To Achieve Great Results, You Need a Winning Attitude!

“A healthy relationship with ‘winning’ will guide you to achieve amazing results.” Jeannette Seibly

Winning isn’t everything, but a winning attitude is required to achieve amazing results. The bonus? It also feels great when you win.

But many people today have conflicted feelings and attitudes about winning. They find it more comfortable to conform to peer pressure and not rock the boat, which can get in the way of winning for them and their teams. While it keeps them from overshadowing others, there is a huge personal and professional cost (e.g., overlooked for promotions, not selected for key opportunities, low self-esteem, confidence, etc.).

Why is having a winning attitude vital for you?

  • It builds your confidence and mindful awareness.
  • It increases your ability to take the initiative, be coachable, and be resourceful.
  • It creates healthy self-esteem while improving your results.
  • It makes you promotable while having more fun and making more money.
  • It provides you the courage to ask for help, hire a coach, and influence others.

Remember, especially when you want to throw in the towel and say, “I give up,” it’s not about whether you win or lose. It’s about your attitude towards winning. It’s about enjoying the process of gaining new knowledge, skills, and awareness that comes from a winning attitude. And these experiences are priceless.

4 Tips for You to Create a Healthy Winning Attitude

  1. Take Initiative. Too often, people dream the dream but fail to honor the commitments required. Instead, they blame people and situations to excuse their unwillingness to make a plan and follow it. To achieve any goal, focus on what’s important to you, get in the game, and go for it! That’s what taking the initiative looks like when you’re in action.
  2. Do the Work Instead of Creating Excuses. We all love our excuses. But they get in the way of winning! When the process isn’t working, don’t let it deter you from achieving the goal! Don’t change the goal; instead, change the process. Remember, the process rarely looks like you think it should! It requires stretching your comfort zone into a new one or leaving behind the old one.
  3. When Obstacles Occur, and They Will, Become Resourceful! Everyone hits a wall. Sometimes it’s a massive one. But giving up isn’t an option. Instead, be flexible, resourceful, and resilient. Adopt the winning mantra, “I can do this, and I do it.” Now, take it day by day, step by step, and moment by moment as you move forward. Yes, there will continue to be bumps in the road. But they don’t need to stop you.
  4. Celebrate the Wins with Gratitude, not Ego. When you win, it’s important to celebrate and acknowledge your accomplishments! Add the achievements to your resume and bio. Bragging in a humble manner works! Don’t forget to say, “Thank you!” to those that helped you along the way! (You didn’t achieve it without them!)

©Jeannette Seibly 2021-2022 All Rights Reserved

Jeannette Seibly is The Leadership Results Coach. She has guided the creation of three millionaires and countless 6-figure income professionals. As an award-winning international executive and family business management consultant, keynote speaker, and author for over 29 years, she guides others to make a positive difference. Feel stuck in a political work situation? Want clear advice on how to get out of it? Contact Jeannette for a confidential conversation.

A Note from Jeannette about having a winning attitude and achieving amazing results: We often rely on our excuses for not achieving fantastic results. The truth is, we need to adopt a winning attitude and stop accepting mediocrity. It’s not hard, and there are no shortcuts. The reward is that it feels great when you achieve amazing results! You just need to do the work! What do you want to accomplish in Q2? Let’s do it! Let’s Chat!

Have you hired a team that doesn’t have a winning attitude? Oops! But it could have been avoided by improving your interviewing skills. So grab your FREE copy of the best 16 Must-Read Tips for Productive Hiring Interviews.

Effective Leaders Don’t Use These 7 Excuses!

“Leaders must be accountable and stop offering excuses for their poor results.” Jeannette Seibly

Many leaders say and do things they believe will make them look good! But worse, they often blame others, thinking it will excuse their poor results!

The problem? When leaders don’t take responsibility for their results, teams and bosses feel demoralized and not valued by these thoughtless excuses that make them the scapegoats.

If you want to be effective as a leader, you need to remember “words matter!” Actions and “no excuses” do too!

It’s up to you to roll up your sleeves and get involved in creating solutions, not excuses!

Don’t Use These 7 Excuses!

  1. “I need better people to get the job done.” It’s time to do a better job of hiring the right people for job fit! Improve your interviews and selection tools.
  2. “My team doesn’t know what they’re doing.” Just because a person has a certificate doesn’t mean they have the experience to use the skills! Effective leaders provide continuous training and opportunities to develop people and their “hands-on” technical, financial, operational, and people skills. Examples include diversity, listening and asking questions, budgeting, critical thinking, project planning, execution, etc.
  3. “If this person doesn’t work out, I’ll just fire the person and hire a new one.” Have you calculated the cost of a hiring mistake? It’s very expensive.
  4. “If I just had the right team, the client wouldn’t have canceled the contract.” Unfortunately, ineffective leaders lack the interest, experience, and coachability to get the intended results! It’s important to remember that every successful project has a technical/financial side (e.g., budget, plan, online project calendars) and a human side (e.g., assigning tasks based on job fit, brainstorming ideas, managing team conflict). Effective leaders have learned how to manage both simultaneously.
  5. “My boss is an idiot. We need better resources and a larger budget to get the job done.” I’ve seen leaders fired over this statement, not for the obvious reason! It’s because they did not take the initiative and find the resources to get the job done by working with and through their team! Effective leaders are accountable.
  6. “We’re stuck, and no one is helping.” If you’re waiting for someone to rescue you (e.g., boss, vendor, or co-worker), they’re waiting for you to ask for help! Don’t delay! The answers to your questions are in others’ heads, not your own. Talk with your executive coach, professional network, and brainstorm with the team. Only pick 1 or 2 suggestions and run with them!
  7. “I’m too busy to deal with it now.” Busyness is a popular excuse that conveys “you’re ineffective as a leader.” Remember the famous quote? “If you want something done, ask a busy person.” (Benjamin Franklin)

Your primary job is to provide the resources, coaching, and clarity when your team needs help to get the job done. It’s how unprecedented results are achieved! It’s what effective leaders do!

©Jeannette Seibly 2022 All Rights Reserved

Jeannette Seibly is The Leadership Results Coach. She has guided the creation of three millionaires and countless 6-figure income professionals. For the past 29 years, she has been an award-winning international executive and family business management consultant, keynote speaker, and author. Having challenges finding, hiring, and keeping top talent? Don’t wait! It won’t get better the longer you wait! It’ll only get worse and more expensive. Contact Jeannette for a confidential conversation.

A Note from Jeannette about effective leaders and excuses: Many leaders say and do things they believe will make them look good. They use these as excuses for their poor results! The problem? Most teams and bosses don’t hear these excuses and instead feel the blame! If you want to be effective as a leader, you need to remember that “words matter!” Actions do too! Need help improving your effectiveness as a leader? Let’s Chat!

Is your boss tired of your excuses for why your team is not performing? Then, it’s time to update your hiring practices. To improve your interviewing skills, grab your FREE copy of the best 16 Tips to Conduct Effective and Productive Hiring Interviews Today.

Do You Want to Improve Your Leadership? Stop Pouncing on Others!

“As a leader, when you pounce, it limits your ability to build team confidence and achieve results.” Jeannette Seibly

Cats love pouncing on their prey — a mouse or toy. It’s their way of playing and can reduce the stress or frustrations they may be experiencing.

But what happens when a leader pounces? It isn’t enjoyable for team members and can be very disruptive. Instead of alleviating anyone’s stress or frustrations, it creates mistrust, lack of loyalty, and loss of top talent. And, is often irreversible!

Here’s the definition of pounce: Notice and take swift and eager advantage of a mistake, remark, or sign of weakness.

As a leader, when you pounce, you are not only being ineffective but also being destructive.

Leaders pounce when triggered by:

  • Mistakes made with no responsibility taken
  • Deadlines missed due to mismanaged team conflict
  • Projects over budget due to a lack of resourcefulness
  • Teams stuck due to frustrations or upsets
  • A situation perceived as making them look stupid

A good leader doesn’t use these excuses to pounce since they focus on building good, solid team performance.

The good news is, if you improve your leadership results, you will stop pouncing.

How to Stop Pouncing to Improve Results

Manage Self:

  • Develop emotional intelligence. Take responsibility for your feelings, frustrations, and upsets.
  • Work with an external executive coach. Address leadership and communication challenges when working with and through others.
  • Use a job-fit assessment and 360-degree feedback assessment. These tools clarify challenges, why they occur, and how to work through them.
  • Find and listen to an internal company or industry mentor. S/he can broaden your perspective by sharing others’ challenges and how they worked through them.

Manage Team: 

  • Listen and be open to new possibilities. Manage problems by encouraging new solutions.
  • Use mistakes as learning moments. Stop the blame game.
  • Create a quality-focused mindset. Stop allowing mediocrity or consistent mistakes by ensuring job fit and providing additional training.
  • Develop structured team reviews of a project. Get unstuck quickly with the exercise, What’s working? / What’s not working?
  • Expand your team’s Listen to ideas and build on them.
  • Manage team members to be resourceful. Engage them in critical thinking (e.g., ROI, impact on others, implementing change, etc.).

When you stop being triggered and stop pouncing, you will improve your leadership and, more importantly, your results.

©Jeannette Seibly, 2010-2022 All Rights Reserved

Jeannette Seibly is The Leadership Results Coach. She has guided the creation of three millionaires and countless 6-figure income professionals. During the past 29 years, she has become an award-winning international executive and family business management consultant, and keynote speaker. Still unable to achieve the results you need to keep your customers, team, or job? Don’t wait! It won’t get better without help! Contact Jeannette for a confidential conversation.

A Note from Jeannette about pouncing: when leaders pounce, they are not managing their upsets, triggers, or frustrations. While it may seem like an excellent way to express and relieve tension and frustration, pouncing creates more stress and upset for everyone! When you feel stuck and frustrated, it’s time to work through it and not pounce! Contact me for a confidential conversation.

Are you feeling frustrated and unable to find the right person for the job? Take the time and use a well-designed interview process to facilitate a conversation and clarify their fit with the job. It’s time well-spent. To improve your interviewing skills, grab your FREE copy of 16 Tips to Conduct Effective and Productive Hiring Interviews Today.

Assumptions Limit Leaders’ Ability to Influence Positive Results

“Too often, we allow assumptions to get in our way. The truth is, we can stop them but usually don’t!” Jeannette Seibly

Leaders often take the tiniest bits of information and make various assumptions. The problem? It lacks accurate, objective data. These assumptions cause a lot of mischief, brouhaha, and negativity in the workplace. Also, these assumptions influence the ability to work with and through the team to achieve intended results. Sadly, once they occur, they are often irreversible.

The truth … we are often wrong about our assumptions. Yet we use them to justify how we treat people and view situations. And as a current or future leader, these assumptions can sideline your career.

With his boss’s support, a young man presented at his company’s board meeting. The presentation went well. The problem occurred when a board member said, “S*#T.” So, the young man mimicked him, believing it made him sound business-like. Based on this one utterance, the board assumed he didn’t have the career maturity or potential they had hoped for. His career was sidelined and he was never told why!

These types of issues occur too frequently when we rely on our assumptions. Here are some ways to avoid this career trap and cause your results to improve dramatically.

Seven Tips to Reduce Assumptions and Improve Results

  1. Check the facts. Read more than the salacious headlines from news media by deep diving and researching for the truth. In addition, ask for guidance from mentors and/or your executive coach.
  2. Embrace listening and curiosity. Leaders that listen objectively, ask good questions, and engage others in conversations are more successful. Why? People feel honored to be asked, heard, and valued! It reduces assumptions and creates new possibilities.
  3. Stop making things mean so much. When you overreact, you lose objectivity for people, situations, and things. Just because someone didn’t smile at you or return your “good morning” greeting doesn’t mean they are upset with you. Stop. Ask, “How are you today?” Then, listen. Often, their reaction had nothing to do with you!
  4. Stop invalidating people for the risks they take. Example, a condo owner listed his home $50K above market. His neighbors assumed that he was taking an unnecessary risk and that it would not sell! But when his condo sold at $20K above-market a month later, his neighbors increased the equity in their homes! (You’re welcome!) This is an example of a win-win-win! Where have you listened to someone who invalidated you and/or your risk based on poorly informed assumptions?
  5. Learn how to negotiate. It’s good to negotiate a price when buying certain items. Some businesses will allow these types of transactions, while many will not. Remember, the critical factor in making it a win-win-win process is setting aside your assumptions (e.g., they won’t give me what I want). Keys: Do not become emotionally attached to your position, price, or how it should work! This ensures a rewarding outcome for both parties.
  6. Develop emotional intelligence. Stop making everything about you. If others can easily trigger you, work with a therapist to become more astute as a leader. If you’re black and white in your thinking, learn how to include the human factor in your decisions.
  7. Stop inferring or making assumptions about people’s personalities. This is true when hiring, coaching, and managing people. For example, we infer that if a person didn’t bring a pen to a job interview, they don’t come prepared to meetings! Or when a person makes a mistake, they are in the wrong job. Nonsense! Get real! Use qualified job-fit assessments to discover a person’s true job fit traits and how to coach them for success.

©Jeannette Seibly 2022 All Rights Reserved

Jeannette Seibly is The Leadership Results Coach. She has guided the creation of three millionaires and countless 6-figure income professionals. During the past 29 years, she has become an award-winning international executive and family business management consultant, and keynote speaker. Still unable to achieve the results you need to keep your customers, team, or job? Don’t wait! It won’t get better without help! Contact Jeannette for a confidential conversation.

A Note from Jeannette about making assumptions. We’ve all heard the saying, “Assuming makes an ass out of you and me.” The problem is, we still do it way too often! This trap hurts our relationships, results, and ability to keep great talent and customers! Do you need help overcoming this insidious habit and mindset? Contact me for a confidential conversation.

Overcome your assumptions during the hiring and selection process. It’ll increase your retention, revenues, and results! To improve your interviewing techniques, grab your FREE copy of 16 Tips to Conduct Effective and Productive Hiring Interviews Today.

Embrace New Ideas to Build Loyalty

Recently, I talked with a business leader who wanted people to show up and do their work. “I know what needs to be done; they simply need to do what I tell them to do.”

While this type of mindset worked decades ago, it no longer does. Instead, every successful leader must create an innovative workplace culture that embraces new ideas while focusing on intended results. That’s how you build loyalty to yourself, your company, and company brand. And, the bonus is that your top talent will stay and continue to excel (think, improve retention).

Four Tips to Build Loyalty for Required Results

LISTEN as though your results depend on it … because they do! Your team members often have the best answers. Put aside your automatic judgment about the idea’s feasibility and who offered it. Now, listen.

Exercise: Ban electronic gadgets and ensure everyone has the opportunity to voice their ideas or concerns. When you run into naysayers, have them create five reasons why the idea could work. Now, review and allow these reasons to spark new solutions everyone can align on.

LEARN how to brainstorm … it’s not hard … get out of the way. You will not build loyalty or innovation when you are an automatic “No!” Authentically brainstorm new ideas, processes, and procedures. Be willing to go outside the box of how things have been done normally.

Exercise: Put together your goal, action plan, and timetable. Then, move the timetable back by 50% (example: if the goal is due in one year, make it six months). You’ll be surprised by the loyalty, commitment, and new ideas that can cause you to succeed when you don’t overthink them.   (Read about Pfizer’s achieving the impossible by getting the COVID vaccines to market quickly and effectively.)

OPEN your mind to new possibilities. While this sounds easy, it’s genuinely not. It’s very easy to stay comfortable, not rock the boat, and allow your biases to get in the way! Now is a great time to expand your thinking, the way work is done, and improve harnessing your team’s ideas!

Exercise: To build loyalty and new ideas, you must acknowledge each and every idea that is shared. It doesn’t mean you’ll use these ideas. But when you say, “Great idea” or “Interesting idea, tell me more,” you open up the conversations and people’s minds for new solutions.

BE RESPONSIBLE and manage for results, not personalities. Manage the project and plan of action every day or week (depending on how soon the result is needed). Stay focused on the processes and milestones.

Exercise: Ask the tough questions to ensure people are on track and not just telling you what you want to hear. Remember, it’s better to learn about problems now than after the plan or project has been launched! If there’s team conflict, resolve it by using straight talk.

©Jeannette Seibly, 2010-2022  All Rights Reserved

Jeannette Seibly is The Leadership Results Coach. She has guided the creation of three millionaires and countless 6-figure income professionals. During the past 29 years, she has become an award-winning international executive and family business management consultant, and keynote speaker. Still unable to achieve the results you need to keep your customers, team, or job? Don’t wait! It won’t get better without help! Contact Jeannette for a confidential conversation.

A Note from Jeannette about building loyalty for required results: Too often, you fall into the trap of wanting your team to do the work assigned and not offer new ideas. You might believe those ideas will make your job more time-consuming. Sadly, this belief keeps you in your comfort zone and will not build loyalty or retain top talent! Building loyalty and exceptional team results is not hard but requires you, as the leader, to get out of the way! Still having challenges getting your team to excel and achieve required results? Contact me for a confidential conversation.

Building a solid team that excels requires selecting the right person for the right job! Team results reflect your ability to hire and choose the right team members. Unfortunately, too many bosses today rely on intuitive hiring. Then, they wonder why only 10% of their teams produce the required results! To improve your interviewing techniques, grab your FREE copy of 16 Tips to Conduct Effective and Productive Hiring Interviews Today.

Are Likable Leaders Really Effective Leaders?

“If you want people to relate to you as an effective leader, focus on respect and likability.” Jeannette Seibly

When a leader’s primary need is to be likable, it’s a fool’s game. If this is your focus, you will make poor decisions, focus on yourself (aka ego), and accept mediocrity while failing to provide much-needed feedback to your team!

Over 90% of employees complain that communication issues make their leaders ineffective. ( These leaders focus on being likable and are unable (and unwilling) to provide truthful feedback, acknowledge others’ efforts and ideas, and even fail to learn their employees’ names.

In other words, they are ineffective leaders.

So, what is missing? Respect!

To be an effective leader today, focus on developing both: being likable and respected! Being both requires YOU to focus on others while improving team development, customer satisfaction, performance, productivity, and profitability.

Common Ways to Boost Being Likable and Respected

Develop Your Emotional Intelligence. Be present and aware, and use mindful resilience to guide you in developing your teams and team members. Remember, as a leader, your focus is on having them excel.

Ask these questions:

  • What do they need? Ask, listen, and make it happen!
  • What are their professional and personal goals? Ask, listen, and offer them opportunities!
  • How can I acknowledge their successes? Look for ways to say, “Great work!”

Share Feedback by Talking Straight or Soften Your Approach. It’s best to tell the truth appropriately. While some welcome the straight-talk approach, some team members may be uncomfortable or intimated. Example: “Is that report done yet?” In these cases, soften your approach. Keep it short and simple. Example: “I have an early morning meeting and would like to review the report before my meeting. Is it possible to get it this afternoon?”

Ask for Input and Build Results. When you come across as a know-it-all, team members stop participating. It shows blatant disrespect! Instead of talking over them or ignoring their ideas, ask questions to learn more. Then, use their input to build better outcomes and results. (Don’t forget to say, “Thank you for your great ideas!”)

Give Assignments Based on People’s Strengths. Use a qualified job fit assessment to help you effectively manage and coach your team. Remember, assigning the “bad jobs” to people you don’t like, or the “fun or good jobs” to your favorites will cause dissension and possible litigation (e.g., EEO lawsuits). Also, you can use this same assessment to build a diverse team and train team members to appreciate everyone’s differences.

Seek Ways to Develop Each and Every Team Member. Use 1:1 meetings to ask about their goals and offer opportunities to develop required skills. Example: If someone wants to become a manager of a big project, offer to hire a coach NOW for the person to develop the right presentation, people management, and project management skills.

Make the Right Decisions and Share “Why” with the Team. Making win-win-win decisions is crucial—sharing “why” with your team builds trust. To avoid trial and error and common miscommunication, hire yourself an executive coach. You will broaden your perspective before, during, and after decisions are made (your decisions create an impact: good, bad, and not-so-good). Also, find one or two industry mentors to guide you along the way. Now, ask for help, listen, and be coachable!

©Jeannette Seibly 2022 All Rights Reserved

Jeannette Seibly is The Leadership Results Coach. She has guided the creation of three millionaires and countless 6-figure income professionals. During the past 29 years, she has become an award-winning international executive and family business management consultant and keynote speaker. Still unable to achieve the results you need to keep your customers, team, or job? Don’t wait! It won’t get better without help! Contact Jeannette for a confidential conversation.

A Note from Jeannette about being a likable and respected effective leader: Can you be both likable and respected? Yes! Both are required to be highly effective in today’s workplace. What do you need to develop for your team to like and respect you? Are you feeling challenged in this area? Contact me for a confidential conversation.

I’ve been interviewing people for jobs for well over 30 years. Although the economy and types of jobs have changed dramatically, many hiring practices have not. You will miss out if you have not upgraded your interview and selection processes to attract top talent. To improve your interviewing techniques, grab your FREE copy of 16 Tips to Conduct Effective and Productive Hiring Interviews Today.

How Do You Improve Being Coachable, Especially When You Don’t Want To?

“Why have a coach? Because a coach has you do what you don’t want to do so you can become amazingly successful!” Jeannette Seibly

We’ve all been coachable and uncoachable. It’s part of being human.

Being coachable: You listen for feedback from people regardless of your feelings about them.

Being uncoachable and challenging to work with: You refuse to listen to others even when they are great results-producers.

Why are you uncoachable? It could be your:

  • Readiness to hear the feedback or advice
  • Humiliation of what occurred (e.g., poorly done presentation)
  • Low self-esteem or ego
  • Workplace environment views coaching negatively
  • Need to do it your way or on your own

Regardless of your reasoning, it’s critical to develop your listening skills and be coachable.

The bottom line is that every successful leader, boss, and high-performance person has a coach! Think of the NBA, business leaders, and sales teams with excellent sales results. They know that while the advice and feedback may not be delivered flawlessly to their liking, it’s important to listen and be coachable. Setting aside their ego avoids costly errors, team conflict, and poor customer results.

How Do You Improve Being Coachable and Achieve the Success You Really Want?

Be Present and Make the Time. “Is it an appropriate time to talk?” For example, some bosses may call you when your kids are demanding your attention or you’re in a department store. When this happens, ask, “Can I call you back in ½ hour when I can hear you?” Then, make the call in ½ an hour! Why? When distracted, you cannot present what is being said and will overlook critical feedback details.

Listen to Feedback About You. Listen carefully when the feedback originates from a team member, customer, or executive. There is an important lesson to learn here. To be coachable, listen without defending your actions, words, or thoughts about the person who complained. Instead, a couple of questions to ask: “Can you be more specific?” and “What would you recommend that I do?”

Transform Your Mindset When You Make Mistakes. There will be days you don’t do your best, create team conflict, or say the wrong thing. When someone complains, your ego will feel the need to defend your actions and blame others for the results. Breathe! Apologize! Stick with the facts and not your feelings about the person, situation, or other factors. Instead, ask, “What can I specifically do to change the outcome?” Remember, your future career options require taking responsibility and being coachable!

Review All Project Results Before, During, and After. Too often, you’re open and ready to hear feedback when a project is working. But when a project has or is about to fail, you become defensive, stop listening, and turn it into a debate. Remember, there is always room for improvement. In preparation for these crucial conversations, complete this exercise: “What Worked?/What Didn’t Work?”

Seek Out Coaching When You Need Clarity. There is a myth that you need to know the answer before asking for help. It’s not true! Instead, be open to listening to the feedback and be coachable. For example, ask, “Do you have 5 minutes? I’m unclear what I need to do to make this project work?” Share the specifics about the goal and actions taken. Always say, “Thank you.” Even when you don’t like their answers be coachable. It could make the difference between successful results or failure.

Listen for the Gold … especially when the little voice in your head is chirping, “I don’t want or need to hear it.” It takes practice to master the skill of being coachable. In turn, you will accelerate your leadership development, relationships, and business results.

©Jeannette Seibly 2022 All Rights Reserved

Jeannette Seibly is The Leadership Results Coach. She has guided the creation of three millionaires and countless 6-figure income professionals. During the past 29 years, she has become an award-winning international executive and family business management consultant and keynote speaker. Still unable to achieve the results you need to keep your customers, team, or job? Don’t wait! It won’t get better without help! Contact Jeannette for a confidential conversation.

A Note from Jeannette about being coachable: you have one month left in Q1! BE COACHABLE! Make the time count and start practicing. Start by talking with a coach or boss about resolving a challenging situation or relationship. Then, get into action to transform the results! Still feel stuck? Contact me for a confidential conversation.

Being a top influencer in 2022 requires being coachable. When we are stuck, we can no longer influence others. To get out of this career-limiting trap, get into action today and grab your FREE copy of Eight Tips to Increase Your Ability to Influence.


Hey Results Producers, Why Aren’t You Producing Required Results?

“Indulging in our comfort zones impedes our ability to produce amazing results.” Jeannette Seibly

Believe it or not, you’re the reason.

You’ve allowed yourself to get in your own way! You’ve accepted mediocrity. But mediocrity doesn’t keep customers and a great team, or get you promoted. It also disrupts others’ perceptions of you as a valued leader, boss, or team member.

The good news?

Many of you have already:

  • Become results producers who can produce the required results.
  • Received the right coaching from your boss, team, and/or coach.
  • Developed the insights, experience, and skills needed to make a positive difference.
  • Moved past perceived limitations and other issues that generally get in the way.

So, what’s in the way? Hubris, ego, and excuses now dominate your mind and get in the way of achieving the required results (e.g., resolving team conflict, going the extra mile for a customer, learning a new skill, etc.).

You may say, “But I’m tired. I want to be comfortable. I want to do the minimum to keep my job.” Consider none of that is true. Instead, pay attention … the most interesting phenomenon is that you feel energized when you become a results producer producing the required results!

How to be Energized and Produce Required Results

Take the nudge and get energized to get the most out of this article! Go beyond just reading these examples and take focused-action on a project or task, or complete a difficult conversation. This movement will cause you to be a results producer that produces the required results!

Be Coachable. Yes, there are bad coaches out there! But don’t let that stop you from finding the right coach! Then, listen. Take responsibility for correcting any actions that have taken you off track with your team, customers, and/or boss! (Apologies work wonders when not accompanied by excuses!) Remember, every results producer, leader, and boss has a coach! It’s up to you to be coachable … whether you feel like it or not!

Example: An author was a good mystery writer and won awards. Yet failed to sell books. Every time the coach would tell him to focus on selling and give him doable ideas, he’d come up with a list of excuses. His favorite is, “I just don’t feel it would make a difference.” Needless to say, he has 100s of books sitting in his garage.

Work With and Through the Team. We all have teams, bosses, and customers for whom we are responsible for providing excellent service! The issue is that when you have a challenge or problem, you rely on the familiar thought, “I’ve got it all handled.” Consider you don’t, and you fail to get into the type of action that produces required results. Instead, learn to work with and through others to get the job done well (e.g., delegate) and stop settling for mediocrity. The mark of a great results producer and leader/boss.

Example: A general manager proudly shared the 40% turnover in his management staff. “I now have the right team in place and have it all handled.” The consultant who was listening replied, “You’ve been saying that each year for the past four years. How is this year going to be any different? You’ve been unwilling to get real about the issues that cause the turnover and poor results.” (Hint: The real issue was the general manager’s inability to lead a team to produce required results.)

Distinguish Leadership Blind Spots that Impede Your Results. Going above and beyond is often needed to become and remain a results producer. It also requires working with your coach and identifying blind spots that impede your progress on an ongoing basis. Example: after attending a great motivational event or listening to a great speaker, you believe you can now move mountains. Yet days go by, and pretty soon, even the smallest hills look impossible. What happened? You allowed your blind spots to get in the way and relied on work/life circumstances to stop you.

Example: A business owner was not coachable and hated having her blind spots pointed out. Yet she was willing to spend every dollar she had in her business account to take a program with a renowned motivator who had built a million-dollar business. She hoped to learn from her and attended all the sessions. Several months later, she shared the outcome with a friend; and she was angry and upset. There was no positive difference in her business and finances. Finally, later in the conversation, she confessed, “I have to get real and take responsibility for not doing the work and taking the coaching. But it was an expensive lesson.” 

These three powerful keys to are required to become a consistent results producer. It starts by going beyond your comfort zone and standard excuses!

©Jeannette Seibly, 2022 All Rights Reserved

Jeannette Seibly is The Leadership Results Coach. She has guided the creation of three millionaires and countless 6-figure income professionals. During the past 29 years, she has become an award-winning international executive and family business management consultant and keynote speaker. Still unable to achieve the results you need to keep your customers, team, or job? Don’t wait! It won’t get better without help! Contact Jeannette for a confidential conversation.

A Note from Jeannette about being a results producer that produces required results: this can be a tricky conversation when you rely on excuses and life circumstances to get in the way of achieving required results. Sometimes it only takes a tweak here and there, and you’re back on track. Other times, it entails a come down to reality conversation to become the results producer you know you can be. Do you want clarity? Contact me for a confidential conversation.

Being a top influencer in 2022 is a great goal. Yet we allow our life circumstances and feelings of “not now” to get in the way. So STOP indulging in the excuses! Instead, get into action today and grab your FREE copy of Eight Tips to Increase Your Ability to Influence.

Easy Ways to Combat Energy Zappers

“Many people love to procrastinate and blame boredom, stress, and toxic people. But the truth is when you fail to honor your commitments to yourself and others, your energy gets zapped daily.” Jeannette Seibly

What is our #1 energy zapper? Our excuses! Stress, boredom, and toxic people, along with lack of sleep, too much sugar, and caffeine, rank right up there as energy zappers too! And, these will occur on a regular basis when not managed.

But procrastination and the excuses we mentally create to justify it win as #1. Ironically, it takes more energy to avoid doing the task or job than it does to get the work done. It’s incredible how much time we waste looking for excuses, feeding our procrastination, and seeking out “why” we don’t want to get it done.

When you have a job, task, or client need, the bottom line is that you want to get into focused-action as quickly as possible. If you don’t, you will experience diminished self-confidence and self-worth. And, you will find future career opportunities, and sales get zapped too.

6 Strategies to Stop Energy Zappers

Schedule. Use an online or hand-written calendar, scheduler, and/or planner. Schedule the time needed to get the task done. Now, honor it as an appointment with a VIP (very important person).  

I remember using an online planner to get my first book written and published. Every week I would receive a notification of activities for the week. And I honored it! This process eliminated the excuses I usually created for not getting my book written and published sooner.

Do or Delegate. Just because you don’t want to do it doesn’t mean others won’t welcome the opportunity. Don’t be afraid to delegate the task or job to someone who would welcome it. Remember, they won’t do it the same way you would … but they often do it better because they enjoy the work!

Brandon hated accounting. But as an entrepreneur knew, it was essential to have up-to-date numbers. So, he set aside his excuses and hired a bookkeeper who completed the weekly work within a couple of hours. Now, Brandon can speak intelligently with banks, his coach, and his team about where they need to focus their attention and be profitable.

Set Aside 20 minutes. If you’re still finding or looking for excuses, STOP! Set a timer for 20 minutes and focus on doing the task during that time and see how far you progress. If, at the end of the 20 minutes, you’re ready to do more, go for it!

One sales rep avoided making his calls and following up with potential customers. His excuse was, “They don’t want to buy from me anyway.” When he worked with his sales manager and coach, he learned how to use those 20 minutes to follow-up and follow-through. His sales improved dramatically.

Hire a Coach and Find an Accountability Partner. Find someone to be your cheerleader. This person will keep you in action. And guide you through complex situations and/or relationships that can also be energy zappers.

Write It Out, Walk It Out, and Talk It Out. These three activities will help you overcome the normal energy zappers of day-to-day stress, boredom, and toxic people.

© Jeannette L. Seibly, 2010-2022 All Rights Reserved

Jeannette Seibly is The Leadership Results Coach. She has guided the creation of three millionaires and countless 6-figure income professionals. During the past 29 years, she has become an award-winning international executive and family business management consultant and keynote speaker. Have trouble getting into focused action and feeling energized to get your job done and goals completed? Contact Jeannette for a confidential conversation.

Note from Jeannette about energy zappers. Honoring our commitments has become more critical today than ever. Keeping your commitments make you a top talent that your customers enjoy working with. Unfortunately, too many people fail to understand the impact of not keeping their commitments. Contact me today to confidentially talk about your energy zappers.

Being a top influencer means honoring your word and getting the job done in a high-quality and timely manner. So, grab your FREE copy of Eight Tips to Increase Your Ability to Influence.


How to Conduct Effective and Productive Hiring Interviews Today

“Today, there are millions of job seekers looking for new positions! If you want the best, use the best hiring interview practices!” Jeannette Seibly

I’ve been interviewing people for jobs for well over 30 years. It was my first job out of college. While the economy and types of jobs have changed dramatically during this time, many hiring practices have not! The challenge is that many companies must level up their hiring and interview practices to attract top talent.

Americans are quitting their jobs in record numbers, and economists say the Great Resignation will likely keep up well into 2022. (CNBC)

And now, with so many job seekers on the prowl for better wages, benefits, and working conditions, your hiring practices need to improve. Or, you’ll miss out on attracting and keeping top talent.

16 Tips to Effective and Productive Interviews

Leveling up means updating your strategic hiring process. Start by reviewing the procedures and tools used and upgrades NOW  (e.g., applicant tracking system, job fit assessments, training interviewers, background and reference checks, etc.). The quality of your hiring process impacts candidates’ willingness to show up, ready for the interview.   

First steps. These are a must and often overlooked:

  1. Review and update your company’s vision and mission. I’m sure it’s been a while!
  2. What are this year’s short-term goals (Q2 and Q3) and long-term (Q4 and Q1-2023) goals? Then, review with the management team and get into action. Top talent wants to work with companies that have goal-focused and results-oriented intentions.
  3. Review and update job descriptions and related policies to reflect employment changes (e.g., diversity, onboarding, working from home options, etc.).
  4. Create a 180-day Success Plan for each position. Keep it simple and focused.
  5. Update structured interview questions and selection tools used (e.g., benchmarks for job fit assessments, etc.).
  6. Train all interviewers. Hold them accountable for following the process and ensuring positive candidate experiences.

Second steps. Do the prep work before the interviews:

  1. The process starts when an applicant applies and before the interview. Be sure your ATS is interactive and provides links to answer “knock-out” questions and complete initial assessments. It’s essential that you readily respond via email, chat, or video.
  2. Don’t wing it. Reread job description and structured interview questions before each interview. Hiring biases and gut reactions are stronger when you are not prepared. Remember, there will be new biases. Examples: Job candidates are being interviewed in their homes and not in a professional setting. Or candidates are leaving their old jobs without new ones.
  3. Send out ATS reminders with time and date, length of the interview, name of interviewer(s), and job title(s), plus the URL for the virtual interview.
  4. Test virtual connections. Request job candidates to “test” the URL connection before the interview and resolve issues. Remember, home internet connections may not be up to speed with Today’s conferencing requirements.

Third steps. Conducting the interview:

  1. For virtual interviews, be sure everyone is visible on your monitor during group interviews. They must stay on video and not multi-task!
  2. Turn off electronic devices and other distractions. When everyone does this, the interview is more productive and saves time.
  3. Start the interview by introducing yourself (20 seconds). If in a group, have each interviewer provide a 20-second intro. State name, title, and how this job impacts their area. For example, “Today I am (or, we are) conducting the first set of interviews for XXX position. This interview will take approximately 1 hour. Have you scheduled this amount of time for our conversation?” (If no, reschedule to ensure consistency in the interview process.)
  4. Ask your prepared, structured interview questions. This structure helps compare candidates and is a legal requirement.
  5. Deep-dive into the job candidate’s answers by using Rule of 3. It’s essential to know the quality of their skills and their ability to use them in different situations. Also, their response lets you know the training requirements for this person to succeed.

Example of Rule of 3:

  • What is one specific challenge you have faced?
  • How did you resolve the issue?
  • What specifically did you do?
  1. At the end of the interview, not the beginning, share the information below. Remember KISS (keep it simple and smart). Here’s why: You want job candidates to tell you who they really are … not what they think you want to hear.
  • Vision and mission of the company
  • Job title and top 3 to 5 job responsibilities (do not negotiate now)
  • Quick overview of 180-Day Plan with a specific focus on Q2 and Q3
  • DO NOT conduct salary and benefit negotiations until it’s time to make a job offer
  • Share what will happen next with selected candidates (e.g., future interviews with team members, reference and education verifications, job fit assessments, etc.)

NOW! And, I cannot say this enough! Follow-through as promised! If you don’t, job candidates will share their less-than-positive interview experiences on social media! And, you will lose out on hiring top talent.

©Jeannette Seibly 2020-2022 All Rights Reserved

Jeannette Seibly is The Leadership Results Coach. She has guided the creation of three millionaires and countless 6-figure income professionals. During the past 29 years, she has become an award-winning international executive and family business management consultant and keynote speaker. Recently, she was able to add another brag. She has been an Authorized PXT Select/PXT Partner with Wiley/Profiles International for 30 years, guiding companies to hire the right person the first time. Have questions? Need help? Contact Jeannette for a confidential conversation.

Note from Jeannette about conducting effective and productive hiring interviews today: Preparation is vital. The quality of time spent on the 16 tips listed will impact your company’s bottom line, customer and employee satisfaction, and your ability to sleep well at night! Are you uncertain how to begin? Experiencing roadblocks? Need help with interview training or assessment selection? Contact me today.

Being a top influencer can attract top talent and have you seen as a great boss. So become aware and develop the skills now! Grab your FREE copy of Eight Tips to Increase Your Ability to Influence.