Transform Your Blind Spots into Savvy Leadership

“We all have blind spots, and to see them requires an open mind!” Jeannette Seibly

Do you know how your impatience, fear of conflict, and being easily triggered affect your effectiveness as a boss/leader? 

All bosses/leaders have blind spots. Often, these are complex and, many times, impossible to distinguish. Or they get created because of criticism from someone whose opinion you value. Or you have been unwilling or unable to acknowledge your biases, judgments, and evaluations of others objectively.

Unidentified blind spots are weaknesses that cost you, your company, your team, and your customers intended results.

Your blind spots, when ignored, will sabotage you and your career unless you identify them and discover them with your executive coach.

How Do You Define Blind Spots?

Leadership blind spots are the areas where a leader … even a very successful leader … is missing something. A blind spot can be a lack of attention to a particular area or a part of your skillset that never developed. ALL leaders have blind spots. Exceptional Leader’s Lab

No matter how hard you try to be self-aware and mindful, you cannot readily self-identify your blind spots. The problem is your blind spots impact others and can limit their effectiveness at work.

The challenge is to hire the right executive coach to uncover your blind spots before they damage your leadership reputation and future opportunities.

What Are the Top 10 Leadership Blind Spots?

While some blind spots may be easy to spot, according to Inc. Magazine, here are the top 10.

Which ones do you recognize for yourself?

The top 10 blind spots are:

  1. Going it alone
  2. Being insensitive of your behavior toward others
  3. Having an “I know” attitude
  4. Avoiding the difficult conversations
  5. Blaming others or circumstances
  6. Treating commitments casually
  7. Conspiring against others
  8. Withholding emotional commitment
  9. Not taking a stand
  10. Tolerating “good enough”

“Identifying your blind spots and overcoming these hurdles is critical to developing your savvy leadership.” Jeannette Seibly

How to Flip Blind Spots into Savvy Leadership 

  1. Use assessments and 360-degree feedback to discover your inherent strengths and weaknesses (aka blind spots). There are three types of assessments: 1) assessments that uncover how you want to be seen, 2) assessments to show how you really are, and 3) assessments that show you how others see you. All three provide you with great 20/20 vision. But now, the real work begins. Work with a qualified executive coach to review the assessment results and guide you in developing a laser-focused action plan to flip these blind spots.
  2. Hire the right executive coach and listen. You will improve your influence and leadership savvy when you are coachable and listen. Having a coach eliminates the typical trial and error that otherwise occurs when you attempt to self-analyze what you say and do. (You will often be wrong!) Do not focus on conceptual conversations regarding the merits and demerits of your blind spots. Just listen to your coach, adjust, and implement.
  3. Engage with an industry mentor. The right mentor(s) is an invaluable source of information and will be knowledgeable about your company, management team, and industry. Along with your executive coach, the right mentor can also guide you through complex situations and sticky political relationships. This is the fastest way to move past your blind spots, resolve issues, and achieve intended results.
  4. Listen to your team’s feedback. Your team wants you to succeed. However, while you may believe you want to hear feedback from your team, honestly, in many cases, you’d rather not. Use a qualified 360 feedback assessment to encourage your team to tell the truth. Then, create a game plan to learn from and implement these invaluable insights.
  5. Dial up your humbleness. Take part in emotional intelligence workshops. Set aside your ego during these programs since it can be your most significant hurdle to overcoming blind spots and developing savvy leadership. Remember, authentic practice is required to achieve mastery!
  6. Improve your all-important communication skills. Your ability to write, speak, and talk with others is critical to success. Don’t fall into the trap of “I have it all handled.” Instead, take workshops to recognize your biases (aka blind spots) and develop your inner confidence.
  7. Identify triggers and biases. We all have them. To uncover triggers and automatic judgments (often subconsciously), work with your executive coach to discuss the issues and develop more effective ways to handle them. (Note: You may also need to work with a licensed therapist to remove stubborn barriers.)

©Jeannette Seibly, 2020-2024 All Rights Reserved

Jeannette Seibly is a Talent Advisor/Leadership Results Coach with over 31 years of practical experience guiding leaders and bosses to improve their hiring, coaching, and managing practices and produce amazing results! And yes, achieving business success always starts with having the right people in the right jobs! She has been an Authorized PXT Select® Partner for over 32 years. Contact Jeannette to learn more about these state-of-the-art job-fit assessment tools or how to coach and manage your people to achieve incredible results.

A note from Jeannette: If others have told you that you are impatient, fear conflict, and are easily triggered, keep reading! Even if you believe they are wrong, it’s essential to realize that ALL leaders have blind spots, including you. If you’re stuck and uncertain about how to discover your blind spots, contact me for a confidential conversation.

Now is the time to get into focused action! Are there days you dread doing what is needed to manage your people, projects, and team’s financial performance? You’re not alone! Everyone has those days! But continuing to hide behind excuses only hurts you and your future promotability. I have extensive experience and wisdom guiding bosses and leaders to hire, coach, and manage their teams successfully – this includes getting you out of the way and working with and through people effectively to achieve the results required. Contact me to learn more about my in-depth, one-on-one, customized coaching programs.

Are you using your talents effectively? Many of us are not! Click Here for a Free Download on how to use your talents and enjoy a rewarding career!

Can Mistakes Be Resolved?

“Saying, ‘I apologize’ is easy – but if you don’t take responsibility for what you say or do, the apology is meaningless.” Jeannette Seibly

While the answer is “yes,” too many bosses and leaders derail their careers when they make mistakes, experience failure, or find themselves in conflict. Then, to make matters worse, they attempt to rectify it too quickly, lie about it, or fail to take responsibility by blaming others or the situation.

Remember, the same mindset that created the problem should not be used to solve it—it will only make it worse.

Have you:

  • Used a disrespectful tone of voice or become upset with your boss when s/he is critical of your work? Or the work of your team?
  • Lost your patience with a customer or team member? As a result, do they now refuse to work with you?
  • Offered inappropriate or incorrect solutions and then denied doing so? As a result, your co-workers are upset and want you fired.
  • Used microaggressions (e.g., men are more intelligent than women) when talking with your team. Result? They are offended.
  • Been given feedback by your boss or team, and you were defensive and rude?

While these may sound extreme, too often, you have done a version of them. (We all have.) When these issues occur, you can derail your career or job promotion opportunities without knowing it!

How to Resolve Avoidable Mistakes

Pause and Breathe. Mindfulness is important. Say to yourself, “I will work through this and get the help I need to improve.” Now, take action to resolve your mistake, failure, or conflict.

Contact Your Executive Coach as soon as possible before you make the mistake, failure, or conflict worse. Complete the “What Worked? / What Didn’t Work?” exercise to provide objective insights.

Take Responsibility. After devising a plan with your coach, talk with your boss. Map out who, what, when, where, and why it needs to be done. Remember, “hoping the issue will go away” is a strategy for failure! This is a golden opportunity for you to be the boss and leader who can make a positive difference – failure to do so will result in irrevocable loss of trust.

Apologize. Offering apologies will be the next thing to do. Saying, “I apologize” is easy.  But your apology must be genuine so your boss, co-workers, team members, and customers can hear you! While these two words seem simple, you may resist saying them! Remember, pay now by taking responsibility or later when you’ve been fired.

Do It! Enough talking about it. Get into action. Be willing to dance (be flexible) in the conversation—remember, the actual discussion will be different than the conversation you mapped out in your head. Listening to their concerns can turn around their negative feelings towards you and get you on the right track. Yes, you must take the time and offer the patience to solve the mistake, failure, or conflict. Remember, keep talking to your executive coach throughout the process.

©Jeannette Seibly 2024 All Rights Reserved

Jeannette Seibly is a Talent Advisor/Leadership Results Coach with over 31 years of practical experience guiding leaders and bosses to improve their hiring, coaching, and managing practices and produce amazing results! And yes, achieving business success always starts with having the right people in the right jobs! She has been an Authorized PXT Select® Partner for over 32 years. Contact Jeannette to learn more about these state-of-the-art job-fit assessment tools or how to coach and manage your people to achieve incredible results.

A note from Jeannette: Mistakes, failures, and conflicts can be resolved if you’re willing to do the work and get into action. But if you act too quickly, depending on the problem, it will only make it worse. If this has happened to you recently, now is the time to talk it out using my 31+ years of leadership and management issues to resolve it — before it’s too late. Contact me now!

Now is the time to get into focused action! Are there days you dread doing what is needed to manage your people, projects, and team’s financial performance? You’re not alone! Everyone has those days! But continuing to hide behind excuses only hurts you and your future promotability. I have extensive experience and wisdom guiding bosses and leaders to hire, coach, and manage their teams successfully – this includes getting you out of the way and working with and through people effectively to achieve the results required. Contact me to learn more about my in-depth, one-on-one, customized coaching programs.

This book (“Hire Amazing Employees“) by Nancy Schick, NY Employment Attorney and Mediator, can help you improve your hiring process. I met Jeannette Seibly a few months ago In this Together Round Table, where I also learned about her book, Hire Amazing Employees. Since my clients frequently struggle with this task, I bought myself a copy and gave several as gifts. The book contains many helpful tips for avoiding the impact of hiring errors. Read the full testimonial here.

What Gets in the Way of Achieving Amazing Results? It’s Probably You!

“Getting in the way of results is human; blasting through these challenges requires leadership.” Jeannette Seibly

Achieving intended results can be fun and rewarding as a boss and leader. Yet, too often, we get in the way when things don’t look like we believe they should! (Yes, that “s” word gets in the way too often!)

But there are times (sometimes too often) when you get in the way! This hurts team productivity, client satisfaction, and the bottom line.

Remember, intended results don’t happen by accident. They happen because you pay attention to the process, are a resource, and most importantly, you trust and value your team members to do their work effectively. This empowerment is key to achieving amazing results while staying out of the way!

6 Keys to Ensure Amazing Results

Be Present and Hear What Is Said. It’s not just about being physically present, but about actively listening and understanding. Too often, you believe you’re listening. Instead, you’re multitasking (a myth), and it significantly reduces your effectiveness. The truth is that your brain can only handle one thing at a time. So, you lose effectiveness, miss out on essential cues (80% of communication is nonverbal), and make poor decisions. Your team members, stop being engaged and stop talking! (Not a good sign!)

Ask Open-Ended Questions. Then, repeat what you heard to their satisfaction before building on their ideas and comments. Use this approach when offering feedback, if the team is stuck, or if you need more clarity about actual progress. Value these types of discussions, and they’ll positively change the results!

Be Flexible without Sacrificing Results. Only delve into how the work is being done if it’s clear the person is off in the weeds or stuck. Clarity and communication of the milestones keep everyone (including you) on track. Be prepared to talk big picture, and be able to get into the details, when necessary, by bringing in an expert (e.g., if someone is tasked with setting up a dashboard and it’s not done – chances are good they lack the experience, shy about asking questions, and/or need someone to guide them through the process). Now, manage accordingly.

Make the Tough Decisions Quickly. This can be hard but necessary when someone hurts the team’s ability to work together due to unmanaged conflict, differing opinions, and false accusations. If you wait, the issue will get worse.

Jane requested a meeting with a team member, Mimi, to discuss the legality of a new idea. Mimi sent Jane the conference link to the meeting, but when Jane clicked on the link, it didn’t work.

Three minutes past the scheduled time, Mimi emailed Jane to inform her that she’d been waiting for 10 minutes and that it was rude to keep her waiting. When Jane emailed back that the link wasn’t working, Mimi accused her of lying, lacking integrity to tell the truth, and made other accusations.

When Jane shared this with Mitch, her boss, he immediately removed Mimi from the team. To Mitch’s surprise, the team applauded when he shared the change. They had also experienced challenges working with Mimi and her aggressive behaviors when she was frustrated or upset. 

Set Aside Your Ego, and Don’t Let the Project’s Success Be About You. This can be hard if your job, bonus, or next promotion depends on the intended results. But remember that you must be an effective project manager to build credibility and promotability; this includes managing the technical and people sides of the project. When you find yourself about to blame others or the situation, stop. Learn diplomacy, ask questions for clarity, and build resolutions. Remember, technology does have glitches, and it’s not always user error! Work with an executive coach as a sounding board to make a positive difference.

Celebrate Each Milestone and Success – individually and as a team. Appreciation, acknowledgment, and applause work wonders to keep team members engaged and working above the norm. Be sure it’s frequent and genuine.

©Jeannette Seibly 2024 All Rights Reserved

Jeannette Seibly is a Talent Advisor/Leadership Results Coach with over 31 years of practical experience guiding leaders and bosses to improve their hiring, coaching, and managing practices and produce amazing results! And yes, achieving business success always starts with having the right people in the right jobs! She has been an Authorized PXT Select® Partner for over 32 years. Contact Jeannette to learn more about these state-of-the-art job-fit assessment tools or how to coach and manage your people to achieve incredible results.

A note from Jeannette: Achieving results can be fun and rewarding as a boss and leader. Yet, too often, we get in the way when things don’t look like we believe they should! (Yes, that “s” word gets in the way too often!) You’re not alone if you’re frustrated about a project, team member, or working relationship! Let’s talk and use my 31+ years of resolving leadership and management issues before it’s too late. Contact me now!

Now is the time to get into focused action! Are there days you dread doing what is needed to manage your people, projects, and team’s financial performance? You’re not alone! Everyone has those days! But continuing to hide behind excuses only hurts you and your future promotability. I have extensive experience and wisdom guiding bosses and leaders to hire, coach, and manage their teams successfully – this includes getting you out of the way and working with and through people effectively to achieve the results required. Contact me to learn more about my in-depth, one-on-one, customized coaching programs.

This book (“Hire Amazing Employees“) by Nancy Schick, NY Employment Attorney and Mediator, can help you improve your hiring process. I met Jeannette Seibly a few months ago In this Together Round Table, where I also learned about her book, Hire Amazing Employees. Since my clients frequently struggle with this task, I bought myself a copy and gave several as gifts. The book contains many helpful tips for avoiding the impact of hiring errors. Read the full testimonial here.

How to Ask the Right Questions to Achieve Results

“Want to be a better leader? Ask the right questions to improve results.” Jeannette Seibly

Today, many leaders and bosses fear asking questions because they believe people are easily offended, view comments as microaggressions, or feel uncomfortable being put on the spot. But asking the right questions the right way and getting people thinking and talking is how you generate new ideas, resolve problems, and manage conflicts.

How to Ask the Right Questions to Improve Results

Understand Your Approach Matters. While many people fear direct questions or straight talk, they can elicit great responses. But in some cases, candid questions may be too difficult for people. Choose appropriately.


  • Direct approach: “Good morning! What’s the progress on xxx?”
  • Softer approach. “Hi. Great to see you. I have a question to ask you. Is now a good time?”

Actively Listen to Learn. As many people know, we listen to respond and fail to hear what the other person has said. Actively listen. Then, ask questions to learn more before responding. But, remember, this is not an interrogation!

Use Silence! Ask your question. Then, become silent. Allow them time to answer and avoid jumping in to answer for them. Remember, you’ve been thinking about your idea. It’s probably the first time they’ve heard it!

Give Feedback by Asking Questions First. Get their side of the story or point of view on an issue before providing feedback. Sharing back and forth helps both of you listen. Then, ask, “What do you believe we should do to move forward?” This process will improve your decision-making and team results.

Use a Neutral Tone of Voice. Being overly excited or hyper as the norm makes it difficult for calmer team members to feel comfortable responding. Use a neutral tone to avoid escalating a conversation into a conflict because the more hyper you become, the calmer your team members will become – neither of you will feel heard. If you are unaware of your tone of voice or the impact you have, contact me.

Have The Other Person Go First. Ask a question to get the conversation started. Instead of asking, “How’s your day going?” (It will only elicit yawns or complaints.) Ask, “What did/do you love about this project? What do you see as the next step?”

Be Responsible When Asking ‘Leading Questions.’ “You got that task done, right?” It is a question that implies a right or wrong answer. Instead, “How’s the progress on resolving the customer issue?” Listen. Offer, “Let me know how I can assist in getting it resolved faster.” This is a critical skill to learn because it reduces potential conflict.

Encourage Discussion by Asking Open-Ended Questions. Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How are the start of asking open-ended questions. Why is this important? We’re not wired to ask open-ended questions, and not doing so limits results. Use open-ended questions and have at least three questions ready to get your team talking. This method works well during brainstorming or generating new ideas when the team is stuck.

©Jeannette Seibly 2024 All Rights Reserved

Jeannette Seibly is a Talent Advisor/Leadership Results Coach with over 31 years of experience guiding leaders and bosses to improve their hiring, coaching, and managing practices and produce amazing results! And yes, achieving business success always starts with having the right people in the right jobs! She has been an Authorized PXT Select Partner for over 31 years. Contact Jeannette to learn more about this state-of-the-art job-fit assessment tool or how to coach and manage your people to achieve extraordinary results.

A note from Jeannette: Asking questions seems mundane until you consider how you use this critical management skill. Asking the right questions in the right way can elicit better responses from team members, generate new ideas, and manage conflicts. Want to tap into my 31++ years of experience in developing influential leaders and bosses? Contact me now with your questions!

It’s time to unleash your inner leader! Are there days you dread managing people, projects, and your team’s financial performance? You’re not alone! Everyone has their blind spots! NOW is the time to get the guidance you need to make the right changes for 2024. I have extensive experience and wisdom guiding bosses and leaders to hire, coach, and manage their teams successfully. The bonus is that they achieve unprecedented results. Contact me to learn more about my in-depth, one-on-one, customized coaching programs.

Stop Sabotaging Your Work Relationships

“Want to make a positive difference in your relationships at work? Do what you say you’ll do.” Jeannette Seibly

Many bosses and leaders don’t focus on building good proactive work relationships. They are in denial, fail to see the value, and sabotage the ability to work well with others.

As a result, bosses and leaders are disappointed in the results when others’ support is required to resolve workplace problems or handle complex customer challenges. Without good work relationships built over time — co-workers and bosses who were ignored or dismissed as necessary — are unavailable or become judgmental, insisting they know what they should have or could have done or how they would have done it!

When Bobby, a middle-level boss, continued to complain about his boss, who was a director, he was instructed by his best friend to hire an executive coach. While he didn’t believe a coach would solve the problem of his boss slashing his quarterly bonuses and failing to provide needed resources, he did it.

The coach outlined a recommendation for Bobby. “Go and have a conversation. Not just any conversation. Have one that will make a positive and real difference. Start building a good work relationship. You don’t have to like him; respect that he is your boss.”

His retort, “If I’d known what you are telling me to do, I never would have hired you.” The coach’s reply, “You did hire me. Now, get it done. You’ll be amazed by the difference it makes.”

Bobby did, and the coach was right. The results from his conversation with the boss were phenomenal. He became one of the few people that could get along with the guy.

The bonus result? The president of the company heard about it. Six months later, the president called Bobby. “I heard you’re doing great things. When you’re ready, I want you to run one of my new companies.”

Building good work relationships, especially with difficult team members and bosses, greatly affects your promotability, results, and career options.

Six Tips to Grow Strong Relationships

Good listening skills are crucial! Yes, I know. I mention this a lot. But unless you really listen, the rest of these tips will do you little good!

Take Responsibility for Biases and Judgments. You love to believe that no one knows how you feel about someone. The truth? It shows up in your choice of words, nonverbal gestures, and work assignments. There are many workshops and courses that can help you blast through old thoughts and beliefs and correct poor communication styles that get in the way. Get signed up and participate! (Sitting on the sidelines and pretending to listen makes no difference.)

Respect Others. Stop relying on your excuses for not fully supporting the team goal. For example, if you have trouble hearing others during Zoom meetings, be respectful and turn up the volume on your laptop (it may not be a Zoom issue). If you know you’re experiencing hearing loss, take care of yourself by getting your hearing tested. Using excuses to stop listening or failing to ask good questions hurts your relationships and disrespects your team members.

Get Involved. As a boss and leader, you must stay involved and listen during team meetings, especially when your team and co-workers ask for help and resources. It doesn’t mean you micromanage – unless it’s required. Guiding them to take the initiative, expecting them to talk it out, or requiring accountability builds positive relationships and results.

Ask for Help! Others’ input bolsters relationships or hurts them if you ignore their recommendations. Many bosses and leaders don’t ask for help! Unless they are forced into it. At that point, they have no alternative. And although they’ve asked for help, their egos kick in and make it difficult for others to help (e.g., “I already did that.” or “I don’t see how that will work.”). Remember, asking for help doesn’t mean you don’t have the skills or smarts to do the job. It simply means you’re keeping an open mind that there may be better ideas on achieving your goals, working through factional issues, or seeing the issue from different points of view.

Honor Your Word. Don’t talk about what you’re going to do. Do it! Although everyone likes to believe they have integrity, the truth is that most do not. They make decisions in their own self-interest, fail to follow up and follow through as promised, or don’t believe the rules should apply to them. Start small … but start. Example: Concern: I’m expected to talk 1:1 with my employees. Solution: Set up 1:1 meetings with team members once a month to start. Then, increase as needed. Keep in mind, when you do what you say you’ll do, you will build trust and relationships!

Make Win-Win-Win Decisions. The decisions you make impact others. However, some impacts are less noticeable and will negatively influence the team’s ability to get their work done. To make good decisions, hire an executive coach, ask for help, and listen! The willingness to ensure you’re making the best decisions is your way of honoring your word to your team and company. Thereby building stronger relationships. Then, follow up to determine if the results are what is required. If not, conduct a What Worked?/What Didn’t Work? to determine what was missing.

©Jeannette Seibly 2024 All Rights Reserved

Jeannette Seibly is a Talent Advisor/Leadership Results Coach with over 31 years of practical experience guiding leaders and bosses to improve their hiring, coaching, and managing practices and produce amazing results! And yes, it always starts with having the right people in the right jobs! She has been an Authorized PXT Select® Partner for over 32 years. Contact Jeannette to learn more about these state-of-the-art job-fit assessment tools or how to coach and manage your people to achieve incredible results.

A note from Jeannette: Good work relationships make a big difference in your ability to get things done, make good decisions, and enjoy your job. Sadly, you may overlook critical qualities ensuring your work relationships work! Have questions? Contact me now!

It’s time to get honest and authentic! Are there days you dread managing people, projects, and your team’s financial performance? You’re not alone! Everyone has their blind spots! NOW is the time to get the guidance you need to make the right changes during 2024. I have extensive experience and wisdom guiding bosses and leaders to hire, coach, and manage their teams successfully. The bonus is that they achieve unprecedented results. Contact me to learn more about my in-depth, one-on-one, customized coaching programs.

Hey You! Are You Ignoring What Needs to Be Changed?

“When you continue ignoring the need to make a difference, you’ll lose your ability to influence change.” Jeannette Seibly

Many leaders claim to be too busy and ignore the big picture and the details of a project or team. But the reality is, if you don’t pay attention, you will be even busier putting out fires, losing top talent and customers, and negatively impacting performance and profitability.

Definition of Ignore by Oxford Languages: “Refuse to take notice or acknowledge; disregard intentionally; fail to consider; reject as groundless (legal).

To stop ignoring, you need to stop relying on excuses.


While you cannot change the aftermath of the pandemic, economic upheaval, or industry changes, if you stop ignoring issues, you can influence and impact how you lead your teams.

5 Tips to Stop Ignoring What Needs to Be Changed

  1. Hiring the Right Person, the First Time. When you ignore or overlook best hiring and selection practices, you will keep hiring the wrong type of person who fails. This costs you retention, revenues, and results each time! Example: One employer, each year, told a hiring consultant, ‘This year we had 40% turnover from firing or people leaving. So now we’ve got the right team.’ This was the same explanation each year for three years! The bottom line: nothing changes unless you stop ignoring how you hire and address the core issues!
  2. Resolving Team Conflict. Neglecting to care for the team and their relationships and resources will erupt into team conflict. Take the time now to resolve disagreements, personality differences, and differing points of view. Stop hoping and praying it’ll go away on its own because it won’t! Examples: 1) If it is a perception issue, use a qualified job fit assessment, which objectively shows people’s differences. 2) If it’s an issue with a process or system, brainstorm solutions by ensuring every voice is heard. Yes, they both take time! But it saves hours, days, weeks, months, and yes, sometimes years when you address the issue and stop ignoring it.
  3. Train Your Team. With companies watching their bottom lines, training is the first item slashed. This is very short-sighted. Make sure training skills are not ignored. Reinforce listening, asking questions, critical thinking, emotional intelligence, mindfulness, and project/system design, to name a few. Ignoring these essential skills will cost you!
  4. Develop Yourself. All successful leaders have a coach! (Yes, reread if you don’t already have one!) Unfortunately, many current and future leaders don’t see the need to hire a coach, practice daily ‘soft skill’ training, or behave as participants in workshops with team members. However, when you reject the training and ignore its benefits, you will lose credibility and the ability to influence anyone, anywhere.
  5. Impact of Your Decisions. Being an ostrich and putting your head in the sand will only cause you to ignore the impact of your decisions. Instead, collect and use objective, reliable, and valid data and avoid relying solely on your feelings or gut. Otherwise, if you don’t, the negative impact on customers, employees, work teams, finances, systems, etc. etc. etc. will cause leadership and career derailment!

©Jeannette Seibly 2023 All Rights Reserved

Jeannette Seibly is The Leadership Results Coach. She’s celebrating 30 years as an award-winning international executive consultant, speaker, and business author. Her clients value the listening and positive difference she brings to any conversation. As a result, they can work through sticky situations and challenging relationships to become positive influencers. Contact Jeannette for a confidential discussion. PS: She’s also a three-time Amazon Best-Selling Author!

A note from Jeannette about ignoring situations, relationships, and results: Many leaders need to stop ignoring things they can and should impact. They will lose out on leadership and career opportunities if they don’t. Contact me to discuss what you’re ignoring and how to make the necessary changes. It’ll impact your ability to influence results and keep your job!

This week’s PODCAST: Listen to How to Be an Effective Advocate and Be Heard with my guest, Jill Tietjen, on The Entrepreneurial Leader.

NOTE: Do you have changes that need to be made but don’t know where to begin? I love coaching current and future leaders to support them in making important and strategic changes. Contact me if you want an in-depth, one-on-one hour over 13 weeks. It will accelerate your ability to influence others, coach your team for unprecedented results, and make changes that others applaud.

How Do You Bridge Communication Gaps and Create Positive Results?

Leaders often wait for a miracle to get the team on the same page. Yet, unfortunately, it rarely happens without the directed effort of the leader.

In my recent article, Are Your Relationships Working? I mentioned “Bridge Communication Gaps” as one of the essential tips for building good and effective working relationships.

Yet, many leaders are perplexed about how to do this in today’s workplace due to diversity, remote work options, and differences of opinion.

5 Essential Ways to Bridge Communication Gaps between Teams and Results

Appreciate Differences … Where Do I Start? You start by using a qualified job fit assessment that provides objective information (not the type of assessment that shows how people want to be seen). For many years, I’ve used the granddaddy of objective job-fit assessment products: PXT Select. Example: When team members (and business partners, boss/employee) are in conflict, I use it to provide an objective review of what’s working and where the communication problems exist. Everyone thinks they know the answers. But 99% of the time, there are surprises. This process and the knowledge you gain build comradery and resolve misperceptions.

Get Everyone on the Same Page. Share the goal, budget, and deadline with the team and allow them to contribute their ideas, thoughts, and opinions. Yes, this often requires training for you and the team on developing and using the skills necessary to communicate, create strategies, and execute results.

Include Everyone’s Ideas. It doesn’t mean all of their ideas are viable and will be used. But when everyone’s ideas are heard and acknowledged, they feel respected and valued. This closes many communication gaps while building positive working relationships.

Brainstorm for Solutions. The same mindset that created the problem will not solve the issue. It requires listening outside the norm and allowing new, off-the-wall ideas to take hold. It will require setting aside egos and judging what is or is not a good idea. Encourage everyone to construct the solution by asking questions for clarification.

Celebrate the Wins and Learn from the Failures. This is critical and often overlooked. Conduct a What Worked?/What Didn’t Work? for each and every project. This review is also a great way to get unstuck in a project, acknowledge the team, and fully appreciate their efforts.

©Jeannette Seibly 2023 All Rights Reserved

Jeannette Seibly is The Leadership Results Coach. She’s celebrating 30 years as an award-winning international executive consultant, speaker, and business author. Her clients value the listening and positive difference she brings to any conversation. As a result, they can work through sticky situations and challenging relationships to become positive influencers. Contact Jeannette for a confidential discussion. PS: She’s also a three-time Amazon Best-Selling Author!

A note from Jeannette about bridging communication gaps: For many leaders, this can be scary. They either don’t know how, are afraid to ask for help, or are unwilling to admit there is a problem. However, failure to bridge communication gaps will derail your ability to create good working relationships. It will also negatively impact your retention, revenues, and results. Contact me if you know you should but don’t want to. Don’t worry. You’ll glean at least one idea you can implement immediately.

This week’s PODCAST:  Listen to How the pandemic led a professional copywriter, speaker and author to become an accidental artist with my guest, Debra Jason, on The Entrepreneurial Leader.

NOTE: I love coaching current and future leaders to support them in leading, managing, and hiring their teams. Contact me if you want an in-depth, one-on-one hour over 13 weeks. It will accelerate your ability to influence others, hire the right people, and coach your team for unprecedented results. 

How to Remove Elephants by Resolving Difficult Issues or Situations

“When you ignore the elephant in the room, you sabotage your team and their ability to produce great results.” Jeannette Seibly

When elephants are in the room, it means an obvious issue or situation is being avoided or ignored. While you may rely on the excuse, “if you ignore them, they’ll go away,” these elephants have a sneaky way of sticking around and sabotaging results — regardless of your feelings about their importance.

Team members quietly quit when unspoken issues or difficult situations are not vocalized and resolved. Usually, their reluctance to speak up is due to fears of personal or professional reprisals if they rock the boat. Or, the fear is due to not having the confidence, communication skills, or self-esteem to stay in the conversation when others don’t agree with them.

As the leader, it’s up to you to make the conversations safe and respectful and be committed to opening up the conversation to expose difficult issues or situations.  

Ironically, talking about these elephants clears the air, energizes the team, and produces unprecedented results. However, achieving these results requires straight talk and a willingness to stay focused on removing the elephant when it doesn’t want to readily lumber away!

How to Resolve Five Common Types of Elephants

When resistance is due to:

Overwhelm. Keep the conversation simple when the issue seems impossible or too big to handle. Use open-ended questions: “What is your experience with the new A/P system?” Allow others the opportunity to voice concerns without fear. Once everyone has had a chance to talk, brainstorm possible solutions. Now, create a focused action plan and speak directly with the person(s) that have the power to resolve it. Remember to stay focused on the solution, not personalities.

Egos. These can be the most difficult elephants to mitigate since egos involve executives’ sense of self-esteem and self-importance. Offer ideas in small pieces and let them choose which one to use since s/he ignores brainstorming. Then, give them credit when the idea succeeds, and offer one or two suggestions if it fails. Remember, the goal is to remove the negative impact on you and your team. As you gain the executives’ trust, you can have more effect.

Entrenchment. We’ve all heard the expression, “It’s the way we’ve always done it.” When team members offer ideas to resolve concerns, it’s essential to listen and learn and not take them personally. Set aside your ego as the leader, use critical thinking so that change isn’t for the sake of change, and manage the process to include everyone.

Bad Acts. If there is a claim of harassment or microaggression, or allegation of theft, it’s imperative to act responsibly now. Have a private conversation with your boss and human resources to determine how to proceed. This may mean letting a well-liked team member or coworker go. Remember, this elephant is negatively impacting others. And these observers are watching how you’ll handle the situation and are adjusting their work performance accordingly. Note: If you ignore this one, you’ll lose credibility, your team, clients, and your business.

Failure to Commit and Act. There are times when elephants have been addressed, but there is no change. Or the leader has agreed but fails to remove the elephant due to political reasons or is second-guessing their agreement. (Examples include continuing old hiring practices and resisting a needed strategic hiring system or asking a major financial contributor to stop smoking in a no-smoking office.) Get this resolved asap. Ask for help by talking with your executive coach for objective counsel. Stop hoping the elephant will eventually go away. Hope is not a strategy; elephants tend to stay too long when you avoid following through for win-win-win outcomes.

©Jeannette Seibly, 2011-2022

Jeannette Seibly is The Leadership Results Coach. She has been an award-winning international executive and family business management consultant, keynote speaker, and author for over 29 years. Her focus is to guide leaders to make a positive difference. Feel stuck moving your team forward? Want straightforward counsel on how to do it? Let’s chat! Contact Jeannette for a confidential conversation.

A note from Jeannette about removing elephants and creating win-win-win outcomes: Is an elephant residing on your team? With your client? Or, in your company? The longer you wait to resolve difficult issues or situations, the more entrenched these elephants become. In the meantime, you lose essential ideas and solutions along with team members and clients. Have questions about how to identify “elephants” and resolve them? Most do! Let’s chat now!

When employees “quietly quit,” it is often due to you quickly hiring on instinct and then slowly firing for poor job skills. It’s time to develop a strategic selection system to improve how and whom you hire! Get your copy of the newly released, Hire Amazing Employees: How to Increase Retention, Revenues and Results!

What Do You Need to Do to Improve the Most Overlooked Part of Hiring?

“A hearty welcome to new hires impacts their longevity with your company.” Jeannette Seibly

According to several studies, well-designed employee orientation and onboarding can improve employee retention by more than 80%. 

“Sally started her new job on a Monday, excited to be working for a company that had a great selection process. But she learned an hour after arriving that her boss was too busy to talk with her until later in the week.

Todd was assigned to get her started and to show her where everything was located (e.g., office, laptop, passwords, restrooms, lunch room). But he didn’t know much about her job duties. He could only help get the items she needed for her desk.

So, Sally started talking with her new team and coworkers in different departments. Everyone had a different point of view as to what her priorities should be. Then, her vice president and the CEO each had conversations with her, but offered different opinions about where her focus should be.

On Friday afternoon she resigned, clearly frustrated by the lack of a cohesive onboarding process.” (Hire Amazing Employees: How to Increase Retention, Revenues and Results!)

New hires decide how long they will stay during the first few hours and days, often subconsciously! As a result, companies that fail to provide employee orientation and onboarding programs experience higher turnover! Remember, when these new hires leave, they take along other top talent, and customers too!

What To Do!

Create employee orientation and onboarding as part of your strategic selection system.

Start employee orientation the minute they apply. Use your Applicant Tracking System (ATS) to send job applicants short videos about the company, interview guidelines, and brief written material about the company’s products, goals, and employee benefits.

Have all “paperwork” completed online! Do this before the new hire’s first day. Have a designated person available to answer all questions and handle benefit enrollment.

Schedule the all-important 1:1 meeting with the boss on day one! Review expectations to ensure both of you are on the same page. People will forget … so this is critical! Share (again) the 180-Success Plan*, goals, and expectations. Then, have them put together the Action Plan required to fulfill it.   *Chapter 6, Hire Amazing Employees

Help the new hire meet and greet coworkers. Designate someone to make introductions to key people and coworkers in the company. Organize lunches and get-togethers during the first month to meet others. The purpose is for the new hire to learn about the company and its customers, internally and externally. Remember to include remote employees too!

Ensure the new employee meets 1:1 with team members. Encourage meetings virtually and onsite. Provide a short list of suggested questions so that s/he can learn more about the company.

  • Tell me about you!
  • How long have you worked here?
  • What do you like most about the company? Your job?
  • What do you like least?

Very Important Note: Remind each new employee to listen more than talk. Many employees, managers, and executives in new positions attend meetings not to listen and learn, but to state what they will be doing and changes they will make in the future. This often shortens the new person’s longevity with the company and is avoidable!

Schedule meetings with key employees in other locations. This is often overlooked or put off until a future date. The problem is that the new manager or executive dismisses the importance of meeting people in their business locations. This is often interpreted as a lack of respect. And creates future problems when addressing issues and implementing policy changes.

Provide an inside mentor and outside executive coach. New hires must have someone to ask for help so s/he can learn more about the company and industry issues (mentor). Also, provide someone to talk them through the inevitable challenges s/he will face with people and in sticky situations (coach). Discuss these expectations before hiring the person … not everyone sees the value of having a mentor or coach. And it’s important to learn during the interview if the person will ask for help and is coachable.

Don’t provide company information all at once! Take days and weeks to discuss the company’s policies, procedures, and employee handbook. Also, review company etiquette, history, mission, values, and communications in 1:1 meetings and group training. Finally, provide an organization chart and brief written material about each department and location. Remember, keep it simple and easy to read since the average reading level is 6th grade!

Remember, as the boss, work the plan with the new hire for success!

(Content for article taken from Hire Amazing Employees: How to Increase Retention, Revenues and Results!)

©Jeannette Seibly, 2022 All Rights Reserved

Jeannette Seibly is The Leadership Results Coach. She has been an award-winning international executive and family business management consultant, keynote speaker, and author for over 29 years. Her focus is to guide leaders to make a positive difference. Feel stuck moving your team forward? Want straightforward counsel on how to do it? Let’s chat! Contact Jeannette for a confidential conversation.

A note from Jeannette about improving employee onboarding: Did you know only 12% of companies onboard effectively? It’s why many new hires leave! What do you need to do to improve (or create) your employee orientation and onboarding processes for new hire success? This information comes from the newly released, Hire Amazing Employees: How to Increase Retention, Revenues and Results! Have questions? Most do! Let’s chat now!

Why do new hires leave so soon? There can be many reasons. But it’s often due to NO (or the poorly designed) new employee orientation and onboarding program! Be part of the 12% that onboards effectively! Want ideas to help you get started? Get your copy of the newly released, Hire Amazing Employees: How to Increase Retention, Revenues and Results!


How to Use Adversity to Make You and Your Team Stronger

“Want to take advantage of new opportunities? Then, don’t let adversity stop you.” Jeannette Seibly

Like it or not, every team will hit a “wall” when adversity knocks. But remaining stuck or feeling sorry for yourself is not an option. These misfortunes or difficulties can originate from bosses, co-workers, and customers because no one likes change. Some feel threatened by it and will sabotage or block your efforts. Or, it can be due to a company “elephant in the room” no one wants to deal with.

Hoping that the adversity will disappear is a lose-lose-lose strategy! Instead, use your commitment and the team’s resilience to transform a situation, project, and/or relationship. Doing so will make everyone stronger. Here’s how-to-do-it:

5 Tips to Blast through Adversity

Get Real About What Happened. It’s essential to tell the truth. Putting frosting on mud pie and calling it a cake doesn’t change it from a mud pie! When difficulties occur, there is no shame in it. Everyone has experienced failure and unexpected adversity. Adversity can be due to a lack of critical thinking, ignoring ideas, or company politics. Take responsibility and talk with your executive coach and mentor when adversity occurs. Then, take immediate action to get it resolved.

TIP: Complete this exercise with your team: What Worked? / What Didn’t Work? This exercise will have you and your team focused on the facts of what worked and the lessons learned. It will also infuse objectivity into the conversations you need to have with others. This process is a precursor to moving through adversity powerfully.

Develop Emotional Intelligence (EI). It can be challenging to see a situation from another’s point of view when you are emotionally attached to being right. Ask questions. Listen and learn. Now build a bridge between where you are now and the goal you and your team intend to achieve.

TIP: To develop EI, talk with your executive coach or therapist and do the inner work to acquire the critical skills needed.

Utilize All Team Members Based on Their Strengths. There are times adversity occurs due to mistakes made by team members assigned the wrong jobs. Instead of relying on your favorite team member(s) to tell you what you want to hear, give assignments to the best-qualified person.

TIP: Use a qualified job fit assessment to clarify each team member’s thinking style, core behaviors, and primary interests. This information opens new opportunities to develop each and every team member, utilize their strengths, and reduce mistakes.

Be Responsible for What You Are Saying and Sharing. Today’s focus on transparency can backfire when you share too much and publicly blame others. Your relationships can be damage and other will stop trusting you. Straight talk is key. Include diplomacy and kindness to ensure everyone is willing to listen and get on the same page with you.

TIP: Keep a private journal and write down your thoughts and feelings. Not everything needs to be shared with others!

Practice Thanks! Everyone loves being appreciated. Saying “please,” “thank you,” and “great work” is critical. When done authentically, your teams’ confidence grows, and your customers feel valued. Appreciation is especially essential during and after working through adversity of a difficult situation. Be generous with your appreciation!

TIP: For one week count, how many times you appreciate someone. The following week double it. You’ll be surprised by the elevated confidence of your team. And, this is really easy to do!

©Jeannette Seibly, 2021-2022

Jeannette Seibly is The Leadership Results Coach. She has been an award-winning international executive and family business management consultant, keynote speaker, and author for over 29 years. Her focus is to guide leaders to make a positive difference. Feel stuck moving your team forward? Want straightforward counsel on how to do it? Let’s chat! Contact Jeannette for a confidential conversation.

A note from Jeannette about using adversity to make you stronger: Big goals will cause adversity since most people don’t like change! Ask yourself, “Am I willing to do the work required?” Then, have the right conversations with the right people to move the project forward. What adversity are you dealing with? Are you willing to get unstuck? Need someone to listen? Let’s Chat!

Self-confidence can be developed even when dealing with adversity. However, it takes a commitment to yourself to address “lessons being learned” and not shy away from them. Grab your copy of the 9 tips needed to develop the self-confidence you’ve always wanted (FREE).