024. I have extensive experience and wisdom guiding bosses and leaders to hire, coach, and manage their teams successfully. The bonus is that they achieve unprecedented results. Contact me to learn more about my in-depth, one-on-one, customized coaching programs.

This book (“Hire Amazing Employees”) can help you improve your hiring process, by Nancy Schick, NY Employment Attorney and Mediator. I met Jeannette Seibly a few months ago In this Together Round Table, where I also learned about her book, Hire Amazing Employees. Since my clients frequently struggle with this task, I bought myself a copy and gave several as gifts. The book contains many helpful tips for avoiding the impact of hiring errors. Read the full testimonial here.

Shameless Self-Promotion is Key to Achieving Results

“If you cannot self-promote your achievements, you cannot sell your ideas, products, or services…or be taken seriously.” Jeannette Seibly

Many women and men today downplay their value, success, and awesomeness! Why? It’s not socially acceptable to share what you’ve accomplished. However, the good news is that this is quickly changing!

“Although self-promotion (communicating one’s past accomplishments and positive characteristics) is important for obtaining career and educational opportunities, women feel uncomfortable when doing it, which limits their self-promotion success.” (Sage Journals, 2019)

In my many years of delivering the award-winning “Get Your Brag On!” presentation, many men have also shared that they lack the skills to promote themselves effectively.

The misconception that you can rely on others to promote your achievements has proven to be a costly mistake for many. It’s led to missed job opportunities, lost sales, and overlooked awards, all because they didn’t take the initiative to showcase their own worth!

Stop Downplaying Your Accomplishments!

Why? We’ve been taught since we were very young that it’s wrong to brag! Baby Boomers and GenXs were often shamed by their parents, teachers, and others when they promoted themselves. Millennials and GenZs have peer group pressure to maintain the “We,” excluding the individual “I” from recognition.

Today, self-promotion in interviews, sales presentations, and award nominations is critical. Using “I accomplished” is also important. Yet, many deserving people shy away from doing so and, as a result, are not offered the job or contract or win recognition. Often, less qualified people achieve these results because they brag in a business-savvy manner.

Fill the Confidence Gap. In my experience, both women and men fear sharing their accomplishments. (I continue to emphasize both genders since many articles only focus on women.) While there are gender biases (e.g., men need to talk powerfully, but when women speak powerfully, they are seen as bossy), shameless self-promotion does build natural inner confidence when done in a business-savvy manner.

Inner power and mindful awareness naturally communicate confidence; most people want to work with winners!

I didn’t say it was easy … or that others would readily acknowledge your successes. I’m saying stand up and speak up about your accomplishments. It makes a significant difference in getting pay increases, job promotions, and closing sales.

Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway. Let go of your fears. If someone doesn’t like you, bragging won’t change their opinion. If others are jealous of your success, they won’t suddenly want you on their team. Get over trying to win others’ positive opinions.

Remember, do you only want to be liked and make friends in business? Or do you want to make money and achieve needed results? The irony is that when you build your true inner confidence, people are more likely to like you and do business with you!

Get Guidance on How to Share Your Successes with Others. One reason potentially successful people fail to brag is that they don’t seek out an industry mentor or hire an executive coach to help them learn the art of self-promotion. And it is an art! The other challenge is that many overlook the need to know their numbers, metrics, and other accomplishments. Instead, they take the latest saying or blurb and attempt to fit their accomplishments into it. The problem? It lacks authenticity and truth!

Start by completing the 5 simple exercises in the book “It’s Time to Brag!” Then, work with a good marketing or executive coach to fine-tune. Remember, the key is to differentiate yourself so that others readily understand what you’re saying and who you really are.

  • Saying, “I’m a coach.” It does not differentiate you since there are 1,000s of coaches.
  • “I’m a coach that inspires business professionals to succeed and win.” It uses words that are overused and fails to differentiate who you are.
  • Saying, “I’m a Leadership Results Coach and, along the way, guided the creation of 3 millionaires.” It brags! Focuses. Differentiates. Attracts clients.

Be Authentic, and Don’t Exaggerate. Recently, I presented “Get Your Brag On!” A woman in the audience was livid and stated emphatically, “Everyone lies and cannot tell the truth about their accomplishments! They over-exaggerate!” In my experience, I find that most people struggle to be authentic and tell the truth about what they’ve accomplished. The lesson? Be honest – if someone finds out you lied, it will hurt your credibility now and in the future.

While many people are taught to tone down their achievements (or dumb them down), doing so is usually at their own expense. You want to keep your self-promotion and smart without using words that most people don’t readily understand (e.g., generous v. magnanimous). Plus, use accurate numbers, metrics, and estimates that reflect your successes.

Remember your goal — acknowledge your greatness, then share your self-promotion effectively.

Grab my book, “It’s Time to Brag! Business Edition,” and start bragging and self-promoting today!

©Jeannette Seibly 2019-2024 All Rights Reserved

Jeannette Seibly is a Talent Advisor/Leadership Results Coach with over 31 years of practical experience guiding leaders and bosses to improve their hiring, coaching, and managing practices and produce amazing results! And yes, achieving business success always starts with having the right people in the right jobs! She has been an Authorized PXT Select® Partner for over 32 years. Contact Jeannette to learn more about these state-of-the-art job-fit assessment tools or how to coach and manage your people to achieve incredible results.

A note from Jeannette: Learning to self-promote or brag about your accomplishments is critical to winning the opportunity, job, sales contract, or well-deserved award. But too many people downplay and hide their achievements at their own expense. If you’re stuck (and most people are), contact me now for 1:1 coaching (after doing the exercises in the book “It’s Time to Brag!”) or to schedule me for the award-winning presentation Get Your Brag On!

It’s time to talk it out! Are there days you dread managing people, projects, and your team’s financial performance? You’re not alone! Everyone has their blind spots! NOW is the time to get the guidance you need to make the right changes during 2024. I have extensive experience and wisdom guiding bosses and leaders to hire, coach, and manage their teams successfully. The bonus is that they achieve unprecedented results. Contact me to learn more about my in-depth, one-on-one, customized coaching programs.

This Book (“Hire Amazing Employees”) Can Help You Improve Your Hiring Process, by Nancy Schick, NY Employment Attorney and Mediator. I met Jeannette Seibly a few months ago In this Together Round Table, where I also learned about her book, Hire Amazing Employees. Since my clients frequently struggle with this task, I bought myself a copy and gave several as gifts. The book contains many helpful tips for avoiding the impact of hiring errors. Read the full testimonial here.

Being In the Driver’s Seat Is Required to Navigate for Results

“Bosses and leaders need to navigate to achieve results rather than settle for mediocrity.” Jeannette Seibly

Too many articles talk about navigating for results but not how to put yourself in the driver’s seat to achieve them.

I’ve led many new projects or projects requiring new results (e.g., increasing attendance, financial revenues, etc.). Every time, there were many bumps along the way in the form of naysayers, economic challenges, and team conflict. But I learned how to stay in the driver’s seat, even though periodically I wanted to bail! Instead, I worked through my uncomfortableness, relied on team counsel, and kept everyone on the same page. The accomplishment? We did it! We won! We celebrated!

In last week’s article, I discussed Are You Driving Your Results?

The question I received was, “How do I put myself in the driver’s seat in the first place?” It’s an interesting question that is seldom asked.

The answer: It’s a conscious mindset of making the decision and commitment to be the driver and set up yourself and your team to win!

How Do You Drive Results Without Being Pushed into the Passenger Seat?

Be Uncomfortable. When you feel uncomfortable today, it’s easy to use that as your excuse and get off track. Many times, you do it covertly and allow your fears to dominate. The problem? You give up the driver’s seat and the opportunity to learn the skills necessary to acquire the experience! In the book Hidden Potential, Adam Grant talks about how people acknowledge their uncomfortableness as they begin a project and work through the discomfort to become highly proficient and achieve unprecedented results.

What is the reality for you as a boss and leader?

Be Willing to Participate. Too many want to sit back and observe and not participate in the creation process, managing differing opinions, and the ups and downs of getting and keeping everyone on the same page (hint: this is an ongoing process – not an “I did it once and now I’m done.”). The problem? Once you’ve given up the driver’s seat (to observe), it isn’t easy to get it back and steer towards the intended results!

Find Counsel. Asking for help is different than looking for advice on social media or asking all of your co-workers for their ideas. Hire an experienced executive coach who provides counsel by listening and guiding. Just because you’re in the driver’s seat doesn’t mean you have the experience to move a team from start to finish without challenges and have everyone satisfied with the results.

To keep everyone on the same page and moving forward:

  • Share your experience in working through past challenges.
  • Speak with the end result in mind.
  • Be open to brainstorming new ideas when the current ones are not working.
  • Acknowledge initiatives and steps taken by team members, individually and as a group.
  • Be authentic, and know you don’t have all the answers!

Being open to new ideas is how you stay in the driver’s seat and make a positive difference. An experienced executive coach will keep you thinking as the driver.

Celebrate! Too many drivers forget to honor their team members individually and as a group. Or, only do so if there is a win! It’s important to remember that even a failure can provide positive learning opportunities. Conduct a group debrief of What Worked? / What Didn’t Work? Celebrate. Create brags! The process honors you as the driver and your team members, too!

©Jeannette Seibly 2024 All Rights Reserved

Jeannette Seibly is a Talent Advisor/Leadership Results Coach with over 31 years of experience guiding leaders and bosses to improve their hiring, coaching, and managing practices and produce amazing results! And yes, achieving business success always starts with having the right people in the right jobs! She has been an Authorized PXT Select Partner for over 31 years. Contact Jeannette to learn more about this state-of-the-art job-fit assessment tool or how to coach and manage your people to achieve extraordinary results.

A note from Jeannette: How do you put yourself in the driver’s seat? It’s not hard, but it requires a conscious mindset to decide and commit to being the driver, especially when you feel uncomfortable and ready to bail! Want to tap into my 31++ years of experience in driving results? Contact me now with your questions!

It’s time to get honest and genuine! Are there days you dread managing people, projects, and your team’s financial performance? You’re not alone! Everyone has their blind spots! NOW is the time to get the guidance you need to make the right changes for 2024. I have extensive experience and wisdom guiding bosses and leaders to hire, coach, and manage their teams successfully. The bonus is that they achieve unprecedented results. Contact me to learn more about my in-depth, one-on-one, customized coaching programs.

Get Real About Achieving Results

“Achieving real results requires you to do the work and not rely on excuses or other mental gymnastics.” Jeannette Seibly

How do you get real about achieving results? If you’re like me and most people, we create an idea or goal in our heads (and sometimes write it down on paper). Then, we overanalyze it, find fault, and ditch it before giving it a chance!

Creating real results requires making the decision, creating the plan, and honoring the commitment. These are needed to blast through the inevitable obstacles and celebrate a great 2024!

3 Most Common Places You Stop

  1. Make the Decision. Your goal or intended result requires a “Yes” or “No.” Either will move you forward. “Yes” is the first step towards achieving the results you want to achieve. “No” allows you to move forward with another goal or achieve different results. What if you’re really uncertain? Play the advocate for each side. Write down at least 5 reasons it could work. Now, decide.

Get real and don’t stop: Stay out of “maybe” or “if the universe wants me to do it” or your endless excuses. These do not honor your inner power, dreams, and goals. Often, we rely on these phrases and behaviors instead of taking responsibility for selecting the right coach, putting together the team, and playing to win the result.

  1. Create a Goal and a Plan. Yes, I know. You hate writing out a plan for fear of failure. Guess what? I behaved the same way until I worked with my coach, wrote down my goals, and achieved a financial gain of 125 percent!

Writing the goal (yes, handwritten) clarifies the intended result, keeps you in action, and guides you to complete and achieve the result! It doesn’t need to be a formal plan. Don’t forget to address the following areas in your plan as they are, not as you believe they should be. (For example, hoping Joe will be a great accountant when he hates working with numbers is inconsistent with achieving real results.) Here are the areas to review: Financial, People (Team), Operations, Sales, Marketing, and Legal (feel free to expand the list).

Get real and don’t stop: When things are not working the way you want, do NOT change the goal! While you may rationalize the change, your inner power recognizes it for what it is: fear. It’s time to believe in yourself and your team! Use What Worked?/What Didn’t Work? to clarify what is missing in your plan or mindset.

  1. Make the Commitment. This is often overlooked. We can decide to do something but fail to commit to doing it! For example, you can choose to hire a new team. But unless or until you make the commitment and take real action, nothing will happen that creates real results! When you make and honor your commitment, you will blast through fears and other detractors and deterrents.

Get real and don’t stop: Using the above example, Instead of relying on how you’ve always done it (with poor results), stop! Breathe! Get real about how you hire and take action to improve your system. Otherwise, you’ll be waffling about, or talking about, how to hire and select the team that best fits their jobs! Talking about it doesn’t give you the real results!

A Couple of Other Reminders!

Achieving Results Is a Process, Not an Event. I used to hate processes! Yet, I’m very good at creating them. Since I love achieving intended results and wanted more of them, I had to overcome hating systems and expand my mindset! Remember, without a good process (one you can build on), you won’t achieve real results now or in the future!

Celebrate Each Win. Each step forward is a win. Each lesson learned, or failure experienced is a win. Remember, Thomas Edison wrote, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” Don’t forget to update your brags along the way!

©Jeannette Seibly 2024 All Rights Reserved

Jeannette Seibly is a Talent Advisor/Leadership Results Coach with over 31 years of practical experience guiding leaders and bosses to improve their hiring, coaching, and managing practices and produce amazing results! And yes, it always starts with having the right people in the right jobs! She has been an Authorized PXT Select Partner for over 32 years. Contact Jeannette to learn more about these state-of-the-art job-fit assessment tools or how to coach and manage your people to achieve incredible results.

A note from Jeannette: This is the time of year to get real about achieving results! What are your thoughts and feelings that get in the way? This week’s article focuses on expanding your mindset and making 2024 count! Need help getting out of your own way? Have questions? Contact me now!

It’s time to get honest and real! Are there days you dread managing people, projects, and your team’s financial performance? You’re not alone! Everyone has their blind spots! NOW is the time to get the guidance you need to make the right changes during 2024. I have extensive experience and wisdom guiding bosses and leaders to hire, coach, and manage their teams successfully. The bonus is that they achieve unprecedented results. Contact me to learn more about my in-depth, one-on-one, customized coaching programs.


I was recently interviewed by Dr. Barnsley Brown on the Bold Badass Business Owners show, and the video interview is now up and ready for you to enjoy!  Click here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOSQUADEG6A

And if I may humbly say so, it’s one of the best interviews I’ve ever given…. Not a bunch of fluff stories, though I promise you’ll learn stuff you NEVER knew about me “behind the scenes.”

The interview is filled with business brags you can implement immediately to create the stellar sales, satisfaction, and success you want.

And do me a favor would you?  Be a hero and forward this podcast to your friends and colleagues who are in business or thinking of starting a business.  They’ll thank you for it.

Now check it out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOSQUADEG6A

I Thought We Resolved the Issue

“Resolving issues and focusing on the long-term impact greatly improve your results.” Jeannette Seibly

How often have you thought an issue was resolved only to have it come back and knock on your door again? It’s frustrating! If you let it, it can sabotage your resilience, resourcefulness, and results.

Issues reoccur when you put a band-aid on them. You were in a hurry to make the problems disappear and take the easy way out. The truth is (if you’re honest about it) you allowed your personal feelings to get in the way, didn’t talk it out with others, or listened to sage advice. But ignoring the real issue(s) never resolves the true problem.

It can be difficult to confront challenging issues. You may feel powerless or lack the confidence or insight to resolve the core issue. Too many times, you and others talk about it over and over, taking weeks and months in hopes of resolving the issue. But instead, you and the team gloss over the actual issue. In the meantime, the window of opportunity has closed, and the damage has been done irrevocably.

Decisions will be well-thought-out when a company addresses the fundamental issue head-on and facilitates the process. It gets resolved quickly, and the issue disappears. I’ve been part of situations where the problems disappeared, and to this day, the issue hasn’t resurfaced because it was effectively resolved. It required integrity to do the right thing (not take the easy way out), critical thinking (not circular thinking), making decisions, and taking action immediately.

Build Solutions That Disappear Issues

Align on Core Values. Be clear in your communications and management practices that all solutions must align with the company’s core values. For example, when addressing employee retention, the issue is rarely about money (even though many focus on it). It’s about factionalism, quiet retaliation, or other less talked about (and real) issues. One solution may be enforcing workplace policies and procedures (e.g., no-tolerance policies).

Make Good Decisions. The process of making good decisions doesn’t need to be complicated. Integrity, honesty, and critical thinking will always create better outcomes when having tough conversations and addressing tough issues as soon as possible. When making informed decisions, remember to analyze the risks, costs, and impact on others.

Communicate the Results Appropriately So No One Involved is Left Out. When writing an email or talking, be present with what you say! Or, you may make the situation worse! Also, when coming to an agreement on the goal and focused action steps to take, go around the table or virtual camera to get everyone’s input until nothing new is added. Yes, it’ll take more time. But in the long run will save countless hours and money and stop the issue(s) from resurfacing.

Think Win-Win-Win. While you do not have a crystal ball, doing the right things right will be reflected in your decisions. If you are upset or angry about the issue or have a vendetta against someone, recuse yourself immediately. Otherwise, the core issue will hang around for a long time and hurt your business growth and career.

Follow-Up and Follow-Through. This is the step that is usually skipped! Ask the team: “What are the true results? Are the solutions implemented and working? If not, what do we need to do to move forward?” It’s helpful to come back in a day, week, and month to ask yourself and your team, “Did we address the true issue? Did we resolve the problem? Are you hearing any feedback or gossip that we need to investigate?” Note: The old issue may be resolved, but a new one may have popped up. Remember, you’re never done handling issues as a leader and boss. Don’t wait! Address issues now.

©Jeannette Seibly 2023 All Rights Reserved

Jeannette Seibly is a champion for success. As a leader, do you have bosses that are difficult for teams to work with? Jeannette’s depth of experience and wisdom can transform those bosses from hated to respected! Contact Jeannette for a confidential discussion.

A note from Jeannette about resolving issues: How often have you used the band-aid approach when resolving an issue, and have it returned to haunt you? When these issues resurface or hang around too long, they hurt your retention, revenues, and results. Get these issues resolved now. Do you need a facilitator to guide you through the conversations? Contact me!

Are you ready to build your confidence and success as a boss? The coach is in! Every boss and leader has their blind spots! They get in the way of being a results-producer! When tough times occur, and they will, asking for the right help is essential! I have extensive experience and wisdom guiding bosses to hire, coach, and manage their teams. Along the way, they achieve unprecedented results. Contact me to learn more about my in-depth, one-on-one, customized coaching programs.