Today, more than ever, it’s important that you take the accelerated approach for success. Why? Because too many times we rely on the more common struggle and do-it-yourself approaches. These are too exhausting and don’t build success! Even worse, we typically quit and makeup excuses for our lack of success.
“Success is easy when it’s guaranteed…however, success is NEVER guaranteed. To beat the odds and accelerate your success, hire the coach that’s right for you.” Jeannette Seibly
Hiring a coach provides faster results and builds a stronger foundation for success today and in the future. This foundation allows you expand and gain confidence, while innovating and having fun!
5 Crucial Tips to Succeed Faster Working with a Coach
Use Job Fit Assessments. This is where you start. Over 70% of leaders are in jobs that don’t fit them! (Gallup) Attempting to work in positions that do not fit your thinking style, core behavior, and interests will sabotage your energy and self-esteem and thwarts your success. Use a job fit assessment tool to clarify your skills and strengths.
For example: A top-level saleswoman was a strong closer. She was able to open new markets and shorten the sales cycle with new prospective customers. Yet, her boss wanted her to focus on improving her patience and diplomacy. He reassigned her to work larger projects with much longer sales cycles. She was unhappy. She hired a coach to discover why she was failing in her new job after so much success. With this knowledge and clarity, she found a new job with a competitor utilizing her talents.
Focus on Your Strengths. Focusing on your weaknesses is a colossal waste of time. Instead, hire a coach to help you develop your strengths. This approach minimizes your weaknesses while improving your effectiveness.
For example: A customer service manager was having a difficult time learning a new system that did not have a procedures manual. Her boss advised her to focus on her strengths for creating practical systems. She attended training workshops, took notes and created a procedures manual. Now, she’s the go-to person for training others. She loves her job and her success. Plus, she’s able to showcase her strengths with confidence.
Hire Yourself the Right Coach. Don’t wait for your company to do it for you! Take charge of ensuring you have the right coach for you. Be clear what you are seeking (e.g., resolution of work issues, project management challenges, team building conflicts, etc.). Remember, the job of your coach is to uncover your blind spots. Then, work with you to improve your decision-making and communication skills for success.
Establish Project Goals and Focused Action Plans. Too often we want to use a coach to improve a specific skill or bad habit. A better alternative, and one that has a longer lasting impact, is to work on a project with your coach’s oversight. This way the areas for improvement will show up and your coach will be there to guide your progress through them.
Develop Good Relationships. One area that is often overlooked when working with a coach is to improve your relationship skills. Yes, they matter and you can impact these in a positive way with guidance. Remember, it’s important not to burn bridges, regardless of what the person said or did. Learn how to forgive and develop mindful resilience. Trying to improve this without guidance doesn’t work.
©Jeannette Seibly, 2020
Jeannette Seibly is The Leadership Results Coach. She has been an award-winning executive coach and keynote speaker for 28 years. Her expertise is guiding leaders and their teams to get unstuck and achieve dynamic results. Contact Jeannette for a confidential conversation.
A Note About Creating a Prosperous 2021 from Jeannette. Hiring a coach can make a positive difference for your results today and tomorrow. As you know, 2021 is quickly approaching and what you do during Q4 will impact what you can do in Q1-2021. Now is the best time to uncover what you need to enjoy for a prosperous 2021. I encourage me to contact me for a confidential conversation. We will review your results for 2020 and create 3 goals for your 2021. Yes, this is FREE and has made a powerful difference for many clients.
PS: What’s stopping you from valuing you and your success?